AlphaSort: A Cache-Sensitive Parallel External Sort.

Chris Nyberg, Tom Barclay, Zarka Cvetanovic, Jim Gray, David B. Lomet: AlphaSort: A Cache-Sensitive Parallel External Sort. VLDB J. 4(4): 603-627(1995)
  author    = {Chris Nyberg and
               Tom Barclay and
               Zarka Cvetanovic and
               Jim Gray and
               David B. Lomet},
  title     = {AlphaSort: A Cache-Sensitive Parallel External Sort},
  journal   = {VLDB J.},
  volume    = {4},
  number    = {4},
  year      = {1995},
  pages     = {603-627},
  ee        = {db/journals/vldb/NybergBCGL95.html},
  bibsource = {DBLP,}


A new sort algorithm, called AlphaSort, demonstrates that commodity processors and disks can handle commercial batch workloads. Using commodity processors, memory, and arrays of SCSI disks, AlphaSort runs the industry-standard sort benchmark in seven seconds. This beats the best published record on a 32-CPU 32-disk Hypercube by 8:1. On another benchmark, AlphaSort sorted more than a gigabyte in one minute. AlphaSort is a cache-sensitive, memory-intensive sort algorithm. We argue that modern architectures require algorithm designers to re-examine their use of the memory hierarchy. AlphaSort uses clustered data structures to get good cache locality, file striping to get high disk bandwidth, QuickSort to generate runs, and replacement-selection to merge the runs. It uses shared memory multiprocessors to break the sort into subsort chores. Because startup times are becoming a significant part of the total time, we propose two new benchmarks: (1) MinuteSort: how much can you sort in one minute, and (2) PennySort: how much can you sort for one penny.

Copyright © 1995 by the VLDB Endowment. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the VLDB copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by the permission of the Very Large Data Base Endowment. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or special permission from the Endowment.

Key Words

Sort, cache, disk, memory, striping, parallel, Alpha, Dec 7000.

Preliminary Version: SIGMOD 1994: 233-242

Online Paper

ACM SIGMOD Anthology

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Referenced by

  1. Richard T. Snodgrass, Serge Abiteboul, Sophie Cluet, Michael J. Franklin, Guy M. Lohman, David B. Lomet, Gultekin Özsoyoglu, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Kenneth A. Ross, Timos K. Sellis, Patrick Valduriez: Reminiscences on Influential Papers. SIGMOD Record 28(1): 110-114(1999)
  2. Ramesh C. Agarwal: A Super Scalar Sort Algorithm for RISC Processors. SIGMOD Conference 1996: 240-246
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