
Claudia Iturriaga

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6EEClaudia Iturriaga, Anna Lubiw: Elastic labels around the perimeter of a map. J. Algorithms 47(1): 14-39 (2003)
5EEMaria Angeles Garrido, Claudia Iturriaga, Alberto Márquez, José Ramón Portillo, Pedro Reyes, Alexander Wolff: Labeling Subway Lines. ISAAC 2001: 649-659
4EEClaudia Iturriaga, Anna Lubiw: Elastic Labels Around the Perimeter of a Map. WADS 1999: 306-317
3EEClaudia Iturriaga, Anna Lubiw: Elastic Labels on the Perimeter of a Rectangle. Graph Drawing 1998: 451-453
2 Claudia Iturriaga, Anna Lubiw: Elastic Labels: the Two-Axis Case. Graph Drawing 1997: 181-192
1 Gunter Bär, Claudia Iturriaga: Rectangle Packing in Polynomial Time. CCCG 1993: 455-460

Coauthor Index

1Gunter Bär [1]
2Maria Angeles Garrido [5]
3Anna Lubiw [2] [3] [4] [6]
4Alberto Márquez [5]
5José Ramón Portillo [5]
6Pedro Reyes [5]
7Alexander Wolff [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)