
Birgitta Weber

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9EEBeat Gfeller, Leon Peeters, Birgitta Weber, Peter Widmayer: Single machine batch scheduling with release times. J. Comb. Optim. 17(3): 323-338 (2009)
8EEVenkatesh Ramaswamy, Leticia Cuellar, Stephan Eidenbenz, Nicolas W. Hengartner, Christoph Ambühl, Birgitta Weber: Light-Weight Control of Non-responsive Traffic with Low Buffer Requirements. Networking 2007: 855-866
7EEBeat Gfeller, Leon Peeters, Birgitta Weber, Peter Widmayer: Online Single Machine Batch Scheduling. MFCS 2006: 424-435
6 Mark Cieliebak, Thomas Erlebach, Fabian Hennecke, Birgitta Weber, Peter Widmayer: Scheduling with Release Times and Deadlines on a Minimum Number of Machines. IFIP TCS 2004: 209-222
5EEChristoph Ambühl, Birgitta Weber: Parallel Prefetching and Caching Is Hard. STACS 2004: 211-221
4 Michael Gatto, Riko Jacob, Leon Peeters, Birgitta Weber, Peter Widmayer: Theory on the Tracks: A Selection of Railway Optimization Problems (Column: Algorithmics). Bulletin of the EATCS 84: 41-70 (2004)
3 Luzi Anderegg, Stephan Eidenbenz, Martin Gantenbein, Christoph Stamm, David Scot Taylor, Birgitta Weber, Peter Widmayer: Train Routing Algorithms: Concepts, Design Choises, and Practical Considerations. ALENEX 2003: 106-118
2EEChristian Schindelhauer, Birgitta Weber: Tree-Approximations for the Weighted Cost-Distance Problem. ISAAC 2001: 185-195
1EEBirgitta Weber, Thomas Malina, Kerstin M. L. Menne, Volker Metzler, Andre Folkers, Ulrich G. Hofmann: Handling large files of multisite microelectrode recordings for the European VSAMUEL consortium. Neurocomputing 38-40: 1725-1734 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Christoph Ambühl [5] [8]
2Luzi Anderegg [3]
3Mark Cieliebak [6]
4Leticia Cuellar [8]
5Stephan Eidenbenz [3] [8]
6Thomas Erlebach [6]
7Andre Folkers [1]
8Martin Gantenbein [3]
9Michael Gatto [4]
10Beat Gfeller [7] [9]
11Nicolas W. Hengartner [8]
12Fabian Hennecke [6]
13Ulrich G. Hofmann [1]
14Riko Jacob [4]
15Thomas Malina [1]
16Kerstin M. L. Menne [1]
17Volker Metzler [1]
18Leon Peeters [4] [7] [9]
19Venkatesh Ramaswamy [8]
20Christian Schindelhauer [2]
21Christoph Stamm [3]
22David Scot Taylor [3]
23Peter Widmayer [3] [4] [6] [7] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)