2009 |
196 | EE | Soumyadeb Mitra,
Marianne Winslett,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Shashank Yaduvanshi,
Sumedh Ambokar:
An Architecture for Regulatory Compliant Database Management.
ICDE 2009: 162-173 |
2008 |
195 | EE | Kyriacos E. Pavlou,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Forensic analysis of database tampering.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 33(4): (2008) |
194 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass,
Curtis E. Dyreson,
Faiz Currim,
Sabah Currim,
Shailesh Joshi:
Validating quicksand: Temporal schema versioning in tauXSchema.
Data Knowl. Eng. 65(2): 223-242 (2008) |
2007 |
193 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Towards a Science of Temporal Databases.
TIME 2007: 6-7 |
192 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Editorial: Single- versus double-blind reviewing.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 32(1): 1 (2007) |
191 | EE | Paolo Terenziani,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Alessio Bottrighi,
Mauro Torchio,
Gianpaolo Molino:
Extending temporal databases to deal with telic/atelic medical data.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 39(2): 113-126 (2007) |
190 | EE | Curtis E. Dyreson,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Faiz Currim,
Sabah Currim,
Shailesh Joshi:
Weaving temporal and reliability aspects into a schema tapestry.
Data Knowl. Eng. 63(3): 752-773 (2007) |
189 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Frequently-asked questions about double-blind reviewing.
SIGMOD Record 36(1): 60-62 (2007) |
188 | EE | Bedirhan Urgun,
Curtis E. Dyreson,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Jessica K. Miller,
Nick Kline,
Michael D. Soo,
Christian S. Jensen:
Integrating multiple calendars using tau-ZAMAN.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 37(3): 267-308 (2007) |
2006 |
187 | EE | Curtis E. Dyreson,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Faiz Currim,
Sabah Currim:
Schema-Mediated Exchange of Temporal XML Data.
ER 2006: 212-227 |
186 | EE | Curtis E. Dyreson,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Faiz Currim,
Sabah Currim,
Shailesh Joshi:
Validating Quicksand: Schema Versioning in \tauXSchema.
ICDE Workshops 2006: 82 |
185 | EE | Kyriacos E. Pavlou,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Forensic analysis of database tampering.
SIGMOD Conference 2006: 109-120 |
184 | EE | Vijay Khatri,
Sudha Ram,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
On augmenting database design-support environments to capture the geo-spatio-temporal data semantics.
Inf. Syst. 31(2): 98-133 (2006) |
183 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Changes to the TODS editorial board.
SIGMOD Record 35(2): 86 (2006) |
182 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Single-versus double-blind reviewing: an analysis of the literature.
SIGMOD Record 35(3): 8-21 (2006) |
181 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Changes to the TODS editorial board.
SIGMOD Record 35(4): 77 (2006) |
2005 |
180 | EE | Paolo Terenziani,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Alessio Bottrighi,
Mauro Torchio,
Gianpaolo Molino:
Extending Temporal Databases to Deal with Telic/Atelic Medical Data.
AIME 2005: 58-66 |
179 | EE | David B. Lomet,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Christian S. Jensen:
Using the Lock Manager to Choose Timestamps.
IDEAS 2005: 357-368 |
178 | EE | Philip A. Bernstein,
David J. DeWitt,
Andreas Heuer,
Zachary G. Ives,
Christian S. Jensen,
Holger Meyer,
M. Tamer Özsu,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Kyu-Young Whang,
Jennifer Widom:
Database Publication Practices.
VLDB 2005: 1241-1246 |
177 | EE | Serge Abiteboul,
Rakesh Agrawal,
Philip A. Bernstein,
Michael J. Carey,
Stefano Ceri,
W. Bruce Croft,
David J. DeWitt,
Michael J. Franklin,
Hector Garcia-Molina,
Dieter Gawlick,
Jim Gray,
Laura M. Haas,
Alon Y. Halevy,
Joseph M. Hellerstein,
Yannis E. Ioannidis,
Martin L. Kersten,
Michael J. Pazzani,
Michael Lesk,
David Maier,
Jeffrey F. Naughton,
Hans-Jörg Schek,
Timos K. Sellis,
Avi Silberschatz,
Michael Stonebraker,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Gerhard Weikum,
Jennifer Widom,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
The Lowell database research self-assessment.
