
Toshihiro Fujito

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26EEToshihiro Fujito: How to Trim an MST: A 2-Approximation Algorithm for Minimum Cost Tree Cover. ICALP (1) 2006: 431-442
25EEToshihiro Fujito, Tsuyoshi Okumura: A modified greedy algorithm for dispersively weighted 3-set cover. Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(9): 1392-1400 (2006)
24EETakashi Doi, Toshihiro Fujito: A primal-dual method for approximating tree cover with two weights. Discrete Optimization 3(3): 230-237 (2006)
23EEToshihiro Fujito, Hidekazu Kurahashi: A Better-Than-Greedy Algorithm for k-Set Multicover. WAOA 2005: 176-189
22EEToshihiro Fujito, Takatoshi Yabuta: Submodular Integer Cover and Its Application to Production Planning. WAOA 2004: 154-166
21EETakashi Doi, Toshihiro Fujito: A Primal-Dual Method for Approximating Tree Cover with Two Weights. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 17: 135-140 (2004)
20EEToshihiro Fujito, Takashi Doi: A 2-approximation NC algorithm for connected vertex cover and tree cover. Inf. Process. Lett. 90(2): 59-63 (2004)
19EEToshihiro Fujito: On Combinatorial Approximation of Covering 0-1 Integer Programs and Partial Set Cover. J. Comb. Optim. 8(4): 439-452 (2004)
18 Toshihiro Fujito, Hiroshi Nagamochi: A 2-approximation algorithm for the minimum weight edge dominating set problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 118(3): 199-207 (2002)
17EEToshihiro Fujito, Tsuyoshi Okumura: A Modified Greedy Algorithm for the Set Cover Problem with Weights 1 and 2. ISAAC 2001: 670-681
16EEToshihiro Fujito: On approximability of the independent/connected edge dominating set problems. Inf. Process. Lett. 79(6): 261-266 (2001)
15 Robert D. Carr, Toshihiro Fujito, Goran Konjevod, Ojas Parekh: A 2\frac{1}{10}-Approximation Algorithm for a Generalization of the Weighted Edge-Dominating Set Problem. J. Comb. Optim. 5(3): 317-326 (2001)
14 Robert D. Carr, Toshihiro Fujito, Goran Konjevod, Ojas Parekh: A 2 1/10-Approximation Algorithm for a Generalization of the Weighted Edge-Dominating Set Problem. ESA 2000: 132-142
13EEToshihiro Fujito: On Approximability of the Independent/Connected Edge Dominating Set Problems. FSTTCS 2000: 117-126
12EEToshihiro Fujito: Approximating minimum feedback vertex sets in hypergraphs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 246(1-2): 107-116 (2000)
11 Toshihiro Fujito: Approximating Node-Deletion Problems for Matroidal Properties. J. Algorithms 31(1): 211-227 (1999)
10EEToshihiro Fujito: On approximation of the submodular set cover problem. Oper. Res. Lett. 25(4): 169-174 (1999)
9EEVineet Bafna, Piotr Berman, Toshihiro Fujito: A 2-Approximation Algorithm for the Undirected Feedback Vertex Set Problem. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 12(3): 289-297 (1999)
8EEPiotr Berman, Toshihiro Fujito: On Approximation Properties of the Independent Set Problem for Low Degree Graphs. Theory Comput. Syst. 32(2): 115-132 (1999)
7EEToshihiro Fujito: A Unified Approximation Algorithm for Node-deletion Problems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 86(2-3): 213-231 (1998)
6 Toshihiro Fujito: A Primal-Dual Approach to Approximation of Node-Deletion Problems for Matroidal Properties. ICALP 1997: 749-759
5 Toshihiro Fujito: A Unified Local Ratio Approximation of Node-Deletion Problems (Extended Abstract). ESA 1996: 167-178
4EEToshihiro Fujito: A Note on Approximation of the Vertex Cover and Feedback Vertex Set Problems - Unified Approach. Inf. Process. Lett. 59(2): 59-63 (1996)
3 Vineet Bafna, Piotr Berman, Toshihiro Fujito: Constant Ratio Approximations of the Weighted Feedback Vertex Set Problem for Undirected Graphs. ISAAC 1995: 142-151
2 Piotr Berman, Toshihiro Fujito: On the Approximation Properties of Independent Set Problem in Degree 3 Graphs. WADS 1995: 449-460
1 Toshihiro Fujito: A 2or3-Approximation of the Matroid Matching Problem. ISAAC 1993: 185-190

Coauthor Index

1Vineet Bafna [3] [9]
2Piotr Berman [2] [3] [8] [9]
3Robert D. Carr [14] [15]
4Takashi Doi [20] [21] [24]
5Goran Konjevod [14] [15]
6Hidekazu Kurahashi [23]
7Hiroshi Nagamochi [18]
8Tsuyoshi Okumura [17] [25]
9Ojas Parekh [14] [15]
10Takatoshi Yabuta [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)