
Patrick E. O'Neil

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38EEXuedong Chen, Patrick E. O'Neil, Elizabeth J. O'Neil: Adjoined Dimension Column Clustering to Improve Data Warehouse Query Performance. ICDE 2008: 1409-1411
37EEElizabeth J. O'Neil, Patrick E. O'Neil, Kesheng Wu: Bitmap Index Design Choices and Their Performance Implications. IDEAS 2007: 72-84
36EEHal Berenson, Philip A. Bernstein, Jim Gray, Jim Melton, Elizabeth J. O'Neil, Patrick E. O'Neil: A Critique of ANSI SQL Isolation Levels CoRR abs/cs/0701157: (2007)
35EEMichael Stonebraker, Daniel J. Abadi, Adam Batkin, Xuedong Chen, Mitch Cherniack, Miguel Ferreira, Edmond Lau, Amerson Lin, Samuel Madden, Elizabeth J. O'Neil, Patrick E. O'Neil, Alex Rasin, Nga Tran, Stanley B. Zdonik: C-Store: A Column-oriented DBMS. VLDB 2005: 553-564
34EEAlan Fekete, Dimitrios Liarokapis, Elizabeth J. O'Neil, Patrick E. O'Neil, Dennis Shasha: Making snapshot isolation serializable. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 30(2): 492-528 (2005)
33EEPatrick E. O'Neil, Elizabeth J. O'Neil, Shankar Pal, Istvan Cseri, Gideon Schaller, Nigel Westbury: ORDPATHs: Insert-Friendly XML Node Labels. SIGMOD Conference 2004: 903-908
32EEAlan Fekete, Elizabeth J. O'Neil, Patrick E. O'Neil: A Read-Only Transaction Anomaly Under Snapshot Isolation. SIGMOD Record 33(3): 12-14 (2004)
31EEDenis Rinfret, Patrick E. O'Neil, Elizabeth J. O'Neil: Bit-Sliced Index Arithmetic. SIGMOD Conference 2001: 47-57
30EEPatrick E. O'Neil, Kenneth A. Ross: Preface. Inf. Syst. 26(5): 321-322 (2001)
29 Patrick E. O'Neil, Elizabeth J. O'Neil: Database: Principles, Programming, and Performance, Second Edition Morgan Kaufmann 2000
28EEAtul Adya, Barbara Liskov, Patrick E. O'Neil: Generalized Isolation Level Definitions. ICDE 2000: 67-78
27EEKenneth A. Ross, Christos Faloutsos, Alon Y. Levy, Patrick E. O'Neil, Eric Simon, Divesh Srivastava, Victor Vianu, Gerhard Weikum: Reminiscences on Influential Papers. SIGMOD Record 29(1): 52-65 (2000)
26EEPeter Muth, Patrick E. O'Neil, Achim Pick, Gerhard Weikum: The LHAM Log-Structured History Data Access Method. VLDB J. 8(3-4): 199-221 (2000)
25EEElizabeth J. O'Neil, Patrick E. O'Neil, Gerhard Weikum: An Optimality Proof of the LRU-K Page Replacement Algorithm. J. ACM 46(1): 92-112 (1999)
24EEPatrick E. O'Neil, Richard Winter, Clark D. French, Dan Crowley, William J. McKenna: Data Warehousing Lessons From Experience (Panel). ICDE 1998: 294
23EEPeter Muth, Patrick E. O'Neil, Achim Pick, Gerhard Weikum: Design, Implementation, and Performance of the LHAM Log-Structured History Data Access Method. VLDB 1998: 452-463
22EEPatrick E. O'Neil, Dallan Quass: Improved Query Performance with Variant Indexes. SIGMOD Conference 1997: 38-49
21 Patrick E. O'Neil: Database Performance Measurement. The Computer Science and Engineering Handbook 1997: 1078-1092
20EEJim Gray, Pat Helland, Patrick E. O'Neil, Dennis Shasha: The Dangers of Replication and a Solution. SIGMOD Conference 1996: 173-182
19 Patrick E. O'Neil, Krithi Ramamritham, Calton Pu: A Two-Phase Approach to Predictably Scheduling Real-Time Transactions. Performance of Concurrency Control Mechanisms in Centralized Database Systems 1996: 494-522
18 Patrick E. O'Neil, Edward Cheng, Dieter Gawlick, Elizabeth J. O'Neil: The Log-Structured Merge-Tree (LSM-Tree). Acta Inf. 33(4): 351-385 (1996)
17EEPatrick E. O'Neil, Özgür Ulusoy: Guest Editorial: Real-Time Database Systems. Inf. Syst. 21(1): 1-2 (1996)
16EEHal Berenson, Philip A. Bernstein, Jim Gray, Jim Melton, Elizabeth J. O'Neil, Patrick E. O'Neil: A Critique of ANSI SQL Isolation Levels. SIGMOD Conference 1995: 1-10
15EEPatrick E. O'Neil, Goetz Graefe: Multi-Table Joins Through Bitmapped Join Indices. SIGMOD Record 24(3): 8-11 (1995)
14 Patrick E. O'Neil: Database Principles, Programming, Performance Morgan Kaufmann 1994
13EEPatrick E. O'Neil, Mohsen Al-Ghosein, David Vaskevitch, Rick Vicik, Laura Yedwab: Transaction Processing at Microsoft: Present and Future. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 17(1): 45-50 (1994)
12 Patrick E. O'Neil, Gerhard Weikum: A Log-Structured History Data Access Method (LHAM). HPTS 1993: 0-
11EEElizabeth J. O'Neil, Patrick E. O'Neil, Gerhard Weikum: The LRU-K Page Replacement Algorithm For Database Disk Buffering. SIGMOD Conference 1993: 297-306
10EEPatrick E. O'Neil: The Set Query Benchmark. The Benchmark Handbook 1993
9 Patrick E. O'Neil, Kenneth Baclawski, D. Frank Hsu: Designing computer networks to avoid partitioning. Inf. Syst. 18(5): 343-348 (1993)
8 Patrick E. O'Neil: The SB-Tree: An Index-Sequential Structure for High-Performance Sequential Access. Acta Inf. 29(3): 241-265 (1992)
7 Patrick E. O'Neil: The Set Query Benchmark. The Benchmark Handbook 1991: 209-245
6 Patrick E. O'Neil: Deadlock prediction for Escrow transactions. Inf. Syst. 16(1): 13-20 (1991)
5 Patrick E. O'Neil: A Set Query Benchmark for Large Databases. Int. CMG Conference 1989: 710-721
4 Patrick E. O'Neil: Model 204 Architecture and Performance. HPTS 1987: 40-59
3EEPatrick E. O'Neil: The Escrow Transactional Method. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 11(4): 405-430 (1986)
2 Patrick E. O'Neil: Escrow Transactions Permitting Concurrent Record Updates. HPTS 1985: 0-
1 Patrick E. O'Neil, Elizabeth J. O'Neil: A Fast Expected Time Algorithm for Boolean Matrix Multiplication and Transitive Closure Information and Control 22(2): 132-138 (1973)