Commun. ACM 48(5): 111-118 (2005) |
176 | EE | Inés Fernando Vega López,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Bongki Moon:
Spatiotemporal aggregate computation: a survey.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 17(2): 271-286 (2005) |
175 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Developments at ACM TODS.
SIGMOD Record 34(1): 90 (2005) |
174 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
SIGMOD Record 34(3): 114-117 (2005) |
173 | EE | Philip A. Bernstein,
Elisa Bertino,
Andreas Heuer,
Christian S. Jensen,
Holger Meyer,
M. Tamer Özsu,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Kyu-Young Whang:
An apples-to-apples comparison of two database journals.
SIGMOD Record 34(4): 61-64 (2005) |
172 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Changes to the TODS editorial board.
SIGMOD Record 34(4): 92 (2005) |
171 | EE | Dengfeng Gao,
Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Michael D. Soo:
Join operations in temporal databases.
VLDB J. 14(1): 2-29 (2005) |
2004 |
170 | EE | Faiz Currim,
Sabah Currim,
Curtis E. Dyreson,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
A Tale of Two Schemas: Creating a Temporal XML Schema from a Snapshot Schema with tXSchema.
EDBT 2004: 348-365 |
169 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass,
Shilong (Stanley) Yao,
Christian S. Collberg:
Tamper Detection in Audit Logs.
VLDB 2004: 504-515 |
168 | EE | Shuohao Zhang,
Curtis E. Dyreson,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Schema-Less, Semantics-Based Change Detection for XML Documents.
WISE 2004: 279-290 |
167 | EE | Dengfeng Gao,
Jose Alvin G. Gendrano,
Bongki Moon,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Minseok Park,
Bruce C. Huang,
Jim M. Rodrigue:
Main Memory-Based Algorithms for Efficient Parallel Aggregation for Temporal Databases.
Distributed and Parallel Databases 16(2): 123-163 (2004) |
166 | EE | Vijay Khatri,
Sudha Ram,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Augmenting a Conceptual Model with Geospatiotemporal Annotations.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 16(11): 1324-1338 (2004) |
165 | EE | Paolo Terenziani,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Reconciling Point-Based and Interval-Based Semantics in Temporal Relational Databases: A Treatment of the Telic/Atelic Distinction.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 16(5): 540-551 (2004) |
164 | EE | Kristian Torp,
Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Modification semantics in now-relative databases.
Inf. Syst. 29(8): 653-683 (2004) |
163 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
TODS Special Issues.
SIGMOD Record 33(1): 5-6 (2004) |
162 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass,
Merrie Brucks:
Branding Yourself.
SIGMOD Record 33(2): 117-125 (2004) |
161 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Developments at ACM TODS.
SIGMOD Record 33(2): 4 (2004) |
160 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Changes to the ACM TODS Editorial Board.
SIGMOD Record 33(4): 103 (2004) |
2003 |
159 | EE | Dengfeng Gao,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Slicing in the Evaluation of XML Queries.
VLDB 2003: 632-643 |
158 | EE | Serge Abiteboul,
Rakesh Agrawal,
Philip A. Bernstein,
Michael J. Carey,
Stefano Ceri,
W. Bruce Croft,
David J. DeWitt,
Michael J. Franklin,
Hector Garcia-Molina,
Dieter Gawlick,
Jim Gray,
Laura M. Haas,
Alon Y. Halevy,
Joseph M. Hellerstein,
Yannis E. Ioannidis,
Martin L. Kersten,
Michael J. Pazzani,
Michael Lesk,
David Maier,
Jeffrey F. Naughton,
Hans-Jörg Schek,
Timos K. Sellis,
Avi Silberschatz,
Michael Stonebraker,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Gerhard Weikum,
Jennifer Widom,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
The Lowell Database Research Self Assessment
CoRR cs.DB/0310006: (2003) |
157 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
ACM TODS in this Internet Age.
