
Kyle A. Gallivan

Kyle Gallivan

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53EEPaul Van Dooren, Kyle A. Gallivan, Pierre-Antoine Absil: H2-optimal model reduction of MIMO systems. Appl. Math. Lett. 21(12): 1267-1273 (2008)
52EEYiming Wu, Xiuwen Liu, Washington Mio, Kyle A. Gallivan: Two-stage optimal component analysis. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 110(1): 91-101 (2008)
51 Peiyi Tang, Markus P. Turkia, Kyle A. Gallivan: Mining web access patterns with first-occurrence linked WAP-trees. SEDE 2007: 247-252
50EEPierre-Antoine Absil, C. G. Baker, Kyle A. Gallivan: Trust-Region Methods on Riemannian Manifolds. Foundations of Computational Mathematics 7(3): 303-330 (2007)
49EEYixin Shou, Robert A. van Engelen, Johnnie Birch, Kyle A. Gallivan: Toward efficient flow-sensitive induction variable analysis and dependence testing for loop optimization. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2006: 1-6
48EEYiming Wu, Xiuwen Liu, Washington Mio, Kyle A. Gallivan: Two-Stage Optimal Component Analysis. ICIP 2006: 2041-2044
47EEC. G. Baker, Pierre-Antoine Absil, Kyle A. Gallivan: An Implicit Riemannian Trust-Region Method for the Symmetric Generalized Eigenproblem. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2006: 210-217
46EEJohnnie Birch, Robert A. van Engelen, Kyle A. Gallivan, Yixin Shou: An empirical evaluation of chains of recurrences for array dependence testing. PACT 2006: 295-304
45EEPrasad Kulkarni, Wankang Zhao, Stephen Hines, David B. Whalley, Xin Yuan, Robert van Engelen, Kyle Gallivan, Jason Hiser, Jack W. Davidson, Baosheng Cai, Mark W. Bailey, Hwashin Moon, Kyunghwan Cho, Yunheung Paek: VISTA: VPO interactive system for tuning applications. ACM Trans. Embedded Comput. Syst. 5(4): 819-863 (2006)
44EERobert A. van Engelen, Kyle A. Gallivan, Burt Walsh: Parametric timing estimation with Newton-Gregory formulae. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 18(11): 1435-1463 (2006)
43EEPierre-Antoine Absil, C. G. Baker, Kyle A. Gallivan, Ahmed H. Sameh: Adaptive Model Trust Region Methods for Generalized Eigenvalue Problems. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2005: 33-41
42EERobert A. van Engelen, Johnnie Birch, Yixin Shou, Burt Walsh, Kyle Gallivan: A unified framework for nonlinear dependence testing and symbolic analysis. ICS 2004: 106-115
41EEA. Antoulas, Danny C. Sorensen, Kyle A. Gallivan, Paul Van Dooren, Ananth Grama, Christoph Hoffmann, Ahmed H. Sameh: Model Reduction of Large-Scale Dynamical Systems. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 740-747
40EEPeter M. W. Knijnenburg, Toru Kisuki, Kyle Gallivan, Michael F. P. O'Boyle: The effect of cache models on iterative compilation for combined tiling and unrolling. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 16(2-3): 247-270 (2004)
39EEXiuwen Liu, Anuj Srivastava, Kyle Gallivan: Optimal Linear Representations of Images for Object Recognition. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 26(5): 662-666 (2004)
