
Robert A. van Engelen

Robert van Engelen

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48EESubhajit Datta, Robert van Engelen: COMP-REF: A Technique to Guide the Delegation of Responsibilities to Components in Software Systems. FASE 2008: 332-346
47EEYixin Shou, Robert A. van Engelen: Automatic SIMD vectorization of chains of recurrences. ICS 2008: 245-255
46EERobert A. van Engelen, Wei Zhang: An Overview and Evaluation of Web Services Security Performance Optimizations. ICWS 2008: 137-144
45EEWei Zhang, Robert A. van Engelen: High-Performance XML Parsing and Validation with Permutation Phrase Grammar Parsers. ICWS 2008: 286-294
44EEHaohai Yu, Robert van Engelen: Refractor Importance Sampling. UAI 2008: 603-611
43EERobert A. van Engelen: A framework for service-oriented computing with C and C++ Web service components. ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 8(3): (2008)
42EESubhajit Datta, Robert van Engelen, David Gaitros, Neelima Jammigumpula: Experiences with tracking the effects of changing requirements on Morphbank: a web-based bioinformatics application. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2007: 413-418
41EEYixin Shou, Robert van Engelen, Johnnie Birch: Flow-Sensitive Loop-Variant Variable Classification in Linear Time. LCPC 2007: 323-337
40EEMassimo Cafaro, Daniele Lezzi, Sandro Fiore, Giovanni Aloisio, Robert van Engelen: The GSI Plug-In for gSOAP: Building Cross-Grid Interoperable Secure Grid Services. PPAM 2007: 894-901
39EEYixin Shou, Robert A. van Engelen, Johnnie Birch, Kyle A. Gallivan: Toward efficient flow-sensitive induction variable analysis and dependence testing for loop optimization. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2006: 1-6
38EEWei Zhang, Robert A. van Engelen: TDX: a high-performance table-driven XML parser. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2006: 726-731
37EEWei Zhang, Robert van Engelen: A Table-Driven Streaming XML Parsing Methodology for High-Performance Web Services. ICWS 2006: 197-204
36EERobert van Engelen, Madhusudhan Govindaraju, Wei Zhang: Exploring Remote Object Coherence in XMLWeb Services. ICWS 2006: 249-256
35EEJohnnie Birch, Robert A. van Engelen, Kyle A. Gallivan, Yixin Shou: An empirical evaluation of chains of recurrences for array dependence testing. PACT 2006: 295-304
34EESubhajit Datta, Robert van Engelen: Effects of changing requirements: a tracking mechanism for the analysis workflow. SAC 2006: 1739-1744
33EERobert van Engelen, Madhusudhan Govindaraju, Nectarios Koziris, Kleanthis Psarris: Editorial message: special track on distributed systems and grid computing. SAC 2006: 739-740
32EEMichael R. Head, Madhusudhan Govindaraju, Robert van Engelen, Wei Zhang: Grid scheduling and protocols - Benchmarking XML processors for applications in grid web services. SC 2006: 121
31EEPrasad Kulkarni, Wankang Zhao, Stephen Hines, David B. Whalley, Xin Yuan, Robert van Engelen, Kyle Gallivan, Jason Hiser, Jack W. Davidson, Baosheng Cai, Mark W. Bailey, Hwashin Moon, Kyunghwan Cho, Yunheung Paek: VISTA: VPO interactive system for tuning applications. ACM Trans. Embedded Comput. Syst. 5(4): 819-863 (2006)
30EERobert A. van Engelen, Kyle A. Gallivan, Burt Walsh: Parametric timing estimation with Newton-Gregory formulae. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 18(11): 1435-1463 (2006)
