
Isabella Lari

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15 Isabella Lari, Federica Ricca, Andrea Scozzari, Ronald I. Becker: Locating Median Paths on Connected Outerplanar Graphs. CTW 2008: 186-188
14EEIsabella Lari, Federica Ricca, Andrea Scozzari: Comparing different metaheuristic approaches for the median path problem with bounded length. European Journal of Operational Research 190(3): 587-597 (2008)
13EEB. Kalantari, Isabella Lari, Federica Ricca, Bruno Simeone: On the complexity of general matrix scaling and entropy minimization via the RAS algorithm. Math. Program. 112(2): 371-401 (2008)
12EENicola Apollonio, Isabella Lari, Federica Ricca, Bruno Simeone, Justo Puerto: Polynomial algorithms for partitioning a tree into single-center subtrees to minimize flat service costs. Networks 51(1): 78-89 (2008)
11EERonald I. Becker, Isabella Lari, Andrea Scozzari, Giovanni Storchi: The location of median paths on grid graphs. Annals OR 150(1): 65-78 (2007)
10EERonald I. Becker, Isabella Lari, Andrea Scozzari: Algorithms for central-median paths with bounded length on trees. European Journal of Operational Research 179(3): 1208-1220 (2007)
9EEEndre Boros, Isabella Lari, Bruno Simeone: Block linear majorants in quadratic 0-1 optimization. Discrete Applied Mathematics 145(1): 52-71 (2004)
8EEIsabella Lari, Federica Ricca, Andrea Scozzari: The Forest Wrapping Problem on Outerplanar Graphs. WG 2002: 345-354
7 Ronald I. Becker, Yen-I Chiang, Isabella Lari, Andrea Scozzari, Giovanni Storchi: Finding the l-core of a tree. Discrete Applied Mathematics 118(1-2): 25-42 (2002)
6EERonald I. Becker, Isabella Lari, Giovanni Storchi, Andrea Scozzari: Efficient algorithms for finding the (k, l)-core of tree networks. Networks 40(4): 208-215 (2002)
5EERonald I. Becker, Yen-I Chiang, Isabella Lari, Andrea Scozzari: The Cent-dian Path Problem on Tree Networks. ISAAC 2001: 743-755
4EERonald I. Becker, Isabella Lari, Mario Lucertini, Bruno Simeone: A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Max-Min Partitioning of Ladders. Theory Comput. Syst. 34(4): 353-374 (2001)
3EERonald I. Becker, Isabella Lari, Mario Lucertini, Bruno Simeone: Max-min partitioning of grid graphs into connected components. Networks 32(2): 115-125 (1998)
2 Alessandro Ciancimino, Isabella Lari, Claudio Valant: Process/Product Integrated Planning in a Manufacturing System: A Linear Programming Model. PROLAMAT 1992: 311-319
1 Alessandro Ciancimino, Isabella Lari, F. Nicolo, Mario Lucertini: Skill Planning in a Manufacturing Plant: a Short Term Flow Network Model. Modelling the Innovation 1990: 271-282

Coauthor Index

1Nicola Apollonio [12]
2Ronald I. Becker [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [10] [11] [15]
3Endre Boros [9]
4Yen-I Chiang [5] [7]
5Alessandro Ciancimino [1] [2]
6B. Kalantari [13]
7Mario Lucertini [1] [3] [4]
8F. Nicolo [1]
9Justo Puerto [12]
10Federica Ricca [8] [12] [13] [14] [15]
11Andrea Scozzari [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [14] [15]
12Bruno Simeone [3] [4] [9] [12] [13]
13Giovanni Storchi [6] [7] [11]
14Claudio Valant [2]

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