2008 |
19 | EE | Mustapha Hamdi,
Antoine Ferreira:
Design and computational analysis of a linear nanotube servomotor using DNA actuation.
ICRA 2008: 443-448 |
18 | EE | Hamid Ladjal,
Jean-Luc Hanus,
Antoine Ferreira:
Interactive cell injection simulation based on 3D biomechanical tensegrity model.
IROS 2008: 2296-2302 |
17 | EE | Moussa Boukhnifer,
Antoine Ferreira:
Fault tolerant control of a bilateral teleoperated micromanipulation system.
IROS 2008: 412-417 |
2007 |
16 | EE | Mehdi Ammi,
Antoine Ferreira:
Robotic Assisted Micromanipulation System using Virtual Fixtures and Metaphors.
ICRA 2007: 454-460 |
15 | EE | Mustapha Hamdi,
Antoine Ferreira:
Multiscale design and modeling of nanorobots.
IROS 2007: 3821-3827 |
2006 |
14 | | Mustapha Hamdi,
Gaurav Sharma,
Antoine Ferreira,
Constantinos Mavroidis:
Characterization of Protein based Spring-like Elastic Joints for Biorobotic Applications.
ICRA 2006: 1794-1799 |
13 | EE | Mustapha Hamdi,
Antoine Ferreira:
DNA-based Bio-Nanorobotic Components using VR-Enhanced CAD Design.
IROS 2006: 1921-1926 |
12 | EE | Mehdi Ammi,
Hamid Ladjal,
Antoine Ferreira:
Evaluation of 3D Pseudo-Haptic Rendering using Vision for Cell Micromanipulation.
IROS 2006: 2115-2120 |
11 | EE | Moussa Boukhnifer,
Antoine Ferreira:
Stability and Transparency for Scaled Teleoperation System.
IROS 2006: 4217-4222 |
10 | EE | Mehdi Ammi,
Antoine Ferreira:
Biological cell injection visual and haptic interface.
Advanced Robotics 20(3): 283-304 (2006) |
9 | EE | Moussa Boukhnifer,
Antoine Ferreira:
Wave-based passive control for transparent micro-teleoperation system.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 54(7): 601-615 (2006) |
2005 |
8 | | Mehdi Ammi,
Vincent Fremont,
Antoine Ferreira:
Flexible Microscope Calibration using Virtual Pattern for 3-D Telemicromanipulation.
ICRA 2005: 3888-3893 |
7 | | Mehdi Ammi,
Antoine Ferreira:
Realistic Visual and Haptic Rendering for Biological-Cell Injection.
ICRA 2005: 918-923 |
2004 |
6 | EE | Mehdi Ammi,
Antoine Ferreira,
Jean-Guy Fontaine:
Virtualized Reality Interface for Tele-micromanipulation.
ICRA 2004: 2776-2781 |
5 | EE | Moussa Boukhnifer,
Antoine Ferreira,
Jean-Guy Fontaine:
Scaled Teleoperation Controller Design for Micromanipulation over Internet.
ICRA 2004: 4577-4583 |
2003 |
4 | | Antoine Ferreira:
Strategies of human-robot interaction for automatic microassembly.
ICRA 2003: 3076-3081 |
3 | | Saliha Boudjabi,
Antoine Ferreira,
Alexandre Krupa:
Modeling and vision-based control of a micro catheter head for teleoperated in-pipe inspection.
ICRA 2003: 4282-4287 |
2002 |
2 | | Claude Cassier,
Antoine Ferreira,
Shigeoki Hirai:
Combination of Vision Servoing Techniques and VR-Based Simulation for Semi-Autonomous Microassembly Workstation.
ICRA 2002: 1501-1506 |
1 | | Antoine Ferreira,
Saliha Boudjabi,
Jean-Guy Fontaine:
Dynamic Model of an Arrayed-Type Ultrasonic Microconveyer for Control Design.
ICRA 2002: 3205-3211 |