29EEGiovanni Aloisio, Massimo Cafaro, Italo Epicoco, Daniele Lezzi, Robert van Engelen: The GSI Plug-in for gSOAP: Enhanced Security, Performance, and Reliability. ITCC (1) 2005: 304-309
28EERobert van Engelen, Nectarios Koziris, Madhusudhan Govindaraju, Kleanthis Psarris: Editorial message: special track on distributed systems and grid computing. SAC 2005: 678-679
27EEMichael R. Head, Madhusudhan Govindaraju, Aleksander Slominski, Pu Liu, Nayef Abu-Ghazaleh, Robert van Engelen, Kenneth Chiu, Michael J. Lewis: A Benchmark Suite for SOAP-based Communication in Grid Web Services. SC 2005: 19
26EEWilliam C. Kreahling, David B. Whalley, Mark W. Bailey, Xin Yuan, Gang-Ryung Uh, Robert van Engelen: Branch elimination by condition merging. Softw., Pract. Exper. 35(1): 51-74 (2005)
25EEMadhusudhan Govindaraju, Aleksander Slominski, Kenneth Chiu, Pu Liu, Robert van Engelen, Michael J. Lewis: Toward Characterizing the Performance of SOAP Toolkits. GRID 2004: 365-372
24EERobert A. van Engelen, Johnnie Birch, Yixin Shou, Burt Walsh, Kyle Gallivan: A unified framework for nonlinear dependence testing and symbolic analysis. ICS 2004: 106-115
23 Robert van Engelen: Constructing Finite State Automata for High-Performance XML Web Services. International Conference on Internet Computing 2004: 975-981
22EERobert van Engelen, Nectarios Koziris, Mario Mango Furnari, Kleanthis Psarris: Editorial message: special track on parallel and distributed systems. SAC 2004: 1405-1406
21EERobert van Engelen: Code generation techniques for developing light-weight XML Web services for embedded devices. SAC 2004: 854-861
20EERobert van Engelen, David B. Whalley, Xin Yuan: Automatic validation of code-improving transformations on low-level program representations. Sci. Comput. Program. 52: 257-280 (2004)
19EEWilliam C. Kreahling, David B. Whalley, Mark W. Bailey, Xin Yuan, Gang-Ryung Uh, Robert van Engelen: Branch Elimination via Multi-variable Condition Merging. Euro-Par 2003: 261-270
18EEGiovanni Aloisio, Massimo Cafaro, Daniele Lezzi, Robert van Engelen: Secure Web Services with Globus GSI and gSOAP. Euro-Par 2003: 421-426
17 Robert van Engelen: Pushing the SOAP Envelope with Web Services for Scientific Computing. ICWS 2003: 346-352
16 Yaohang Li, Michael Mascagni, Robert van Engelen: GCIMCA: A Globus and SPRNG Implementation of a Grid-Computing Infrastructure for Monte Carlo Applications. PDPTA 2003: 71-76
15 Robert van Engelen, David B. Whalley, Xin Yuan: Validation of Code-Improving Transformations for Embedded Systems. SAC 2003: 684-691
14 Robert van Engelen, Turgay Korkmaz, Nectarios Koziris, Kleanthis Psarris: Parallel and Distributed Systems and Networking Track Editorial. SAC 2003: 983-984
13EERobert van Engelen, Gunjan Gupta, Saurabh Pant: Developing Web Services for C and C++. IEEE Internet Computing 7(2): 53-61 (2003)
12EERobert van Engelen, Kyle Gallivan: The gSOAP Toolkit for Web Services and Peer-to-Peer Computing Networks. CCGRID 2002: 128-135
11EEPaul van der Mark, Robert van Engelen, Kyle Gallivan, W. Dewar: A Case Study for Automatic Code Generation on a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2002: 419-428
