7. ICALP 1980:
The Netherland
J. W. de Bakker, Jan van Leeuwen (Eds.):
Automata, Languages and Programming, 7th Colloquium, Noordweijkerhout, The Netherland, July 14-18, 1980, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 85 Springer 1980, ISBN 3-540-10003-2 BibTeX
editor = {J. W. de Bakker and
Jan van Leeuwen},
title = {Automata, Languages and Programming, 7th Colloquium, Noordweijkerhout,
The Netherland, July 14-18, 1980, Proceedings},
booktitle = {ICALP},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {85},
year = {1980},
isbn = {3-540-10003-2},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- W. Ainhirn:
How to Get Rid of Pseudoterminals.
1-11 BibTeX
- J. Albert, Karel Culik II:
Test Sets for Homomorphism Equivalence on Context Free Languages.
12-18 BibTeX
- J. Albert, Lutz Michael Wegner:
Languages with Homomorphic Replacements.
19-29 BibTeX
- Helmut Alt:
Functions Equivalent to Integer Multiplication.
30-37 BibTeX
- Egidio Astesiano, Gerardo Costa:
Languages with Reducing Reflective Types.
38-50 BibTeX
- Ralph-Johan Back:
Semantics of Unbounded Nondeterminism.
51-63 BibTeX
- Ronald I. Becker, Yehoshua Perl, Stephen R. Schach:
A Shifting Algorithm for Min-Max Tree Partitioning.
64-75 BibTeX
- Jan A. Bergstra, J. V. Tucker:
A Characterisation of Computable Data Types by Means of a Finite Equational Specification Method.
76-90 BibTeX
- Piotr Berman:
A Note on Sweeping Automata.
91-97 BibTeX
- Dario Bini:
Border Rank of a pxqx2 Tensor and the Optimal Approximation od a Pair of Bilinear Forms.
98-108 BibTeX
- Luc Boasson:
Derivations et Redutions dans les Grammaires Algebriques.
109-118 BibTeX
- Patrick Cousot, Radhia Cousot:
Semantic Analysis of Communicating Sequential Processes (Shortened Version).
119-133 BibTeX
- Andrzej Ehrenfeucht, Grzegorz Rozenberg:
DOS Systems and Languages.
134-141 BibTeX
- Hartmut Ehrig, Hans-Jörg Kreowski, Peter Padawitz:
Algebraic Implementation of Abstract Data Types: Concept, Syntax, Semantics and Correctness.
142-156 BibTeX
- Hartmut Ehrig, Hans-Jörg Kreowski, James W. Thatcher, Eric G. Wagner, Jesse B. Wright:
Parameterized Data Types in Algebraic Specification Languages (Short Version).
157-168 BibTeX
- E. Allen Emerson, Edmund M. Clarke:
Characterizing Correctness Properties of Parallel Programs Using Fixpoints.
169-181 BibTeX
- Joost Engelfriet, Gilberto Filé:
Formal Properties of One-Visit and Multi-Pass Attribute Grammars.
182-194 BibTeX
- Shimon Even, Yacov Yacobi:
Cryptocomplexity and NP-Completeness.
195-207 BibTeX
- Philippe Flajolet, Jean-Marc Steyaert:
On the Analysis of Tree-Matching Algorithms.
208-219 BibTeX
- Greg N. Frederickson, Donald B. Johnson:
Generating and Searching Sets Induced by Networks.
221-233 BibTeX
- Martin Fürer:
The Complexity of the Inequivalence Problem for Regular Expressions with Intersection.
234-245 BibTeX
- Zvi Galil:
An Almost Linaer Time Algorithm for Computing a Dependency Basis in a Relational Data Base.
246-256 BibTeX
- Hartmann J. Genrich, P. S. Thiagarajan:
Bipolar Synchronization Systems.
257-272 BibTeX
- A. Goralciková, Pavel Goralcik, Václav Koubek:
Testing of Properties of Finite Algebras.
273-281 BibTeX
- Jim Gray:
A Transaction Model.
282-298 BibTeX
- Matthew Hennessy, Robin Milner:
On Observing Nondeterminism and Concurrency.
299-309 BibTeX
- Günter Hornung, Peter Raulefs:
Terminal Algebra Semantics and Retractions for Abstract Data Types.
310-323 BibTeX
- Thiet-Dung Huynh:
The Complexity of Semilinear Sets.
324-337 BibTeX
- Richard Kennaway, C. A. R. Hoare:
A Theory of Nondeterminism.
338-350 BibTeX
- Dexter Kozen:
A Representation Theorem for Models of *-Free PDL.
351-362 BibTeX
- Hans Langmaack, Ernst-Rüdiger Olderog:
Present-Day Hoare-Like Systems for Programming Languages with Procedures: Power, Limits and most Likely Expressions.
363-373 BibTeX
- Harry R. Lewis, Christos H. Papadimitriou:
Symmetric Space-Bounded Computation (Extended Abstract).
374-384 BibTeX
- Aldo de Luca, Antonio Restivo:
On Some Properties of Local Testability.
385-393 BibTeX
- Mila E. Majster-Cederbaum:
Semantics: Algebras, Fixed Points, Axioms.
394-408 BibTeX
- Johann A. Makowsky:
Measuring the Expressive Power of Dynamic Logics: An Application of Abstract Model Theory.
409-421 BibTeX
ICALP 1981: 551 BibTeX
- Kurt Mehlhorn:
Pebbling Moutain Ranges and its Application of DCFL-Recognition.
422-435 BibTeX
- Erik Meineche Schmidt:
Space-Restricted Attribute Grammars.
436-448 BibTeX
- Peter D. Mosses:
A Constructive Approach to Compiler Correctness.
449-469 BibTeX
- Christos H. Papadimitriou, Jon Louis Bentley:
A Worst-Case Analysis of Nearest Neighbor Searching by Projection.
470-482 BibTeX
- Jean-Eric Pin:
Proprietes syntactiques du produit non ambigu.
483-499 BibTeX
- Kari-Jouko Räihä, Esko Ukkonen:
On the Optimal Assignment of Attributes to Passes in Multi-Pass Attribute Evaluators.
500-511 BibTeX
- Jean-Claude Raoult, Jean Vuillemin:
Optimal Unbounded Search Strategies.
512-530 BibTeX
- Rüdiger Reischuk:
A "Fast Implementation" of a Multidimensional Storage into a Tree Storage.
531-542 BibTeX
- Arto Salomaa:
Grammatical Families.
543-554 BibTeX
- Peter Schlichtiger:
Partitioned Chain Grammars.
555-568 BibTeX
- Jeanette P. Schmidt, Eli Shamir:
An Improved Program for Constructing Open Hash Tables.
569-581 BibTeX
- Adi Shamir:
On the Power of Commutativity in Cryptography.
582-595 BibTeX
- Seppo Sippu, Eljas Soisalon-Soininen:
Characterizations of the LL(k) Property.
596-608 BibTeX
- Michael B. Smyth:
Computability in Categories.
609-620 BibTeX
- Marc Snir:
On the Size Complexity of Monotone Formulas.
621-631 BibTeX
- Tommaso Toffoli:
Reversible Computing.
632-644 BibTeX
- Valentin F. Turchin:
The Use of Metasystem Transition in Theorem Proving and Program Optimization.
645-657 BibTeX
- Paul M. B. Vitányi:
On the Power of Real-Time Machines Under Varying Specifications (Extended Abstract).
658-671 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:16:04 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)