SIGMOD Record 32(1): 4-5 (2003) |
156 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
TODS Reviewers.
SIGMOD Record 32(2): 113-114 (2003) |
155 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Journal relevance.
SIGMOD Record 32(3): 11-15 (2003) |
154 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Developments at ACM TODS.
SIGMOD Record 32(4): 14-15 (2003) |
2002 |
153 | EE | Joseph Dunn,
Sean Davey,
Anne Descour,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Sequenced Subset Operators: Definition and Implementation.
ICDE 2002: 81-92 |
152 | EE | Wei Li,
Dengfeng Gao,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Skew handling techniques in sort-merge join.
SIGMOD Conference 2002: 169-180 |
151 | | Vijay Khatri,
Sudha Ram,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Grady M. O'Brien:
Supporting User-Defined Granularities in a Spatiotemporal Conceptual Model.
Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 36(1-2): 195-232 (2002) |
150 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Progress on ACM's Becoming the Preferred Publisher, Rights and responsibilities in ACM publishing.
Commun. ACM 45(2): 97-101 (2002) |
149 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Why I Like Working in Academia.
SIGMOD Record 31(1): 118-121 (2002) |
148 | EE | Giedrius Slivinskas,
Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Bringing Order to Query Optimization.
SIGMOD Record 31(2): 5-14 (2002) |
147 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
TODS Perceptions and Misconceptions.
SIGMOD Record 31(3): 6-8 (2002) |
146 | EE | Kenneth A. Ross,
Amr El Abbadi,
Theodore Johnson,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Reminiscences on Influential Papers.
SIGMOD Record 31(3): 62-63 (2002) |
145 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Rights of TODS Readers, Authors and Reviewers.
SIGMOD Record 31(4): 5-9 (2002) |
144 | EE | Peter M. G. Apers,
Stefano Ceri,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
VLDB J. 11(3): 177-178 (2002) |
2001 |
143 | | Peter M. G. Apers,
Paolo Atzeni,
Stefano Ceri,
Stefano Paraboschi,
Kotagiri Ramamohanarao,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
VLDB 2001, Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, September 11-14, 2001, Roma, Italy
Morgan Kaufmann 2001 |
142 | EE | Sudha Ram,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Vijay Khatri,
Yousub Hwang:
DISTIL: A Design Support Environment for Conceptual Modeling of Spatio-temporal Requirements.
ER 2001: 70-83 |
141 | EE | Wei Li,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Shiyan Deng,
Vineel Kumar Gattu,
Aravindan Kasthurirangan:
Efficient Sequenced Integrity Constraint Checking.
ICDE 2001: 131-140 |
140 | EE | Giedrius Slivinskas,
Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Adaptable Query Optimization and Evaluation in Temporal Middleware.
SIGMOD Conference 2001: 127-138 |
139 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass,
M. Tamer Özsu:
Foreword to the Silver Edition
ACM SIGMOD Anthology DVD(1): (2001) |
138 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
TSQL2 Temporal Query Language / TSQL2 and SQL3 Interactions: Copy of ftp://ftp.cs.arizona.edu/tsql/tsql2/
ACM SIGMOD Anthology DVD(2): (2001) |
137 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 26(3): 261-263 (2001) |
136 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 26(4): 385-387 (2001) |
135 | EE | Giedrius Slivinskas,
Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
A Foundation for Conventional and Temporal Query Optimization Addressing Duplicates and Ordering.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 13(1): 21-49 (2001) |
134 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Chair's Message.
SIGMOD Record 30(1): 2-3 (2001) |
133 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Accessibility of the Database Literature.
SIGMOD Record 30(3): 7-10 (2001) |
2000 |
132 | EE | Giedrius Slivinskas,
Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Query Plans for Conventional and Temporal Queries Involving Duplicates and Ordering.