38 Utpal Banerjee, Kyle Gallivan, Antonio González: Proceedings of the 17th Annual International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS 2003, San Francisco, CA, USA, June 23-26, 2003 ACM 2003
37EEXiuwen Liu, Anuj Srivastava, Kyle Gallivan: Optimal Linear Representations of Images for Object Recognition. CVPR (1) 2003: 229-234
36EEPrasad Kulkarni, Wankang Zhao, Hwashin Moon, Kyunghwan Cho, David B. Whalley, Jack W. Davidson, Mark W. Bailey, Yunheung Paek, Kyle Gallivan: Finding effective optimization phase sequences. LCTES 2003: 12-23
35EERobert van Engelen, Kyle Gallivan: The gSOAP Toolkit for Web Services and Peer-to-Peer Computing Networks. CCGRID 2002: 128-135
34EEPaul van der Mark, Robert van Engelen, Kyle Gallivan, W. Dewar: A Case Study for Automatic Code Generation on a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2002: 419-428
33EEWankang Zhao, Baosheng Cai, David B. Whalley, Mark W. Bailey, Robert van Engelen, Xin Yuan, Jason Hiser, Jack W. Davidson, Kyle Gallivan, Douglas L. Jones: VISTA: a system for interactive code improvement. LCTES-SCOPES 2002: 155-164
32EEKyle Gallivan, Ahmed H. Sameh, Zahari Zlatev: Comparison of Ten Methods for the Solution of Large and Sparse Linear Algebraic Systems. Numerical Methods and Application 2002: 24-35
31EEPeter M. W. Knijnenburg, Toru Kisuki, Kyle Gallivan: Cache Models for Iterative Compilation. Euro-Par 2001: 254-261
30EERobert A. Soni, Kyle A. Gallivan, W. Kenneth Jenkins: Rapid convergence in fault tolerant adaptive algorithms. ISCAS (3) 1999: 150-153
29 Bret A. Marsolf, Kyle Gallivan, Harry A. G. Wijshoff: The Utilization of Matrix Structure to Generate Optimized Code from MATLAB Programs. International Journal of Parallel Programming 27(2): 73-96 (1999)
28EEAlexander V. Veidenbaum, Pen-Chung Yew, David J. Kuck, Constantine D. Polychronopoulos, David A. Padua, Edward S. Davidson, Kyle Gallivan: Retrospective: The Cedar System. 25 Years ISCA: Retrospectives and Reprints 1998: 89-91
27 Bret A. Marsolf, Aart J. C. Bik, Kyle Gallivan, Harry A. G. Wijshoff: The Generation of Optimized Codes Using Nonzero Structure Analysis. ISHPC 1997: 1-29
26 Luiz De Rose, Kyle Gallivan, Efstratios Gallopoulos: 3-D Land Avoidance and Load Balancing in Regional Ocean Simulation. ICPP, Vol. 2 1996: 158-165
25 Kyle Gallivan, Bret A. Marsolf, Harry A. G. Wijshoff: Solving Large Nonsymmetric Sparse Linear Systems Using MCSPARSE. Parallel Computing 22(10): 1291-1333 (1996)
24 Yen-Cheng Wen, Kyle Gallivan, Resve A. Saleh: Improving Parallel Circuit Simulation Using High-Level Waveforms. ISCAS 1995: 728-731
23 Luiz De Rose, Kyle Gallivan, Efstratios Gallopoulos, Bret A. Marsolf, David A. Padua: FALCON: A MATLAB Interactive Restructuring Compiler. LCPC 1995: 269-288
22EEMasayuki Kuba, Constantine D. Polychronopoulos, Kyle Gallivan: The Synergetic Effect of Compiler, Architecture, and Manual Optimizations on the Performance of CFD On Multiprocessors. SC 1995
21EEKyle Gallivan, Per Christian Hansen, Tzvetan Ostromsky, Zahari Zlatev: Locally Optimized Reordering Algorithm and its Application to a Parallel Sparse Linear System Solver. Computing 54(1): 39-68 (1995)