10EEWankang Zhao, Baosheng Cai, David B. Whalley, Mark W. Bailey, Robert van Engelen, Xin Yuan, Jason Hiser, Jack W. Davidson, Kyle Gallivan, Douglas L. Jones: VISTA: a system for interactive code improvement. LCTES-SCOPES 2002: 155-164
9EERobert van Engelen: Efficient Symbolic Analysis for Optimizing Compilers. CC 2001: 118-132
8EEApan Qasem, David B. Whalley, Xin Yuan, Robert van Engelen: Using a Swap Instruction to Coalesce Loads and Stores. Euro-Par 2001: 235-240
7EERobert van Engelen, David B. Whalley, Xin Yuan: Automatic Validation of Code-Improving Transformations. LCTES 2000: 206-210
6 Christopher A. Healy, Mikael Sjödin, Viresh Rustagi, David B. Whalley, Robert van Engelen: Supporting Timing Analysis by Automatic Bounding of Loop Iterations. Real-Time Systems 18(2/3): 129-156 (2000)
5EERobert van Engelen, Lex Wolters, Gerard Cats: PDE-Oriented Language Compilation and Optimization with Ctadel for Parallel Computing. HIPS 1997: 105-109
4EERobert van Engelen, Ilja Heitlager, Lex Wolters, Gerard Cats: Incorporating Application Dependent Information in an Automatic Code Generating Environment. International Conference on Supercomputing 1997: 180-187
3 Robert van Engelen, Lex Wolters, Gerard Cats: Automatic code generation for high performance computing in environmental modeling. EUROSIM 1996: 421-428
2EERobert van Engelen, Lex Wolters, Gerard Cats: CTADEL: A Generator of Multi-Platform High Performance Codes for PDE-Based Scientific Applications. International Conference on Supercomputing 1996: 86-93
1EERobert van Engelen, Lex Wolters: A Comparison of Parallel Programming Paradigms and Data Distributions for a Limited Area Numerical Weather Forecast Routine. International Conference on Supercomputing 1995: 357-364

Coauthor Index

1Nayef Abu-Ghazaleh [27]
2Giovanni Aloisio [18] [29] [40]
3Mark W. Bailey [10] [19] [26] [31]
4Johnnie Birch [24] [35] [39] [41]
5Massimo Cafaro (M. Cafaro) [18] [29] [40]
6Baosheng Cai [10] [31]
7Gerard Cats [2] [3] [4] [5]
8Kenneth Chiu [25] [27]
9Kyunghwan Cho [31]
10Subhajit Datta [34] [42] [48]
11Jack W. Davidson [10] [31]
12W. Dewar [11]
13Italo Epicoco [29]
14Sandro Fiore [40]
15Mario Mango Furnari [22]
16David Gaitros [42]
17Kyle A. Gallivan (Kyle Gallivan) [10] [11] [12] [24] [30] [31] [35] [39]
18Madhusudhan Govindaraju [25] [27] [28] [32] [33] [36]
19Gunjan Gupta [13]
20Michael R. Head [27] [32]
21Christopher A. Healy [6]
22Ilja Heitlager [4]
23Stephen Roderick Hines (Stephen Hines) [31]
24Jason Hiser [10] [31]
25Neelima Jammigumpula [42]
26Douglas L. Jones [10]
27Turgay Korkmaz [14]
28Nectarios Koziris [14] [22] [28] [33]
29William C. Kreahling [19] [26]
30Prasad Kulkarni [31]
31Michael J. Lewis [25] [27]
32Daniele Lezzi [18] [29] [40]
33Yaohang Li [16]
34Pu Liu [25] [27]
35Paul van der Mark [11]
36Michael Mascagni [16]
37Hwashin Moon [31]
38Yunheung Paek [31]
39Saurabh Pant [13]
40Kleanthis Psarris [14] [22] [28] [33]
41Apan Qasem [8]
42Viresh Rustagi [6]
43Yixin Shou [24] [35] [39] [41] [47]
44Mikael Sjödin [6]
45Aleksander Slominski [25] [27]
46Gang-Ryung Uh [19] [26]
47Burt Walsh [24] [30]
48David B. Whalley [6] [7] [8] [10] [15] [19] [20] [26] [31]
49Lex Wolters [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
50Haohai Yu [44]
51Xin Yuan [7] [8] [10] [15] [19] [20] [26] [31]
52Wei Zhang [32] [36] [37] [38] [45] [46]
53Wankang Zhao [10] [31]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)