2008 |
100 | EE | Peter C. Lockemann:
Collaborative Software Development: A Case Study of Model Interdependencies.
UNISCON 2008: 232-245 |
99 | EE | Peter C. Lockemann:
In memoriam Klaus R. Dittrich (1950-2007).
VLDB J. 17(2): 169-170 (2008) |
2006 |
98 | EE | Peter C. Lockemann,
Jens Nimis:
Agent dependability as an architectural issue.
AAMAS 2006: 1101-1103 |
97 | EE | Peter C. Lockemann:
Agenten und Datenbanken: Freunde oder Feinde?
Datenbank-Spektrum 16: 43- (2006) |
2005 |
96 | | Gottfried Vossen,
Frank Leymann,
Peter C. Lockemann,
Wolffried Stucky:
Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web, 11. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme" (DBIS), Karlsruhe, 2.-4. März 2005
GI 2005 |
95 | EE | Peter C. Lockemann,
René Witte:
Agents and Databases: Friends or Foes?
IDEAS 2005: 137-147 |
94 | EE | Daniel Pfeifer,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Theory and Practice of Transactional Method Caching
CoRR abs/cs/0503022: (2005) |
93 | EE | Peter C. Lockemann,
Jens Nimis:
Softwareagenten: Von den Eigenschaften zur Architektur (Software-Agents: From Properties to Architectures).
it - Information Technology 47(1): 28-35 (2005) |
2004 |
92 | EE | Matthias Gimbel,
Michael Klein,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Interactivity, Scalability and Resource Control for Efficient KDD Support in DBMS.
Database Support for Data Mining Applications 2004: 174-193 |
91 | EE | Peter C. Lockemann,
Jens Nimis:
Flexibility through Multiagent Systems: Solution or Illusion?
SOFSEM 2004: 41-56 |
2003 |
90 | | Johann Christoph Freytag,
Peter C. Lockemann,
Serge Abiteboul,
Michael J. Carey,
Patricia G. Selinger,
Andreas Heuer:
VLDB 2003, Proceedings of 29th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, September 9-12, 2003, Berlin, Germany
Morgan Kaufmann 2003 |
89 | EE | Peter C. Lockemann:
Information System Architectures: From Art to Science.
BTW 2003: 30-56 |
88 | | Birgitta König-Ries,
Peter C. Lockemann,
Peter Tomczyk:
Datenbankgruppen vorgestellt: Lehrstuhl für Systeme der Informationsverwaltung an der Universität Karlsruhe (TH) und Forschungsbereich Datenbanksysteme am Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI).
Datenbank-Spektrum 7: 70-75 (2003) |
2001 |
87 | EE | Peter C. Lockemann:
Database Systems Architecture: A Study in Factor-Driven Software System Design.
CAiSE 2001: 13-35 |
86 | | Peter C. Lockemann:
Compontent Database Systems 2001: v-vi |
2000 |
85 | | Carlo Zaniolo,
Peter C. Lockemann,
Marc H. Scholl,
Torsten Grust:
Advances in Database Technology - EDBT 2000, 7th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Konstanz, Germany, March 27-31, 2000, Proceedings
Springer 2000 |
84 | EE | Khaldoun Ateyeh,
Jutta A. Mülle,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Modular Development of Multimedia Courseware.
WISE (2) 2000: 179-187 |
1999 |
83 | | Matthias Gimbel,
Michael Philippsen,
Bernhard Haumacher,
Peter C. Lockemann,
Walter F. Tichy:
JAVA as a Basis for Parallel Data Mining in Workstation Clusters.
HPCN Europe 1999: 884-894 |
82 | | Günter von Bültzingsloewen,
Arne Koschel,
Peter C. Lockemann,
Hans-Dirk Walter:
ECA Functionality in a Distributed Environment.
Active Rules in Database Systems 1999: 147-175 |
81 | EE | Peter C. Lockemann,
Klaus D. Müller-Glaser:
Forschungszentrum Informatik an der Universität Karlsruhe (FZI).
Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 14(1): 49-53 (1999) |
1998 |
80 | EE | Ralf Kramer,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Distributed Information Systems (Extended Abstract).