ICDE 2000: 547-558 |
131 | | Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporally Enhanced Database Design.
Advances in Object-Oriented Data Modeling 2000: 163-193 |
130 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
SIGMOD Chair's Message
ACM SIGMOD Anthology 2(1): (2000) |
129 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Review - Implementation of Two Semantic Query Optimization Techniques in DB2 Universal Database.
ACM SIGMOD Digital Review 2: (2000) |
128 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Review - On Completeness of Historical Relational Query Languages.
ACM SIGMOD Digital Review 2: (2000) |
127 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Review - Out of Their Minds: The Lives and Discoveries of 15 Great Computer Scientists.
ACM SIGMOD Digital Review 2: (2000) |
126 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Review - Schema Versioning for Multitemporal Relational Databases.
ACM SIGMOD Digital Review 2: (2000) |
125 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Review - Semantic Compression and Pattern Extraction with Fascicles.
ACM SIGMOD Digital Review 2: (2000) |
124 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Review - Temporal Data Management Systems: A Comparative View.
ACM SIGMOD Digital Review 2: (2000) |
123 | EE | Michael H. Böhlen,
Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal statement modifiers.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 25(4): 407-456 (2000) |
122 | EE | Curtis E. Dyreson,
William S. Evans,
Hong Lin,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Efficiently Supported Temporal Granularities.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 12(4): 568-587 (2000) |
121 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Chair's Message.
SIGMOD Record 29(1): 3 (2000) |
120 | EE | Stefano Ceri,
Leonid A. Kalinichenko,
Masaru Kitsuregawa,
Hongjun Lu,
Z. Meral Özsoyoglu,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Victor Vianu:
SIGMOD Sister Societies.
SIGMOD Record 29(1): 4-15 (2000) |
119 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Chair's Message.
SIGMOD Record 29(3): 4-6 (2000) |
118 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Chair's Message.
SIGMOD Record 29(4): 3-4 (2000) |
117 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
SIGMOD Program Review.
SIGMOD Record 29(4): 5-10 (2000) |
116 | EE | Kristian Torp,
Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Effective Timestamping in Databases.
VLDB J. 8(3-4): 267-288 (2000) |
1999 |
115 | | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Developing Time-Oriented Database Applications in SQL
Morgan Kaufmann 1999 |
114 | EE | Jose Alvin G. Gendrano,
Bruce C. Huang,
Jim M. Rodrigue,
Bongki Moon,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Parallel Algorithms for Computing Temporal Aggregates.
ICDE 1999: 418-427 |
113 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Foreword to Volume 1
ACM SIGMOD Anthology 1(1): (1999) |
112 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Review - PM3: An Orthogonal Persistent Systems Programming Language - Design, Implementation, Performance.
ACM SIGMOD Digital Review 1: (1999) |
111 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Review - Using Lifetime Predictors to Improve Memory Allocation Performance.
ACM SIGMOD Digital Review 1: (1999) |
110 | EE | Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Data Management.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 11(1): 36-44 (1999) |
109 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass,
Serge Abiteboul,
Sophie Cluet,
Michael J. Franklin,
Guy M. Lohman,
David B. Lomet,
Gultekin Özsoyoglu,
Raghu Ramakrishnan,
Kenneth A. Ross,
Timos K. Sellis,
Patrick Valduriez:
Reminiscences on Influential Papers.
SIGMOD Record 28(1): 110-114 (1999) |
108 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Chair's Message.
SIGMOD Record 28(1): 3 (1999) |
107 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Chair's Message.
SIGMOD Record 28(3): 3-6 (1999) |
106 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Reminiscences on Influential Papers.
SIGMOD Record 28(3): 43-48 (1999) |
1998 |
105 | | Kristian Torp,
Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Stratum Approaches to Temporal DBMS Implementation.
IDEAS 1998: 4-13 |
104 | EE | Curtis E. Dyreson,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Supporting Valid-Time Indeterminacy.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 23(1): 1-57 (1998) |
103 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Chair's Message.
