
Hannes Bleuler

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15EELindo Duratti, Fei Wang, Evren Samur, Hannes Bleuler: A real-time simulator for interventional radiology. VRST 2008: 105-108
14EEEvren Samur, Fei Wang, Ulrich Spaelter, Hannes Bleuler: Generic and systematic evaluation of haptic interfaces based on testbeds. IROS 2007: 2113-2119
13EEDominique Chapuis, Xavier Michel, Roger Gassert, Chee-Meng Chew, Etienne Burdet, Hannes Bleuler: A Haptic Knob with a Hybrid Ultrasonic Motor and Powder Clutch Actuator. WHC 2007: 200-205
12EEAlan Ettlin, Hannes Bleuler: Rough-Terrain Robot Motion Planning based on Obstacleness. ICARCV 2006: 1-6
11 Roger Gassert, L. Dovat, O. Lambercy, Y. Ruffieux, Dominique Chapuis, G. Ganesh, Etienne Burdet, Hannes Bleuler: A 2-DOF fMRI Compatible Haptic Interface to Investigate the Neural Control of Arm Movements. ICRA 2006: 3825-3831
10 Roger Gassert, N. Vanello, Dominique Chapuis, V. Hartwig, Enzo Pasquale Scilingo, Antonio Bicchi, L. Landini, Etienne Burdet, Hannes Bleuler: Active Mechatronic Interface for Haptic Perception Studies with Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Compatibility and Design Criteria. ICRA 2006: 3832-3837
9EEDominique Chapuis, Roger Gassert, Etienne Burdet, Hannes Bleuler: Hybrid Ultrasonic Motor and Electrorheological Clutch System for MR-Compatible Haptic Rendering. IROS 2006: 1553-1557
8EEAlan Ettlin, Hannes Bleuler: Randomised Rough-Terrain Robot Motion Planning. IROS 2006: 5798-5803
7EEL. Dovat, O. Lambercy, Y. Ruffieux, Dominique Chapuis, Roger Gassert, Hannes Bleuler, Chee Leong Teo, Etienne Burdet: A Haptic Knob for Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients. IROS 2006: 977-982
6 Dejan Ilic, Thomas Moix, Blaise Fracheboud, Hannes Bleuler, Ivan Vecerina: A Haptic Interface for Interventional Radiology. ICRA 2005: 2933-2937
5 Akio Yamamoto, Keigo Ichiyanagi, Toshiro Higuchi, Hiroshi Imamizu, Roger Gassert, Martin Ingold, L. Sache, Hannes Bleuler: Evaluation of MR-compatibility of Electrostatic Linear Motor. ICRA 2005: 3658-3663
4EEGanesh Gowrishankar, Roger Gassert, Etienne Burdet, Hannes Bleuler: Dynamics and Control of an MRI Compatible Master-Slave System with Hydrostatic Transmission. ICRA 2004: 1288-1294
3EEEtienne Burdet, Roger Gassert, Ganesh Gowrishankar, Dominique Chapuis, Hannes Bleuler: fMRI Compatible Haptic Interfaces to Investigate Human Motor Control. ISER 2004: 25-34
2 R. Moser, Roger Gassert, Etienne Burdet, L. Sache, H. R. Woodtli, J. Erni, W. Maeder, Hannes Bleuler: An MR compatible robot technology. ICRA 2003: 670-675
1 Hannes Bleuler, Reymond Clavel, Jean-Marc Breguet, Hans Langen, Eric Pernette: Issues in Precision Motion Control and Microhandling. ICRA 2000: 959-964

Coauthor Index

1Antonio Bicchi [10]
2Jean-Marc Breguet [1]
3Etienne Burdet [2] [3] [4] [7] [9] [10] [11] [13]
4Dominique Chapuis [3] [7] [9] [10] [11] [13]
5Chee-Meng Chew [13]
6Reymond Clavel [1]
7L. Dovat [7] [11]
8Lindo Duratti [15]
9J. Erni [2]
10Alan Ettlin [8] [12]
11Blaise Fracheboud [6]
12G. Ganesh [11]
13Roger Gassert [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [9] [10] [11] [13]
14Ganesh Gowrishankar [3] [4]
15V. Hartwig [10]
16Toshiro Higuchi [5]
17Keigo Ichiyanagi [5]
18Dejan Ilic [6]
19Hiroshi Imamizu [5]
20Martin Ingold [5]
21O. Lambercy [7] [11]
22Luigi Landini (L. Landini) [10]
23Hans Langen [1]
24W. Maeder [2]
25Xavier Michel [13]
26Thomas Moix [6]
27R. Moser [2]
28Eric Pernette [1]
29Y. Ruffieux [7] [11]
30L. Sache [2] [5]
31Evren Samur [14] [15]
32Enzo Pasquale Scilingo [10]
33Ulrich Spaelter [14]
34Chee Leong Teo [7]
35N. Vanello [10]
36Ivan Vecerina [6]
37Fei Wang [14] [15]
38H. R. Woodtli [2]
39Akio Yamamoto [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)