ADBIS 1998: 143-146 |
79 | EE | Arne Koschel,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Distributed Events in Active Database Systems: Letting the Genie out of the Bottle.
Data Knowl. Eng. 25(1-2): 11-28 (1998) |
78 | EE | Michael Christoffel,
Sebastian Pulkowski,
Bethina Schmitt,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Electronic Market: The Roadmap for University Libraries and Members to Survive in the Information Jungle.
SIGMOD Record 27(4): 68-73 (1998) |
77 | | Stefan M. Lang,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Behaviorally Adaptive Objects.
TAPOS 4(3): 169-182 (1998) |
1997 |
76 | EE | Rose Sturm,
Jutta A. Mülle,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Collision of Constrained Work Spaces: A Unifying Concept for Design Interactions.
CoopIS 1997: 25-35 |
75 | | Arnd G. Grosse,
Jörn Hartroth,
Gerd G. Hillebrand,
Dietmar A. Kottmann,
Gerhard Krüger,
Peter C. Lockemann:
SFB 346 - Integrationstechnologien als Innovationsmotor für Maschinenbauanwendungen.
GI Jahrestagung 1997: 185-194 |
74 | | Peter C. Lockemann:
Peer-to-peer versus Client-server or: Cooperation versus service.
JIDBD 1997: 5 |
73 | EE | Peter C. Lockemann,
Ulrike Kölsch,
Arne Koschel,
Ralf Kramer,
Ralf Nikolai,
Mechtild Wallrath,
Hans-Dirk Walter:
The Network as a Global Database: Challenges of Interoperability, Proactivity, Interactiveness, Legacy.
VLDB 1997: 567-574 |
72 | EE | Ralf Kramer,
Ralf Nikolai,
Arne Koschel,
Claudia Rolker,
Peter C. Lockemann,
Andree Keitel,
Rudolf Legat,
Konrad Zirm:
WWW-UDK: A Web-based Environmental Meta-Information System.
SIGMOD Record 26(1): 16-21 (1997) |
71 | EE | Birgitta König-Ries,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Research in Databases and Data-Intensive Applications - Computer Science Department and FZI, University of Karlsruhe.
SIGMOD Record 26(3): 67-72 (1997) |
1995 |
70 | | Stefan M. Lang,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Springer 1995 |
69 | | Karol Abramowicz,
Birgit Boss,
Volkmar Hovestadt,
Jutta A. Mülle,
Rose Sturm,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Konsistenzüberwachung in Datenbanksystemen - Eine Anforderungsanalyse anhand der Entwurfsbereiche Architektur und Schiffsbau.
BTW 1995: 302-321 |
68 | | Rose Sturm,
Jutta A. Mülle,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Temporized and Localized Rule Sets.
Rules in Database Systems 1995: 131-146 |
67 | | Peter C. Lockemann,
Hans-Dirk Walter:
Object Oriented Protocol Hierarchies for Distributed Workflow Systems.
TAPOS 1(4): 281-300 (1995) |
1994 |
66 | | Alfons Kemper,
Peter C. Lockemann,
Guido Moerkotte,
Hans-Dirk Walter:
Autonomous Objects: A Natural Model for Complex Applications.
J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 3(2): 133-150 (1994) |
1993 |
65 | | Peter C. Lockemann,
Hans-Dirk Walter:
Activities in Object Bases.
Rules in Database Systems 1993: 1-22 |
64 | | Peter C. Lockemann,
Guido Moerkotte,
Andrea Neufeld,
Klaus Radermacher,
Norbert Runge:
Database Design with User-Definable Modelling Concepts.
Data Knowl. Eng. 10: 229-257 (1993) |
63 | | Peter C. Lockemann:
Weiterentwiclung relationaler Datenbanken für objektorientierte Anwendungen.
Informatik Spektrum 16(2): 81-88 (1993) |
62 | EE | Andrea Neufeld,
Guido Moerkotte,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Generating Consistent Test Data for a Variable Set of General Consistency Constraints
VLDB J. 2(2): 173-213 (1993) |
1992 |
61 | | Peter C. Lockemann:
Object-Oriented Databases and Deductive Databases: Systems Without Market? Market Without Systems?