SIGMOD Record 27(1): 3 (1998) |
102 | EE | Vassilis J. Tsotras,
Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
An Extensible Notation for Spatiotemporal Index Queries.
SIGMOD Record 27(1): 47-53 (1998) |
101 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Reminiscences on Influential Papers.
SIGMOD Record 27(1): 54-57 (1998) |
100 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Chair's Message.
SIGMOD Record 27(3): 3-5 (1998) |
99 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass,
Hector Garcia-Molina,
Tomasz Imielinski,
David Maier,
Patricia G. Selinger,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Reminiscences on Influential Papers.
SIGMOD Record 27(3): 33-35 (1998) |
98 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Chair's Message.
SIGMOD Record 27(4): 3-4 (1998) |
97 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass,
Laura M. Haas,
Alberto O. Mendelzon,
Z. Meral Özsoyoglu,
Jan Paredaens,
Krithi Ramamritham,
Nick Roussopoulos,
Jennifer Widom,
Philip S. Yu:
Reminiscences on Influential Papers.
SIGMOD Record 27(4): 81-85 (1998) |
1997 |
96 | | Carlo Zaniolo,
Stefano Ceri,
Christos Faloutsos,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
V. S. Subrahmanian,
Roberto Zicari:
Advanced Database Systems.
Morgan Kaufmann 1997 |
95 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass,
Michael H. Böhlen,
Christian S. Jensen,
Andreas Steiner:
Transitioning Temporal Support in TSQL2 to SQL3.
Temporal Databases, Dagstuhl 1997: 150-194 |
94 | EE | Christian S. Jensen,
Curtis E. Dyreson,
Michael H. Böhlen,
James Clifford,
Ramez Elmasri,
Shashi K. Gadia,
Fabio Grandi,
Patrick J. Hayes,
Sushil Jajodia,
Wolfgang Käfer,
Nick Kline,
Nikos A. Lorentzos,
Yannis G. Mitsopoulos,
Angelo Montanari,
Daniel A. Nonen,
Elisa Peressi,
Barbara Pernici,
John F. Roddick,
Nandlal L. Sarda,
Maria Rita Scalas,
Arie Segev,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Michael D. Soo,
Abdullah Uz Tansel,
Paolo Tiberio,
Gio Wiederhold:
The Consensus Glossary of Temporal Database Concepts - February 1998 Version.
Temporal Databases, Dagstuhl 1997: 367-405 |
93 | EE | Claudio Bettini,
Curtis E. Dyreson,
William S. Evans,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Xiaoyang Sean Wang:
A Glossary of Time Granularity Concepts.
Temporal Databases, Dagstuhl 1997: 406-413 |
92 | EE | James Clifford,
Curtis E. Dyreson,
Tomás Isakowitz,
Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
On the Semantics of "Now" in Databases
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 22(2): 171-214 (1997) |
91 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Chair's Message.
SIGMOD Record 26(3): 3 (1997) |
90 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Chair's Message.
SIGMOD Record 26(4): 3 (1997) |
89 | | John Bair,
Michael H. Böhlen,
Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Notions of Upward Compatibility of Temporal Query Languages.
Wirtschaftsinformatik 39(1): 25-34 (1997) |
1996 |
88 | EE | Michael H. Böhlen,
Jan Chomicki,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
David Toman:
Querying TSQL2 Databases with Temporal Logic.
EDBT 1996: 325-341 |
87 | EE | Michael H. Böhlen,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Michael D. Soo:
Coalescing in Temporal Databases.
VLDB 1996: 180-191 |
86 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
The Inefficiency of Misalignment.
ACM Comput. Surv. 28(4es): article 89 (1996) |
85 | EE | Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Michael D. Soo:
Extending Existing Dependency Theory to Temporal Databases.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 8(4): 563-582 (1996) |
84 | EE | Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Semantics of Time-Varying Information.
Inf. Syst. 21(4): 311-352 (1996) |
1995 |
83 | | Richard T. Snodgrass:
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language
Kluwer 1995 |
82 | EE | Nick Kline,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Computing Temporal Aggregates.
