
Stephen G. Kobourov

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82EEJustin Cappos, Alejandro Estrella-Balderrama, J. Joseph Fowler, Stephen G. Kobourov: Simultaneous graph embedding with bends and circular arcs. Comput. Geom. 42(2): 173-182 (2009)
81EEAlejandro Estrella-Balderrama, J. Joseph Fowler, Stephen G. Kobourov: Graph Simultaneous Embedding Tool, GraphSET. Graph Drawing 2008: 169-180
80EEAlejandro Estrella-Balderrama, Fabrizio Frati, Stephen G. Kobourov: Upward Straight-Line Embeddings of Directed Graphs into Point Sets. WG 2008: 122-133
79EEJ. Joseph Fowler, Michael Jünger, Stephen G. Kobourov, Michael Schulz: Characterizations of Restricted Pairs of Planar Graphs Allowing Simultaneous Embedding with Fixed Edges. WG 2008: 146-158
78EEJ. Joseph Fowler, Michael Jünger, Stephen G. Kobourov, Michael Schulz: Characterizing Simultaneous Embedding with Fixed Edges. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 31: 41-44 (2008)
77EEStephen G. Kobourov, Matthew Landis: Morphing Planar Graphs in Spherical Space. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 12(1): 113-127 (2008)
76EEUlrik Brandes, Cesim Erten, J. Joseph Fowler, Fabrizio Frati, Markus Geyer, Carsten Gutwenger, Seok-Hee Hong, Michael Kaufmann, Stephen G. Kobourov, Giuseppe Liotta, Petra Mutzel, Antonios Symvonis: Colored Simultaneous Geometric Embeddings. COCOON 2007: 254-263
75EEFabrizio Frati, Michael Kaufmann, Stephen G. Kobourov: Constrained Simultaneous and Near-Simultaneous Embeddings. Graph Drawing 2007: 268-279
74EEJ. Joseph Fowler, Stephen G. Kobourov: Characterization of Unlabeled Level Planar Graphs. Graph Drawing 2007: 37-49
73EEChristian A. Duncan, Stephen G. Kobourov, Georg Sander: Graph Drawing Contest Report. Graph Drawing 2007: 395-400
72EEJ. Joseph Fowler, Stephen G. Kobourov: Minimum Level Nonplanar Patterns for Trees. Graph Drawing 2007: 69-75
71EEPeter Braß, Eowyn Cenek, Christian A. Duncan, Alon Efrat, Cesim Erten, Dan Ismailescu, Stephen G. Kobourov, Anna Lubiw, Joseph S. B. Mitchell: On simultaneous planar graph embeddings. Comput. Geom. 36(2): 117-130 (2007)
70EEAlon Efrat, Cesim Erten, Stephen G. Kobourov: Fixed-Location Circular Arc Drawing of Planar Graphs. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 11(1): 145-164 (2007)
69 Michael Jünger, Stephen G. Kobourov, Petra Mutzel: Graph Drawing, 8.-13. May 2005 Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2006
68EEStephen G. Kobourov, Matthew Landis: Morphing Planar Graphs in Spherical Space. Graph Drawing 2006: 306-317
67EEAlejandro Estrella-Balderrama, J. Joseph Fowler, Stephen G. Kobourov: Characterization of Unlabeled Level Planar Trees. Graph Drawing 2006: 367-379
66EEChristian A. Duncan, Gunnar W. Klau, Stephen G. Kobourov, Georg Sander: Graph-Drawing Contest Report. Graph Drawing 2006: 448-452
65EEJustin Cappos, Alejandro Estrella-Balderrama, J. Joseph Fowler, Stephen G. Kobourov: Simultaneous Graph Embedding with Bends and Circular Arcs. Graph Drawing 2006: 95-107
64EEChristian A. Duncan, Stephen G. Kobourov, V. S. Anil Kumar: Optimal constrained graph exploration. ACM Transactions on Algorithms 2(3): 380-402 (2006)
63EEAlon Efrat, Stephen G. Kobourov, Anna Lubiw: Computing homotopic shortest paths efficiently. Comput. Geom. 35(3): 162-172 (2006)
62EEChristian A. Duncan, Alon Efrat, Stephen G. Kobourov, Carola Wenk: Drawing with Fat Edges. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 17(5): 1143-1164 (2006)