DEXA 1992: 1-7 |
60 | | Peter C. Lockemann,
Guido Moerkotte,
Andrea Neufeld,
Klaus Radermacher,
Norbert Runge:
Danbankentwurf mit frei definierbaren Modellierungskonzepten.
Objektbanken für Experten 1992: 155-178 |
59 | | Karol Abramowicz,
Günter von Bültzingsloewen,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Der Forschungsbereich Datenbanksysteme am FZI.
Datenbank Rundbrief 9: 48-55 (1992) |
58 | | Dennis Tsichritzis,
François Bancilhon,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Dagstuhl Seminar - Directions of Future Database Research: Facing the Impact of Emerging Theories, Technologies and Applications.
Datenbank Rundbrief 9: 5 (1992) |
57 | EE | Willi Gotthard,
Peter C. Lockemann,
Andrea Neufeld:
System Guided View Integration for Object-Oriented Databases.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 4(1): 1-22 (1992) |
1991 |
56 | EE | Peter C. Lockemann,
Guido Moerkotte:
On the Notion of Concept.
ER 1991: 349-370 |
55 | | Wilfried Brauer,
Peter C. Lockemann,
Helmut Schnelle:
Text Understanding - The Challenges to Come.
Text Understanding in LILOG 1991: 14-28 |
54 | | Ingrid M. Walter,
Rose Sturm,
Peter C. Lockemann,
Hans-Hellmut Nagel:
A Semantic Network Based Deductive Database System for Image Sequence Evaluation.
VDB 1991: 251-277 |
53 | EE | Guido Moerkotte,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Reactive Consistency Control In Deductive Databases.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 16(4): 670-702 (1991) |
52 | | Peter C. Lockemann,
Hans-Hellmut Nagel,
Ingrid M. Walter:
Databases for knowledge bases: empirical study of a knowledge base management system for a semantic network.
Data Knowl. Eng. 7: 115-154 (1991) |
1990 |
51 | EE | Alfons Kemper,
Peter C. Lockemann,
Guido Moerkotte,
Hans-Dirk Walter,
Stefan M. Lang:
Autonomy over Ubiquity: Coping with the Complexity of a Distributed World.
ER 1990: 281-297 |
50 | | Peter C. Lockemann,
Alfons Kemper,
Guido Moerkotte:
Future Database Technology: Driving Forces and Directions.
IBM Symposium: Database Systems of the 90s 1990: 15-33 |
49 | | Klaus R. Dittrich,
Willi Gotthard,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Complex Entities for Engineering Applications.
Research Foundations in Object-Oriented and Semantic Database Systems 1990: 303-321 |
1989 |
48 | | Günter von Bültzingsloewen,
Cirano Iochpe,
Rolf-Peter Liedtke,
Ralf Kramer,
Michael Schryro,
Klaus R. Dittrich,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Design and Implementation of KARDAMOM - A Set-oriented Data Flow Database Machine.
IWDM 1989: 18-33 |
47 | EE | Philip A. Bernstein,
Umeshwar Dayal,
David J. DeWitt,
Dieter Gawlick,
Jim Gray,
Matthias Jarke,
Bruce G. Lindsay,
Peter C. Lockemann,
David Maier,
Erich J. Neuhold,
Andreas Reuter,
Lawrence A. Rowe,
Hans-Jörg Schek,
Joachim W. Schmidt,
Michael Schrefl,
Michael Stonebraker:
Future Directions in DBMS Research - The Laguna Beach Participants.
SIGMOD Record 18(1): 17-26 (1989) |
1988 |
46 | | Günter von Bültzingsloewen,
Cirano Iochpe,
Rolf-Peter Liedtke,
Klaus R. Dittrich,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Two-Level Transaction Management In A Multiprocessor Database Machine.
JCDKB 1988: 374-386 |
45 | | Stefan Karl,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Design of engineering databases: a case for more varied semantic modelling concepts.
Inf. Syst. 13(4): 335-357 (1988) |
44 | EE | Günter von Bültzingsloewen,
Klaus R. Dittrich,
Cirano Iochpe,
Rolf-Peter Liedtke,
Peter C. Lockemann,
Michael Schryro:
KARDAMOM - A Dataflow Database Machine For Real-Time Applications.