ICDE 1995: 222-231 |
81 | EE | Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Semantics of Time-Varying Attributes and their Use for Temporal Database Design.
OOER 1995: 366-377 |
80 | | Michael H. Böhlen,
Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Evaluating the Completeness of TSQL2
Temporal Databases 1995: 153-172 |
79 | | Richard T. Snodgrass,
James Clifford,
Umeshwar Dayal,
Arie Segev:
Panel: Whither TSQL3?
Temporal Databases 1995: 355 |
78 | | James Clifford,
Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Michael H. Böhlen,
Hasan Dewan,
Duri Schmidt:
Panel: The State-of-the-Art in Temporal Data Management: Perspectives from the Research and Financial Applications Communities
Temporal Databases 1995: 356-357 |
77 | | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Object-Oriented Databases: A Critical Comparison.
Modern Database Systems 1995: 386-408 |
76 | EE | Michael D. Soo,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Data Types.
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 119-148 |
75 | EE | Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
The Surrogate Data Type.
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 149-152 |
74 | EE | Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Michael D. Soo:
The TSQL2 Data Model.
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 153-238 |
73 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Introduction to TSQL2.
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 19-30 |
72 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass,
Christian S. Jensen,
Fabio Grandi:
Schema Specification.
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 239-242 |
71 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass,
Christian S. Jensen,
Fabio Grandi:
The From Clause.
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 243-248 |
70 | EE | Suchen H. Hsu,
Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Valid-Time Selection and Projection.
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 249-296 |
69 | EE | T. Y. Cliff Leung,
Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 297-302 |
68 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass,
Henry Kucera:
Rationale for a Temporal Extension to SQL.
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 3-18 |
67 | EE | Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
T. Y. Cliff Leung:
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 303-308 |
66 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Event Tables.
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 309-316 |
65 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
TSQL2 Tutorial.
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 31-46 |
64 | EE | John F. Roddick,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Transaction Time Support.
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 317-324 |
63 | EE | Curtis E. Dyreson,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Indeterminancy.
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 325-344 |
62 | EE | Curtis E. Dyreson,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Granularity.
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 345-382 |
61 | EE | James Clifford,
Curtis E. Dyreson,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Tomás Isakowitz,
Christian S. Jensen:
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 383-392 |
60 | EE | Nick Kline,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
T. Y. Cliff Leung:
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 393-424 |
59 | EE | John F. Roddick,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Schema Versioning.
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 425-446 |
58 | EE | Michael D. Soo,
Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
An Architectural Framework.
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 461-470 |
57 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass,
Christian S. Jensen,
Curtis E. Dyreson,
Wolfgang Käfer,
Nick Kline,
John F. Roddick:
A Second Example.
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 47-72 |
56 | EE | Curtis E. Dyreson,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
A Timestamp Representation.
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 471-496 |
55 | EE | Michael D. Soo,
Nick Kline,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
SQL-92 Compatibility Issues.
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 497-500 |
54 | EE | Michael D. Soo,
Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
An Algebra for TSQL2
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 501-544 |
53 | EE | Curtis E. Dyreson,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
The Baseline Clock.
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 73-92 |
52 | EE | Curtis E. Dyreson,
Michael D. Soo,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
The Data Model for Time.
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 93-98 |
51 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass,
Michael D. Soo:
Supporting Multiple Calendars.
The TSQL2 Temporal Query Language 1995: 99-118 |
50 | EE | Gultekin Özsoyoglu,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Guest Editors' Introduction to Special Section On Temporal and Real-Time Databases.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 7(4): 511-512 (1995) |
49 | EE | Gultekin Özsoyoglu,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal and Real-Time Databases: A Survey.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 7(4): 513-532 (1995) |
48 | EE | Arie Segev,
Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Report on The 1995 International Workshop on Temporal Databases.
SIGMOD Record 24(4): 46-52 (1995) |
1994 |
47 | | Richard T. Snodgrass,
Marianne Winslett:
Proceedings of the 1994 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 24-27, 1994.