20 Kyle Gallivan, Srikanth Thirumalai, Paul Van Dooren: On Solving Block Toeplitz Systems Using a Block Schur Algorithm. ICPP (3) 1994: 274-281
19EEKyle Gallivan, Bret A. Marsolf, Harry A. G. Wijshoff: The parallel solution of nonsymmetric sparse linear systems using the H* reordering and an associated factorization. International Conference on Supercomputing 1994: 419-430
18 David J. Kuck, Edward S. Davidson, Duncan H. Lawrie, Ahmed H. Sameh, Chuan-Qi Zhu, Alexander V. Veidenbaum, Jeff Konicek, Pen-Chung Yew, Kyle Gallivan, William Jalby, Harry A. G. Wijshoff, Randall Bramley, U. M. Yang, Perry A. Emrath, David A. Padua, Rudolf Eigenmann, Jay Hoeflinger, Greg Jaxon, Zhiyuan Li, T. Murphy, John T. Andrews, Stephen W. Turner: The Cedar System and an Initial Performance Study. ISCA 1993: 213-223
17EEGih-Guang Hung, Yen-Cheng Wen, Kyle Gallivan, Resve A. Saleh: Improving the performance of parallel relaxation-based circuit simulators. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 12(11): 1762-1774 (1993)
16EELuiz De Rose, Kyle Gallivan, Efstratios Gallopoulos: Experiments with an ocean circulation model on CEDAR. ICS 1992: 397-408
15 Yen-Cheng Wen, Kyle Gallivan, Resve A. Saleh: Parallel Event-Driven Waveform Relaxation. ICCD 1991: 101-104
14 Kyle Gallivan, William Jalby, Stephen W. Turner, Alexander V. Veidenbaum, Harry A. G. Wijshoff: Preliminary Performance Analysis of the Cedar Multiprocessor Memory System. ICPP (1) 1991: 71-75
13 Luiz De Rose, Kyle Gallivan, Efstratios Gallopoulos, A. Navarra: Parallel Ocean Circulation Modeling on Cedar. PPSC 1991: 401-405
12EEKyle A. Gallivan, William Jalby, Allen D. Malony, Harry A. G. Wijshoff: Performance Prediction for Parallel Numerical Algorithms. International Journal of High Speed Computing 3(1): 31-62 (1991)
11EEGih-Guang Hung, Yen-Cheng Wen, Kyle Gallivan, Resve A. Saleh: Parallel Circuit Simulation Using Hierarchical Relaxation. DAC 1990: 394-399
10EEKyle Gallivan, Ahmed H. Sameh, Zahari Zlatev: Solving general sparse linear systems using conjugate gradient-type methods. ICS 1990: 132-139
9EEKyle Gallivan, Dennis Gannon, William Jalby, Allen D. Malony, Harry A. G. Wijshoff: Experimentally Characterizing the Behavior of Multiprocessor Memory Systems. A Case Study. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 16(2): 216-223 (1990)
8EEKyle Gallivan, William Jalby, Allen Maloney, Harry A. G. Wijshoff: Performance prediction of loop constructs on multiprocessor hierarchical-memory systems. ICS 1989: 433-442
7 Kyle Gallivan, Bret A. Marsolf, Harry A. G. Wijshoff: A Large-Grain Parallel Sparse System Solver. PPSC 1989: 23-28
6 Kyle Gallivan, Dennis Gannon, William Jalby, Allen D. Malony, Harry A. G. Wijshoff: Behavioral Characterization of Multiprocessor Memory Systems: A Case Study. SIGMETRICS 1989: 79-88
5EEKyle Gallivan, William Jalby, Dennis Gannon: On the problem of optimizing data transfers for complex memory systems. ICS 1988: 238-253
4 Dennis Gannon, William Jalby, Kyle Gallivan: Strategies for Cache and Local Memory Management by Global Program Transformation. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 5(5): 587-616 (1988)