SIGMOD Record 17(1): 44-50 (1988) |
1987 |
43 | | Peter C. Lockemann,
Joachim W. Schmidt:
Springer 1987 |
42 | | Karol Abramowicz,
Klaus R. Dittrich,
Willi Gotthard,
Richard Längle,
Peter C. Lockemann,
Thomas Raupp,
Simone Rehm,
Tobias Wenner:
Datenbankunterstützung für Software-Produktionsumgebungen.
BTW 1987: 116-131 |
41 | EE | Alfons Kemper,
Peter C. Lockemann,
Mechtild Wallrath:
An Object-Oriented Database System for Engineering Applications.
SIGMOD Conference 1987: 299-310 |
40 | EE | Ingrid M. Walter,
Peter C. Lockemann,
Hans-Hellmut Nagel:
Database Support for Knowledge-Based Image Evaluation.
VLDB 1987: 3-11 |
39 | | Heinrich C. Mayr,
Klaus R. Dittrich,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Datenbankhandbuch 1987: 481-557 |
38 | | Peter C. Lockemann,
Klaus R. Dittrich:
Architektur von Datenbanksystemen.
Datenbankhandbuch 1987: 85-161 |
37 | EE | Klaus R. Dittrich,
Willi Gotthard,
Peter C. Lockemann:
DAMOKLES - The Database System for the UNIBASE Software Engineering Environment.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 10(1): 37-47 (1987) |
36 | | Peter Dadam,
Rüdiger Dillmann,
Alfons Kemper,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Objektorientierte Datenhaltung für die Roboterprogrammierung.
Inform., Forsch. Entwickl. 2(4): 151-170 (1987) |
1986 |
35 | | Klaus R. Dittrich,
Willi Gotthard,
Peter C. Lockemann:
DAMOKLES - A Database System for Software ENgineering Environments.
Advanced Programming Environments 1986: 353-371 |
34 | EE | Klaus R. Dittrich,
Willi Gotthard,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Complex Entities for Engineering Applications.
ER 1986: 421-440 |
33 | | Peter C. Lockemann,
Heinrich C. Mayr:
Information System Design: Techniques and Software Support (Invited Paper).
IFIP Congress 1986: 617-634 |
32 | | Werner Gaube,
Peter C. Lockemann,
Heinrich C. Mayr:
Wiederfinden zum Wiederverwenden: Rechnergestützter Modul-Nachweis auf der Basis formaler Spezifikationen.
Software-Architektur 1986: 66-81 |
31 | | Peter C. Lockemann:
Konsistenz, Konkurrenz, Persistenz - Grundbegriffe der Informatik? - Zur Diskussion gestellt.
Informatik Spektrum 9(5): 300-305 (1986) |
30 | | Alfons Kemper,
Mechtild Wallrath,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Ein Datenbanksystem für Robotikanwendungen.
Robotersysteme 2(3): 177-187 (1986) |
1985 |
29 | | Peter C. Lockemann,
Marcus Adams,
Martin Bever,
Klaus R. Dittrich,
Barbara Ferkinghoff,
Willi Gotthard,
Angelika M. Kotz,
Rolf-Peter Liedtke,
Birgit Lüke,
Jutta A. Mülle:
Anforderungen technischer Anwendungen an Datenbanksysteme.
BTW 1985: 1-26 |
28 | | Barbara Ferkinghoff,
Rolf-Peter Liedtke,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Konzepte für die funktionale Schnittstelle eines Datenbankrechners für die Prozeßdatenverarbeitung.
BTW 1985: 101-120 |
27 | | Werner Gaube,
Heinrich C. Mayr,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Retrieval in a Module Library Using Formal Specifications: Preliminary Search Using Syntactic Properties.
European Conference on Computer Algebra (2) 1985: 181-196 |
26 | EE | Christoph F. Eick,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Acquisition of Terminological Knowledge Using Database Design Techniques.
SIGMOD Conference 1985: 84-94 |
25 | EE | Martin Bever,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Database Hosting in Strongly-Typed Programming Languages.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 10(1): 107-126 (1985) |
24 | | Heinrich C. Mayr,
Peter C. Lockemann,
Martin Bever:
A Framework for Application Systems Engineering.