Coauthor Index

1Daniel J. Abadi [35]
2Atul Adya [28]
3Mohsen Al-Ghosein [13]
4Kenneth Baclawski [9]
5Adam Batkin [35]
6Hal Berenson [16] [36]
7Philip A. Bernstein [16] [36]
8Xuedong Chen [35] [38]
9Edward Cheng [18]
10Mitch Cherniack [35]
11Dan Crowley [24]
12Istvan Cseri [33]
13Christos Faloutsos [27]
14Alan Fekete (Alan David Fekete, A. D. Fekete) [32] [34]
15Miguel Ferreira [35]
16Clark D. French [24]
17Dieter Gawlick [18]
18Goetz Graefe [15]
19Jim Gray [16] [20] [36]
20Alon Y. Halevy (Alon Y. Levy) [27]
21Pat Helland [20]
22D. Frank Hsu [9]
23Edmond Lau [35]
24Dimitrios Liarokapis [34]
25Amerson Lin [35]
26Barbara Liskov [28]
27Samuel Madden [35]
28William J. McKenna [24]
29Jim Melton [16] [36]
30Peter Muth [23] [26]
31Elizabeth J. O'Neil [1] [11] [16] [18] [25] [29] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38]
32Shankar Pal [33]
33Achim Pick [23] [26]
34Calton Pu [19]
35Dallan Quass [22]
36Krithi Ramamritham [19]
37Alex Rasin [35]
38Denis Rinfret [31]
39Kenneth A. Ross [27] [30]
40Gideon Schaller [33]
41Dennis Shasha [20] [34]
42Eric Simon [27]
43Divesh Srivastava [27]
44Michael Stonebraker [35]
45Nga Tran [35]
46Özgür Ulusoy [17]
47David Vaskevitch [13]
48Victor Vianu [27]
49Rick Vicik [13]
50Gerhard Weikum [11] [12] [23] [25] [26] [27]
51Nigel Westbury [33]
52Richard Winter [24]
53Kesheng Wu [37]
54Laura Yedwab [13]
55Stanley B. Zdonik [35]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)