ACM Press 1994 |
46 | EE | Michael D. Soo,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Christian S. Jensen:
Efficient Evaluation of the Valid-Time Natural Join.
ICDE 1994: 282-292 |
45 | EE | Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Specialization and Generalization.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 6(6): 954-974 (1994) |
44 | | Christian S. Jensen,
Michael D. Soo,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Unifying Temporal Data Models via a Conceptual Model.
Inf. Syst. 19(7): 513-547 (1994) |
43 | | Khaled K. Al-Taha,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Michael D. Soo:
Bibliography on Spatiotemporal Databases.
International Journal of Geographical Information Systems 8(1): 95-103 (1994) |
42 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Overview of the Special Section on Temporal Database Infrastructure.
SIGMOD Record 23(1): 34 (1994) |
41 | EE | Niki Pissinou,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Ramez Elmasri,
Inderpal Singh Mumick,
M. Tamer Özsu,
Barbara Pernici,
Arie Segev,
Babis Theodoulidis,
Umeshwar Dayal:
Towards an Infrastructure for Temporal Databases: Report of an Invitational ARPA/NSF Workshop.
SIGMOD Record 23(1): 35-51 (1994) |
40 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass,
Ilsoo Ahn,
Gad Ariav,
Don S. Batory,
James Clifford,
Curtis E. Dyreson,
Ramez Elmasri,
Fabio Grandi,
Christian S. Jensen,
Wolfgang Käfer,
Nick Kline,
Krishna G. Kulkarni,
T. Y. Cliff Leung,
Nikos A. Lorentzos,
John F. Roddick,
Arie Segev,
Michael D. Soo,
Suryanarayana M. Sripada:
TSQL2 Language Specification.
SIGMOD Record 23(1): 65-86 (1994) |
39 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass,
Ilsoo Ahn,
Gad Ariav,
Don S. Batory,
James Clifford,
Curtis E. Dyreson,
Ramez Elmasri,
Fabio Grandi,
Christian S. Jensen,
Wolfgang Käfer,
Nick Kline,
Krishna G. Kulkarni,
T. Y. Cliff Leung,
Nikos A. Lorentzos,
John F. Roddick,
Arie Segev,
Michael D. Soo,
Suryanarayana M. Sripada:
A TSQL2 Tutorial.
SIGMOD Record 23(3): 27-33 (1994) |
38 | | Curtis E. Dyreson,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Efficient Timestamp Input and Output.
Softw., Pract. Exper. 24(1): 89-109 (1994) |
1993 |
37 | | Abdullah Uz Tansel,
James Clifford,
Shashi K. Gadia,
Sushil Jajodia,
Arie Segev,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Databases: Theory, Design, and Implementation
Benjamin/Cummings 1993 |
36 | EE | Christian S. Jensen,
Michael D. Soo,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Unification of Temporal Data Models.
ICDE 1993: 262-271 |
35 | EE | Curtis E. Dyreson,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Valid-time Indeterminancy.
ICDE 1993: 335-343 |
34 | | Richard T. Snodgrass:
An Overview of TQuel.
Temporal Databases 1993: 141-182 |
33 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass,
Santiago Gomez,
L. Edwin McKenzie:
Aggregates in the Temporal Query Language TQuel.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 5(5): 826-842 (1993) |
32 | EE | David M. Ogle,
Karsten Schwan,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Application-Dependent Dynamic Monitoring of Distributed and Parallel Systems.
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 4(7): 762-778 (1993) |
31 | | Suchen H. Hsu,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Optimal Block Size for Set-Valued Attributes.
Inf. Process. Lett. 45(3): 153-158 (1993) |
30 | | Curtis E. Dyreson,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Timestamp semantics and representation.
Inf. Syst. 18(3): 143-166 (1993) |
29 | EE | Khaled K. Al-Taha,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Michael D. Soo:
Bibliography on Spatiotemporal Databases.