Inf. Syst. 10(1): 97-111 (1985) |
23 | | Klaus R. Dittrich,
Angelika M. Kotz,
Jutta A. Mülle,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Datenbankunterstützung für den ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Entwurf.
Informatik Spektrum 8(3): 113-125 (1985) |
1984 |
22 | | Klaus R. Dittrich,
Angelika M. Kotz,
Jutta A. Mülle,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Datenbankkonzepte für Ingenieuranwendungen: ein Übersicht über den Stand der Entwicklung.
GI Jahrestagung 1984: 175-192 |
21 | | Martin Bever,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Database Support for Software Development.
Programmierumgebungen und Compiler 1984: 46-72 |
1983 |
20 | EE | Peter C. Lockemann:
Analysis of Version and Configuration Control in a Software Engineering Environment.
ER 1983: 701-713 |
19 | EE | Manfred R. Klopprogge,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Modelling Information Preserving Databases: Consequences of the Concept of Time.
VLDB 1983: 399-416 |
1981 |
18 | | A. J. W. Duijvestijn,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Trends in Information Processing Systems, 3rd Conference of the European Cooperation in Informatics, Munich, Germany, October 20-22, 1981, Proceedings
Springer 1981 |
17 | | Martin Bever,
Werner Gaube,
Peter C. Lockemann,
Heinrich C. Mayr:
Construction of Application Systems: Some Aspects of Standardization.
ECI 1981: 85-102 |
1980 |
16 | | Manfred R. Klopprogge,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Teaching Systems Analysis and Planning in Informatics: A Practical Course.
IFIP Congress 1980: 979-983 |
1979 |
15 | | Rainer Hüber,
Klaus R. Dittrich,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Das KARAMBA Methodenbanksystem.
GI Jahrestagung 1979: 322-336 |
14 | EE | Peter C. Lockemann,
Heinrich C. Mayr,
Wolfgang H. Weil,
Wolfgang H. Wohlleber:
Data Abstractions for Database Systems.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 4(1): 60-75 (1979) |
13 | | Klaus R. Dittrich,
Rainer Hüber,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Methodenbanksysteme: Ein Werkzeug zum Maßschneidern von Anwendersoftware.
Informatik Spektrum 2(4): 194-218 (1979) |
1978 |
12 | | Giampio Bracchi,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Information Systems Methodology, Proceedings, 2nd Conference of the European Cooperation in Informatics, Venice, Italy, October 10-12, 1978
Springer 1978 |
11 | | Klaus-Dieter Krägeloh,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Access to Data Base Systems via Natural Language.
Natural Language Communication with Computers 1978: 49-86 |
10 | EE | Rainer Hüber,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Information Protection by Method Base Systems.
VLDB 1978: 420-426 |
9 | | Peter C. Lockemann:
Authorization and Database Security.
VLDB Surveys 1978: 257-258 |
1977 |
8 | | Klaus-Dieter Krägeloh,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Top-Down Optimization in Multi-Level Data Base Systems.
IFIP Congress 1977: 399-404 |
1976 |
7 | | Peter C. Lockemann,
Erich J. Neuhold:
Systems for Large Data Bases, September 8-10, 1976, Brussels, Belgium.
North Holland & IFIP 1976 |
6 | | Heinrich C. Mayr,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Formal Modelling of Discrete Dynamic Systems.
Performance 1976: 255-285 |
1975 |
5 | | Peter C. Lockemann:
Information Systems: A Survey by Examples.
GI Jahrestagung 1975: 3-34 |
4 | | Peter C. Lockemann:
Data Base User Languages for the Non-Programmer.
IBM Symposium: Data Base Systems 1975: 183-212 |
3 | | Klaus-Dieter Krägeloh,
Peter C. Lockemann:
Hierarchies of Data Base Languages: An Example.
Inf. Syst. 1(3): 79-90 (1975) |
1968 |
2 | EE | Peter C. Lockemann,
W. Dale Knutsen:
Information Retrieval: Recovery of disk contents after system failure.
Commun. ACM 11(8): 542 (1968) |
1967 |
1 | EE | Peter C. Lockemann,
W. Dale Knutsen:
A multiprogramming environment for online data acquisition and analysis.
Commun. ACM 10(12): 758-764 (1967) |