3 Virendrakumar C. Bhavsar, T. Tassou, Esam M. A. Hussein, Kyle A. Gallivan: Monte Carlo Neutron Transport on the Alliant FX/8. ICPP 1987: 421-423
2 Dennis Gannon, William Jalby, Kyle Gallivan: Strategies for Cache and Local Memory Management by Global Program Transformation. ICS 1987: 229-254
1 Michael Berry, Kyle Gallivan, W. Harrod, William Jalby, Sy-Shin Lo, Ulrike Meier, Bernard Philippe, Ahmed H. Sameh: Parallel Algorithms on the CEDAR System. CONPAR 1986: 25-39

Coauthor Index

1Pierre-Antoine Absil [43] [47] [50] [53]
2John T. Andrews [18]
3A. Antoulas [41]
4Mark W. Bailey [33] [36] [45]
5C. G. Baker [43] [47] [50]
6Utpal Banerjee [38]
7Michael Berry [1]
8Virendrakumar C. Bhavsar [3]
9Aart J. C. Bik [27]
10Johnnie Birch [42] [46] [49]
11Randall Bramley [18]
12Baosheng Cai [33] [45]
13Kyunghwan Cho [36] [45]
14Edward S. Davidson [18] [28]
15Jack W. Davidson [33] [36] [45]
16W. Dewar [34]
17Paul Van Dooren [20] [41] [53]
18Rudolf Eigenmann [18]
19Perry A. Emrath [18]
20Robert A. van Engelen (Robert van Engelen) [33] [34] [35] [42] [44] [45] [46] [49]
21Efstratios Gallopoulos [13] [16] [23] [26]
22Dennis Gannon [2] [4] [5] [6] [9]
23Antonio González [38]
24Ananth Grama [41]
25Per Christian Hansen [21]
26W. Harrod [1]
27Stephen Roderick Hines (Stephen Hines) [45]
28Jason Hiser [33] [45]
29Jay Hoeflinger [18]
30Christoph Hoffmann [41]
31Gih-Guang Hung [11] [17]
32Esam M. A. Hussein [3]
33William Jalby [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [12] [14] [18]
34Greg Jaxon [18]
35W. Kenneth Jenkins [30]
36Douglas L. Jones [33]
37Toru Kisuki [31] [40]
38Peter M. W. Knijnenburg [31] [40]
39Jeff Konicek [18]
40Masayuki Kuba [22]
41David J. Kuck [18] [28]
42Prasad Kulkarni [36] [45]
43Duncan H. Lawrie [18]
44Zhiyuan Li [18]
45Xiuwen Liu [37] [39] [48] [52]
46Sy-Shin Lo [1]
47Allen Maloney [8]
48Allen D. Malony [6] [9] [12]
49Paul van der Mark [34]
50Bret A. Marsolf [7] [19] [23] [25] [27] [29]
51Ulrike Meier [1]
52Washington Mio [48] [52]
53Hwashin Moon [36] [45]
54T. Murphy [18]
55A. Navarra [13]
56Michael F. P. O'Boyle [40]
57Tzvetan Ostromsky [21]
58David A. Padua [18] [23] [28]
59Yunheung Paek [36] [45]
60Bernard Philippe [1]
61Constantine D. Polychronopoulos [22] [28]
62Luiz De Rose [13] [16] [23] [26]
63Resve A. Saleh (Resve Saleh, Res Saleh) [11] [15] [17] [24]
64Ahmed H. Sameh [1] [10] [18] [32] [41] [43]
65Yixin Shou [42] [46] [49]
66Robert A. Soni [30]
67Danny C. Sorensen [41]
68Anuj Srivastava [37] [39]
69Peiyi Tang [51]
70T. Tassou [3]
71Srikanth Thirumalai [20]
72Markus P. Turkia [51]
73Stephen W. Turner [14] [18]
74Alexander V. Veidenbaum [14] [18] [28]
75Burt Walsh [42] [44]
76Yen-Cheng Wen [11] [15] [17] [24]
77David B. Whalley [33] [36] [45]
78Harry A. G. Wijshoff [6] [7] [8] [9] [12] [14] [18] [19] [25] [27] [29]
79Yiming Wu [48] [52]
80U. M. Yang [18]
81Pen-Chung Yew [18] [28]
82Xin Yuan [33] [45]
83Wankang Zhao [33] [36] [45]
84Chuanqi Zhu (Chuan-Qi Zhu) [18]
85Zahari Zlatev [10] [21] [32]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)