12. ISAAC 2001:
New Zealand
Peter Eades, Tadao Takaoka (Eds.):
Algorithms and Computation, 12th International Symposium, ISAAC 2001, Christchurch, New Zealand, December 19-21, 2001, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2223 Springer 2001, ISBN 3-540-42985-9 BibTeX
editor = {Peter Eades and
Tadao Takaoka},
title = {Algorithms and Computation, 12th International Symposium, ISAAC
2001, Christchurch, New Zealand, December 19-21, 2001, Proceedings},
booktitle = {ISAAC},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {2223},
year = {2001},
isbn = {3-540-42985-9},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
Invited Talk 1
Combinatorial Generation and Optimization (I)
Parallel and Distributed Algorithms (I)
Graph Drawing and Algorithms (I)
Computational Geometry (I)
Computational Complexity and Cryptology
Automata and Formal Languages
Invited Talk 2
Graph Drawing and Algorithms (II)
Combinatorial Generation and Optimization (II)
- Michael H. Albert, Robert E. L. Aldred, Mike D. Atkinson, Derek A. Holton:
Algorithms for Pattern Involvement in Permutations.
Electronic Edition (Springer LINK) BibTeX
- Takeaki Uno:
A Fast Algorithm for Enumerating Bipartite Perfect Matchings.
Electronic Edition (Springer LINK) BibTeX
- Bo Chen, Xiaotie Deng, Wenan Zang:
On-Line Scheduling a Batch Processing System to Minimize Total Weighted Job Completion Time.
Electronic Edition (Springer LINK) BibTeX
- Thomas Erlebach, Martin Gantenbein, Daniel Hürlimann, Gabriele Neyer, Aris Pagourtzis, Paolo Penna, Konrad Schlude, Kathleen Steinhöfel, David Scot Taylor, Peter Widmayer:
On the Complexity of Train Assignment Problems.
Electronic Edition (Springer LINK) BibTeX
Computational Biology and String Matching (I)
Computational Geometry (II)
Invited Talk 3
Graph Drawing and Algorithms (III)
Parallel and Distributed Algorithms (II)
Computational Geometry (III)
- Sheung-Hung Poon, Chan-Su Shin, Tycho Strijk, Alexander Wolff:
Labeling Points with Weights.
Electronic Edition (Springer LINK) BibTeX
- David Bremner, Ferran Hurtado, Suneeta Ramaswami, Vera Sacristan:
Small Convex Quadrangulations of Point Sets.
Electronic Edition (Springer LINK) BibTeX
- Tetsuo Asano, Takeshi Tokuyama:
How to Color a Checkerboard with a Given Distribution - Matrix Rounding Achieving Low 2×2-Discrepancy.
Electronic Edition (Springer LINK) BibTeX
- Maria Angeles Garrido, Claudia Iturriaga, Alberto Márquez, José Ramón Portillo, Pedro Reyes, Alexander Wolff:
Labeling Subway Lines.
Electronic Edition (Springer LINK) BibTeX
Randomized and Approximation Algorithms
Computational Biology and String Matching (II)
Algorithms and Data Structures
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:24:47 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)