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AFIPS NCC 1975: Anaheim, CA, USA

American Federation of Information Processing Societies: 1975 National Computer Conference, 19-22 May 1975, Anaheim, CA, USA. AFIPS Conference Proceedings 44 AFIPS Press 1975 BibTeX


Microprocessors: microprocessor basics

Microprocessors: microprocessors at work

Microprocessors: bipolar microprocessors

Microprocessors: microprogramming and microcomputer programming

Computer communications networks

Computer communications networks: computer communications---who, what, when, where and why?

Computer communications networks: advances in packet-switching

Computer communications networks: advances in packet radio communication

Computer communications networks: packet radio---future impact


Software: software---portability and reliability

Software: programming---art, science or engineering?

Software: issues in programming language design

Software: COBOL '74---its impact on software engineering

Software: software engineering

Software: operating systems theory

Software: program verification in 1980

Data base management

Data base management: data base machines

Data base management: relational data base implementations

Data base management: relational data base technology

Data base management: query languages and comparative evaluation

Data base management: performance evaluation, data compression and search

Data base management: distributed data bases and applications

Storage technology

Storage technology: enhancing storage reliability by sophisticated coding schemes

Storage technology: the mass storage impact

Storage technology: advances in novel storage technologies

Interaction of technology and system architecture

Interaction of technology and system architecture: new advances in processor-memory-switch architectures

Interaction of technology and system architecture: data and memory management architectures

Interactive graphics

Interactive graphics: graphic models of physical systems

Interactive graphics: economics of computer graphics systems

Future prospects in data processing

Future prospects in data processing: future prospects in data processing---I

Future prospects in data processing: future prospects in data processing---II

Other scientific and technical aspects: workload characterization

Other scientific and technical aspects: psychological research on the use of computer languages

Users' viewpoint on EDP

Management and computers

Management and computers: management issues in computers

Management and computers: design and implementation of distributed systems

Medical and health care computing

Medical and health care computing: what went wrong with medical information systems---an optimistic outlook

Medical and health care computing: computer applications in ambulatory care

Medical and health care computing: future directions in medical computing

Banking---today's challenges

Innovative applications of computer science

Innovative applications of computer science: innovative applications of computer science in medicine

Innovative applications of computer science: innovative applications of computer science in education

User requirements

User requirements: developer and user view of user requirements

Other applications: computer aided manufacturing

Other applications: new applications in printing and publishing

Other applications: computer system simulation and performance evaluation

Other applications: advances in computer technology through aerospace requirements


Education---curricula---training: data processing education---a view from education---a reaction from industry

Education---curricula---training: graduate and undergraduate programs in computer science

Education---curricula---training: computer education for a computerized age

Making computers safer

Making computers safer: making computers safer through technology

Making computers safer: making computers safer through auditing

Legal aspects of computer management

International dialogue

International dialogue: the impact of computer interface standards

Other societal aspects: information processing---its impact upon society through library systems

Other societal aspects: computing applied to societal problems

Copyright © Sat May 16 22:56:52 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)