
Marcus Peinado

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24EEWeidong Cui, Marcus Peinado, Karl Chen, Helen J. Wang, Luis Irun-Briz: Tupni: automatic reverse engineering of input formats. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2008: 391-402
23EEWeidong Cui, Marcus Peinado, Helen J. Wang, Michael E. Locasto: ShieldGen: Automatic Data Patch Generation for Unknown Vulnerabilities with Informed Probing. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2007: 252-266
22EEManuel Costa, Miguel Castro, Lidong Zhou, Lintao Zhang, Marcus Peinado: Bouncer: securing software by blocking bad input. SOSP 2007: 117-130
21EEMarcus Peinado, Yuqun Chen, Paul England, John Manferdelli: NGSCB: A Trusted Open System. ACISP 2004: 86-97
20EEPeter Biddle, Paul England, Marcus Peinado, Bryan Willman: The Darknet and the Future of Content Protection. Digital Rights Management 2003: 344-365
19EEPaul England, Butler W. Lampson, John Manferdelli, Marcus Peinado, Bryan Willman: A Trusted Open Platform. IEEE Computer 36(7): 55-62 (2003)
18EEMarcus Peinado, Thomas Lengauer: Parallel 'go with the winners' algorithms in distributed memory models. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 63(9): 801-814 (2003)
17EEMarcus Peinado, Fabien A. P. Petitcolas, Darko Kirovski: Digital rights management for digital cinema. Multimedia Syst. 9(3): 228-238 (2003)
16EEPaul England, Marcus Peinado: Authenticated Operation of Open Computing Devices. ACISP 2002: 346-361
15EEPeter Biddle, Paul England, Marcus Peinado, Bryan Willman: The Darknet and the Future of Content Protection. Digital Rights Management Workshop 2002: 155-176
14EEMarcus Peinado: Go with the Winners Algorithms for Cliques in Random Graphs. ISAAC 2001: 525-536
13 Ari Juels, Marcus Peinado: Hiding Cliques for Cryptographic Security. Des. Codes Cryptography 20(3): 269-280 (2000)
12EEÖmer Egecioglu, Marcus Peinado: Algorithms for Almost-uniform Generation with an Unbiased Binary Source. COCOON 1998: 117-126
11EEVictor Boyko, Marcus Peinado, Ramarathnam Venkatesan: Speeding up Discrete Log and Factoring Based Schemes via Precomputations. EUROCRYPT 1998: 221-235
10 Ari Juels, Marcus Peinado: Hiding Cliques for Cryptographic Security. SODA 1998: 678-684
9EEMarcus Peinado, Thomas Lengauer: Random Generation of Embedded Graphs and an Extension to Dobrushin Uniqueness (Extended Abstract). STOC 1998: 176-185
8EEMarcus Peinado, Thomas Lengauer: Parallel 'Go with the Winners' Algorithms in the LogP Model. IPPS 1997: 656-664
7 Marcus Peinado, Ramarathnam Venkatesan: Highly Parallel Cryptographic Attacks. PVM/MPI 1997: 367-374
6 Marcus Peinado, Thomas Lengauer: `Go with the winners' Generators with Applications to Molecular Modeling. RANDOM 1997: 135-149
5 Steven Homer, Marcus Peinado: Design and Performance of Parallel and Distributed Approximation Algorithms for Maxcut. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 46(1): 48-61 (1997)
4 Marcus Peinado: Improved Lower Bounds for the Randomized Boppana-Halldórsson Algorithm for MAXCLIQUE. COCOON 1995: 549-558
3EESteven Homer, Marcus Peinado: A highly parallel algorithm to approximate MaxCut on distributed memory architectures. IPPS 1995: 113-117
2 Marcus Peinado: Hard Graphs for Randomized Subgraph Exclusion Algorithms. SWAT 1994: 278-289
1 Marcus Peinado: Hard Graphs for the Randomized Boppana-Halldörsson Algorithm for MAXCLIQUE. Nord. J. Comput. 1(4): 493- (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Peter Biddle [15] [20]
2Victor Boyko [11]
3Miguel Castro [22]
4Karl Chen [24]
5Yuqun Chen [21]
6Manuel Costa [22]
7Weidong Cui [23] [24]
8Ömer Egecioglu [12]
9Paul England [15] [16] [19] [20] [21]
10Steven Homer [3] [5]
11Luis Irun-Briz [24]
12Ari Juels [10] [13]
13Darko Kirovski [17]
14Butler W. Lampson [19]
15Thomas Lengauer [6] [8] [9] [18]
16Michael E. Locasto [23]
17John Manferdelli [19] [21]
18Fabien A. P. Petitcolas [17]
19Ramarathnam Venkatesan [7] [11]
20Helen J. Wang [23] [24]
21Bryan Willman [15] [19] [20]
22Lintao Zhang [22]
23Lidong Zhou [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)