
Gordon Bell

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36EEAlexander S. Szalay, Gordon Bell, Jan vandenBerg, Alainna Wonders, Randal C. Burns, Dan Fay, Jim Heasley, Tony Hey, María A. Nieto-Santisteban, Ani Thakar, Catharine van Ingen, Richard Wilton: GrayWulf: Scalable Clustered Architecture for Data Intensive Computing. HICSS 2009: 1-10
35EEGordon Bell: Bell's law for the birth and death of computer classes. Commun. ACM 51(1): 86-94 (2008)
34EEGordon Bell: Scaleability and immortality. SIGMOD Record 37(2): 50-53 (2008)
33EEGordon Bell, Jim Gray, Alexander S. Szalay: Petascale Computational Systems CoRR abs/cs/0701165: (2007)
32EEJim Gemmell, Gordon Bell, Roger Lueder: MyLifeBits: a personal database for everything. Commun. ACM 49(1): 88-95 (2006)
31EEGordon Bell, Jim Gray, Alexander S. Szalay: Petascale Computational Systems. IEEE Computer 39(1): 110-112 (2006)
30EEGordon Bell: A new relevance for multimedia when we record everything personal. ACM Multimedia 2004: 1
29EEGordon Bell, Jim Gemmell, Roger Lueder: Challenges in using lifetime personal information stores. SIGIR 2004: 1
28EEGordon Bell: A Time and a Place for Standards. ACM Queue 2(6): 66-74 (2004)
27EEGordon Bell: Sink or Swim: Know When It's Time to Bail. ACM Queue 1(9): 60-67 (2003)
26EEJim Gemmell, Gordon Bell, Roger Lueder, Steven M. Drucker, Curtis Wong: MyLifeBits: fulfilling the Memex vision. ACM Multimedia 2002: 235-238
25EEGordon Bell, Bob Barbour, Paul McMenamin, Dave Allen, Maurice D. Mulvenna: An Industrial Perspective on Soft Issues: Successes, Opportunities, and Challenges (Panel). Soft-Ware 2002: 357
24EEGordon Bell, Jim Gray: What's next in high-performance computing? Commun. ACM 45(2): 91-95 (2002)
23EEGordon Bell, Jim Gemmell: A call for the home media network. Commun. ACM 45(7): 71-75 (2002)
22EEGordon Bell: A personal digital store. Commun. ACM 44(1): 86-91 (2001)
21EEGordon Bell, Jim Gray: Digital immortality. Commun. ACM 44(3): 28-31 (2001)
20 Gordon Bell: Supercomputing ... Looking Ahead. ISHPC 1999: 1-2
19EEGordon Bell, William D. Strecker: Computer Structures: What Have We Learned from the PDP-11? 25 Years ISCA: Retrospectives and Reprints 1998: 138-151
18EEGordon Bell, William D. Strecker: Retrospective: What Have We Learned from the PDP-11 - What We Have Learned from VAX and Alpha. 25 Years ISCA: Retrospectives and Reprints 1998: 6-10
17EEGordon Bell, Jim Gray: The Revolution Yet to Happen CoRR cs.GL/9809010: (1998)
16 Gordon Bell: The Body Electric. Commun. ACM 40(2): 30-32 (1997)
15 Jim Gemmell, Gordon Bell: Noncollaborative Telepresentations Come of Age. Commun. ACM 40(4): 79-89 (1997)
14 Gordon Bell, Jim Gemmell: On-ramp Prospects for the Information Superhighway Dream. Commun. ACM 39(7): 55-61 (1996)
13 Gordon Bell: Ultracomputers: A Teraflop Before Its Time. Commun. ACM 35(8): 27-47 (1992)
12 Gordon Bell, William S. Worley Jr.: The Graphics Supercomputer: A New Class of Computer. IFIP Congress 1989: 727-734
11 Gordon Bell: The Future of High Performance Computers in Science and Engineering. Commun. ACM 32(9): 1091-1101 (1989)
10EEGordon Bell: Future high performance computers. ICS 1988: 525-526
9 Gordon Bell: On Declaring and Reaching the Fifth Generation by 1990. New Generation Comput. 3(1): 1-2 (1985)
8 Gordon Bell: The Mini and Micro Industries. IEEE Computer 17(10): 14-30 (1984)
7 Gordon Bell: The Computer Museum Member's First Field Trip: The Northbay AN/FSQ7 Sage Site. Commun. ACM 26(2): 118-119 (1983)
6 Gordon Bell, Samuel H. Fuller, Daniel P. Siewiorek: Forword to the Special Issue on Computer Architecture. Commun. ACM 21(1): 3 (1978)
5 Gordon Bell, A. Kotok, Thomas N. Hastings, R. Hill: The Evolution of the DECsystem 10. Commun. ACM 21(1): 44-63 (1978)
4 Gordon Bell, William D. Strecker: Computer Structures: What Have We Learned from the PDP-11? ISCA 1976: 1-14
3 Samuel H. Fuller, Victor R. Lesser, Gordon Bell, Charles H. Kaman: The Effects of Emerging Technology and Emulation Requirements on Microprogramming. IEEE Trans. Computers 25(10): 1000-1009 (1976)
2 Gordon Bell: Computer Architecture: Comments on the State-of-the Art. GI Jahrestagung 1973: 18-24
1 G. G. Probst, Robert S. Oelman, Sam Wyly, C. Lester Hogan, F. T. Cary, Gordon Bell, Donald P. Kircher: As the Industry Sees It. Commun. ACM 15(7): 506-517 (1972)

Coauthor Index

1Dave Allen [25]
2Bob Barbour [25]
3Randal C. Burns [36]
4F. T. Cary [1]
5Steven M. Drucker [26]
6Dan Fay [36]
7Samuel H. Fuller [3] [6]
8Jim Gemmell [14] [15] [23] [26] [29] [32]
9Jim Gray [17] [21] [24] [31] [33]
10Thomas N. Hastings [5]
11Jim Heasley [36]
12Anthony J. G. Hey (Tony Hey) [36]
13R. Hill [5]
14C. Lester Hogan [1]
15Catharine van Ingen [36]
16Charles H. Kaman [3]
17Donald P. Kircher [1]
18A. Kotok [5]
19Victor R. Lesser [3]
20Roger Lueder [26] [29] [32]
21Paul McMenamin [25]
22Maurice D. Mulvenna [25]
23María A. Nieto-Santisteban [36]
24Robert S. Oelman [1]
25G. G. Probst [1]
26Daniel P. Siewiorek [6]
27William D. Strecker [4] [18] [19]
28Alexander S. Szalay [31] [33] [36]
29Ani Thakar (Aniruddha R. Thakar, Aniruddha Thakar) [36]
30Richard Wilton [36]
31Alainna Wonders [36]
32Curtis Wong [26]
33William S. Worley Jr. [12]
34Sam Wyly [1]
35Jan vandenBerg [36]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)