
Reymond Clavel

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9EEYves Stauffer, Yves Allemand, Mohamed Bouri, Jacques Fournier, Reymond Clavel, Patrick Metrailler, Roland Brodard, Fabienne Reynard: Pelvic motion measurement during over ground walking, analysis and implementation on the WalkTrainer reeducation device. IROS 2008: 2362-2367
8EEWalter Driesen, Amar Rida, Jean-Marc Breguet, Reymond Clavel: Friction based locomotion module for mobile MEMS robots. IROS 2007: 3815-3820
7 Tiavina F. Niaritsiry, Nuno Fazenda, Reymond Clavel: Study of the Sources of Inaccuracy of a 3 DOF Flexure Hinge-based Parallel Manipulator. ICRA 2004: 4091-4096
6EEHan Zhang, Yves Bellouard, Etienne Burdet, Reymond Clavel, Aun Neow Poo, Dietmar Werner Hutmacher: Shape Memory Alloy Microgripper for Robotic Microassembly of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds. ICRA 2004: 4918-4924
5 Han Zhang, Etienne Burdet, Dietmar Werner Hutmacher, Aun Neow Poo, Yves Bellouard, Reymond Clavel, Thomas Sidler: Robotic Micro-Assembly of Scaffold/Cell Constructs with a Shape Memory Alloy Gripper. ICRA 2002: 1483-1488
4 Hannes Bleuler, Reymond Clavel, Jean-Marc Breguet, Hans Langen, Eric Pernette: Issues in Precision Motion Control and Microhandling. ICRA 2000: 959-964
3EEPeter Vischer, Reymond Clavel: Argos: A Novel 3-DoF Parallel Wrist Mechanism. I. J. Robotic Res. 19(1): 5-11 (2000)
2 Roger Baumann, Reymond Clavel: Haptic Interface for Virtual Reality Based Minimally Invasive Surgery Simulation. ICRA 1998: 381-386
1 K. Miller, Reymond Clavel: The Lagrange-based model of Delta-4 robot dynamics. Robotersysteme 8: 49-54 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Yves Allemand [9]
2Roger Baumann [2]
3Yves Bellouard [5] [6]
4Hannes Bleuler [4]
5Mohamed Bouri [9]
6Jean-Marc Breguet [4] [8]
7Roland Brodard [9]
8Etienne Burdet [5] [6]
9Walter Driesen [8]
10Nuno Fazenda [7]
11Jacques Fournier [9]
12Dietmar Werner Hutmacher [5] [6]
13Hans Langen [4]
14Patrick Metrailler [9]
15K. Miller [1]
16Tiavina F. Niaritsiry [7]
17Eric Pernette [4]
18Aun Neow Poo [5] [6]
19Fabienne Reynard [9]
20Amar Rida [8]
21Thomas Sidler [5]
22Yves Stauffer [9]
23Peter Vischer [3]
24Han Zhang [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)