61EEStephen G. Kobourov, Alon Efrat, David Forrester, Anand Iyer: Force-Directed Approaches to Sensor Network Localization. Algorithmic Aspects of Large and Complex Networks 2005
60EEMichael Jünger, Petra Mutzel, Stephen G. Kobourov: 05191 Abstracts Collection - Graph Drawing. Graph Drawing 2005
59EEMichael Jünger, Stephen G. Kobourov, Petra Mutzel: 05191 Executive Summary - Graph Drawing. Graph Drawing 2005
58EEChristian A. Duncan, Stephen G. Kobourov, Dorothea Wagner: Graph-Drawing Contest Report. Graph Drawing 2005: 528-531
57EEStephen G. Kobourov, Kyriacos E. Pavlou, Justin Cappos, Michael Stepp, Mark Miles, Amanda Wixted: Collaboration with DiamondTouch. INTERACT 2005: 986-989
56EEBradley Dux, Anand Iyer, Saumya K. Debray, David Forrester, Stephen G. Kobourov: Visualizing the Behavior of Dynamically Modifiable Code. IWPC 2005: 337-340
55EEBradley Dux, Anand Iyer, Saumya K. Debray, David Forrester, Stephen G. Kobourov: Visualizing the Behavior of Dynamically Modifiable Code. IWPC 2005: 337-340
54EEChristian S. Collberg, Stephen G. Kobourov: Self-plagiarism in computer science. Commun. ACM 48(4): 88-94 (2005)
53EEStephen G. Kobourov, Kevin Wampler: Non-Euclidean Spring Embedders. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 11(6): 757-767 (2005)
52EECesim Erten, Stephen G. Kobourov, Vu Le, Armand Navabi: Simultaneous Graph Drawing: Layout Algorithms and Visualization Schemes. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 9(1): 165-182 (2005)
51EECesim Erten, Stephen G. Kobourov: Simultaneous Embedding of a Planar Graph and Its Dual on the Grid. Theory Comput. Syst. 38(3): 313-327 (2005)
50EECesim Erten, Stephen G. Kobourov: Simultaneous Embedding of Planar Graphs with Few Bends. Graph Drawing 2004: 195-205
49EEJames Abello, Stephen G. Kobourov, Roman Yusufov: Visualizing Large Graphs with Compound-Fisheye Views and Treemaps. Graph Drawing 2004: 431-441
48EEDavid Forrester, Stephen G. Kobourov, Armand Navabi, Kevin Wampler, Gary V. Yee: Graphael: A System for Generalized Force-Directed Layouts. Graph Drawing 2004: 454-464
47EEStephen G. Kobourov, Chandan Pitta: An Interactive Multi-user System for Simultaneous Graph Drawing. Graph Drawing 2004: 492-501
46EEFranz-Josef Brandenburg, Christian A. Duncan, Emden R. Gansner, Stephen G. Kobourov: Graph-Drawing Contest Report. Graph Drawing 2004: 512-516
45EEStephen G. Kobourov, Kevin Wampler: Non-Euclidean Spring Embedders. INFOVIS 2004: 207-214
44EEChristian S. Collberg, Stephen G. Kobourov, Suzanne Westbrook: AlgoVista: an algorithmic search tool in an educational setting. SIGCSE 2004: 462-466
43EEChristian A. Duncan, David Eppstein, Stephen G. Kobourov: The geometric thickness of low degree graphs. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2004: 340-346
42EECesim Erten, Stephen G. Kobourov, Chandan Pitta: Morphing planar graphs. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2004: 451-452
41EEPawel Gajer, Michael T. Goodrich, Stephen G. Kobourov: A multi-dimensional approach to force-directed layouts of large graphs. Comput. Geom. 29(1): 3-18 (2004)
40EETherese C. Biedl, Erik D. Demaine, Christian A. Duncan, Rudolf Fleischer, Stephen G. Kobourov: Tight bounds on maximal and maximum matchings. Discrete Mathematics 285(1-3): 7-15 (2004)
39EEAlon Efrat, Cesim Erten, Stephen G. Kobourov: Fixed-Location Circular-Arc Drawing of Planar Graphs. Graph Drawing 2003: 147-158