SIGMOD Record 22(1): 59-67 (1993) |
1992 |
28 | EE | Christian S. Jensen,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Specialization.
ICDE 1992: 594-603 |
27 | | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Databases.
Spatio-Temporal Reasoning 1992: 22-64 |
26 | EE | Christian S. Jensen,
James Clifford,
Shashi K. Gadia,
Arie Segev,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
A Glossary of Temporal Database Concepts.
SIGMOD Record 21(3): 35-43 (1992) |
1991 |
25 | EE | L. Edwin McKenzie,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Evaluation of Relational Algebras Incorporating the Time Dimension in Databases.
ACM Comput. Surv. 23(4): 501-543 (1991) |
1990 |
24 | EE | Karen Shannon,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Semantic Clustering.
POS 1990: 389-402 |
23 | | L. Edwin McKenzie,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Schema Evolution and the Relational Algebra.
Inf. Syst. 15(2): 207-232 (1990) |
22 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Temporal Databases - Status and Research Directions.
SIGMOD Record 19(4): 83-89 (1990) |
1989 |
21 | EE | Karen Shannon,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Mapping the Interface Description Language Type Model into C.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(11): 1333-1346 (1989) |
20 | EE | Ilsoo Ahn,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Performance Analysis of Temporal Queries.
Inf. Sci. 49(1-3): 103-146 (1989) |
19 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Letter (on SQL support of time).
SIGMOD Record 18(3): 102-103 (1989) |
1988 |
18 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
A Relational Approach to Monitoring Complex Systems.
ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 6(2): 157-196 (1988) |
17 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Letter from the Editor.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 11(4): 2 (1988) |
16 | EE | Robert B. Stam,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
A Bibliography on Temporal Databases.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 11(4): 53-61 (1988) |
15 | EE | Daniel Hoffman,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Trace Specifications: Methodology and Models.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(9): 1243-1252 (1988) |
14 | | Ilsoo Ahn,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Partitioned storage for temporal databases.
Inf. Syst. 13(4): 369-391 (1988) |
1987 |
13 | EE | L. Edwin McKenzie,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Extending the Relational Algebra to Support Transaction Time.
SIGMOD Conference 1987: 467-478 |
12 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
The Temporal Query Language TQuel.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 12(2): 247-298 (1987) |
11 | | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Displaying IDL Instances.
SIGPLAN Notices 22(11): 10-17 (1987) |
10 | | William B. Warren,
Jerry Kickenson,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
A Tutorial Introduction to Using IDL.
SIGPLAN Notices 22(11): 18-34 (1987) |
1986 |
9 | | Richard T. Snodgrass,
Karen Shannon:
Supporting Flexible and Efficient Tool Integration.
Advanced Programming Environments 1986: 290-313 |
8 | EE | Ilsoo Ahn,
Richard T. Snodgrass:
Performance Evaluation of a Temporal Database Management System.
SIGMOD Conference 1986: 96-107 |
7 | | Richard T. Snodgrass,
Ilsoo Ahn:
Temporal Databases.
IEEE Computer 19(9): 35-42 (1986) |
6 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Research Concerning Time in Databases - Project Summaries.
SIGMOD Record 15(4): 19-39 (1986) |
1985 |
5 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass,
Ilsoo Ahn:
A Taxonomy of Time in Databases.
SIGMOD Conference 1985: 236-246 |
1984 |
4 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass:
The Temporal Query Language TQuel.
PODS 1984: 204-213 |
3 | | Richard T. Snodgrass:
Monitoring in a Software Development Environment: A Relational Approach.
Software Development Environments (SDE) 1984: 124-131 |
1983 |
2 | | Zary Segall,
Ajay Singh,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Anita K. Jones,
Daniel P. Siewiorek:
An Integrated Instrumentation Environment for Multiprocessors.
IEEE Trans. Computers 32(1): 4-14 (1983) |
1 | | Richard T. Snodgrass:
An Object-Oriented Command Language.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 9(1): 1-8 (1983) |