38EECesim Erten, Stephen G. Kobourov, Chandan Pitta: Intersection-Free Morphing of Planar Graphs. Graph Drawing 2003: 320-331
37EECesim Erten, Stephen G. Kobourov, Vu Le, Armand Navabi: Simultaneous Graph Drawing: Layout Algorithms and Visualization Schemes. Graph Drawing 2003: 437-449
36EEFranz-Josef Brandenburg, David Eppstein, Michael T. Goodrich, Stephen G. Kobourov, Giuseppe Liotta, Petra Mutzel: Selected Open Problems in Graph Drawing. Graph Drawing 2003: 515-539
35EECesim Erten, Philip J. Harding, Stephen G. Kobourov, Kevin Wampler, Gary V. Yee: GraphAEL: Graph Animations with Evolving Layouts. Graph Drawing 2003: 98-110
34 Alon Efrat, Héctor H. González-Baños, Stephen G. Kobourov, Lingeshwaran Palaniappan: Optimal strategies to track and capture a predictable target. ICRA 2003: 3789-3796
33 Christian S. Collberg, Stephen G. Kobourov, Joshua Louie, Thomas Slattery: SPLAT: A System for Self-Plagiarism Detection. ICWI 2003: 508-514
32 Stephen G. Kobourov, Christian S. Collberg, Steven Kobes, Ben Smith, S. Trush, Gary V. Yee: TetraTetris: A Study of Multi-User Touch-Based Interaction Using DiamondTouch. INTERACT 2003
31 Christian S. Collberg, Stephen G. Kobourov, Jasvir Nagra, Jacob Pitts, Kevin Wampler: A System for Graph-Based Visualization of the Evolution of Software. SOFTVIS 2003: 77-86, 212-213
30EEPeter Braß, Eowyn Cenek, Christian A. Duncan, Alon Efrat, Cesim Erten, Dan Ismailescu, Stephen G. Kobourov, Anna Lubiw, Joseph S. B. Mitchell: On Simultaneous Planar Graph Embeddings. WADS 2003: 243-255
29EEChristian S. Collberg, Stephen G. Kobourov, Edward Carter, Clark D. Thomborson: Graph-Based Approaches to Software Watermarking. WG 2003: 156-167
28EEChristian A. Duncan, David Eppstein, Stephen G. Kobourov: The Geometric Thickness of Low Degree Graphs CoRR cs.CG/0312056: (2003)
27 Christian A. Duncan, Michael T. Goodrich, Stephen G. Kobourov: Planarity-preserving clustering and embedding for large planar graphs. Comput. Geom. 24(2): 95-114 (2003)
26EEChristian A. Duncan, Stephen G. Kobourov: Polar Coordinate Drawing of Planar Graphs with Good Angular Resolution. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 7(4): 311-333 (2003)
25 Stephen G. Kobourov, Michael T. Goodrich: Graph Drawing, 10th International Symposium, GD 2002, Irvine, CA, USA, August 26-28, 2002, Revised Papers Springer 2002
24EEAlon Efrat, Stephen G. Kobourov, Anna Lubiw: Computing Homotopic Shortest Paths Efficiently. ESA 2002: 411-423
23EECesim Erten, Stephen G. Kobourov: Simultaneous Embedding of a Planar Graph and Its Dual on the Grid. ISAAC 2002: 575-587
22EEChristian S. Collberg, Stephen G. Kobourov, Jessica Miller, Suzanne Westbrook: AlambdagoVista: a tool to enhance algorithm design and understanding. ITiCSE 2002: 228
21EEAlon Efrat, Stephen G. Kobourov, Michael Stepp, Carola Wenk: Growing fat graphs. Symposium on Computational Geometry 2002: 277-278
20EEAlon Efrat, Stephen G. Kobourov, Anna Lubiw: Computing Homotopic Shortest Paths Efficiently CoRR cs.CG/0204050: (2002)
19EEChristian A. Duncan, Alon Efrat, Cesim Erten, Stephen G. Kobourov, Joseph S. B. Mitchell: On Simultaneous Graph Embedding CoRR cs.CG/0206018: (2002)
18EECesim Erten, Stephen G. Kobourov: Simultaneous Embedding of a Planar Graph and Its Dual on the Grid CoRR cs.CG/0206019: (2002)
17EEPawel Gajer, Stephen G. Kobourov: GRIP: Graph Drawing with Intelligent Placement. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 6(3): 203-224 (2002)
16EEChristian A. Duncan, Alon Efrat, Stephen G. Kobourov, Carola Wenk: Drawing with Fat Edges. Graph Drawing 2001: 162-177
15EEChristian A. Duncan, Stephen G. Kobourov: Polar Coordinate Drawing of Planar Graphs with Good Angular Resolution. Graph Drawing 2001: 407-421
14EETherese C. Biedl, Erik D. Demaine, Christian A. Duncan, Rudolf Fleischer, Stephen G. Kobourov: Tight Bounds on Maximal and Maximum Matchings. ISAAC 2001: 308-319
13EEChristian A. Duncan, Stephen G. Kobourov, V. S. Anil Kumar: Optimal constrained graph exploration. SODA 2001: 807-814
12EEC. C. Cheng, Christian A. Duncan, Michael T. Goodrich, Stephen G. Kobourov: Drawing Planar Graphs with Circular Arcs. Discrete & Computational Geometry 25(3): 405-418 (2001)
11 Christian A. Duncan, Michael T. Goodrich, Stephen G. Kobourov: Balanced Aspect Ratio Trees: Combining the Advantages of k-d Trees and Octrees. J. Algorithms 38(1): 303-333 (2001)
10EEPawel Gajer, Michael T. Goodrich, Stephen G. Kobourov: A Multi-dimensional Approach to Force-Directed Layouts of Large Graphs. Graph Drawing 2000: 211-221
9EEPawel Gajer, Stephen G. Kobourov: GRIP: Graph dRawing with Intelligent Placement. Graph Drawing 2000: 222-228
8EEStina S. Bridgeman, Michael T. Goodrich, Stephen G. Kobourov, Roberto Tamassia: PILOT: an interactive tool for learning and grading. SIGCSE 2000: 139-143
7EEStina S. Bridgeman, Michael T. Goodrich, Stephen G. Kobourov, Roberto Tamassia: SAIL: a system for generating, archiving, and retrieving specialized assignments using LATEX. SIGCSE 2000: 300-304
6EEChristian A. Duncan, Michael T. Goodrich, Stephen G. Kobourov: Balanced Aspect Ratio Trees and Their Use for Drawing Large Graphs. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 4(3): 19-46 (2000)
5EEC. C. Cheng, Christian A. Duncan, Michael T. Goodrich, Stephen G. Kobourov: Drawing Planar Graphs with Circular Arcs. Graph Drawing 1999: 117-126
4EEChristian A. Duncan, Michael T. Goodrich, Stephen G. Kobourov: Planarity-Preserving Clustering and Embedding for Large Planar Graphs. Graph Drawing 1999: 186-196
3EEChristian A. Duncan, Michael T. Goodrich, Stephen G. Kobourov: Balanced Aspect Ratio Trees: Combining the Advantages of k-d Trees and Octrees. SODA 1999: 300-309
2EEBaruch Awerbuch, Stephen G. Kobourov: Polylogarithmic-Overhead Piecemeal Graph Exploration. COLT 1998: 280-286
1EEChristian A. Duncan, Michael T. Goodrich, Stephen G. Kobourov: Balanced Aspect Ratio Trees and Their Use for Drawing Very Large Graphs. Graph Drawing 1998: 111-124

Coauthor Index

1James Abello [49]
2Baruch Awerbuch [2]
3Therese C. Biedl [14] [40]
4Franz-Josef Brandenburg [36] [46]
5Ulrik Brandes [76]
6Peter Braß (Peter Brass) [30] [71]
7Stina S. Bridgeman [7] [8]
8Justin Cappos [57] [65] [82]
9Edward Carter [29]
10Eowyn Cenek [30] [71]
11C. C. Cheng [5] [12]
12Christian S. Collberg [22] [29] [31] [32] [33] [44] [54]
13Saumya K. Debray [55] [56]
14Erik D. Demaine [14] [40]
15Christian A. Duncan [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [19] [26] [27] [28] [30] [40] [43] [46] [58] [62] [64] [66] [71] [73]
16Bradley Dux [55] [56]
17Alon Efrat [16] [19] [20] [21] [24] [30] [34] [39] [61] [62] [63] [70] [71]
18David Eppstein [28] [36] [43]
19Cesim Erten [18] [19] [23] [30] [35] [37] [38] [39] [42] [50] [51] [52] [70] [71] [76]
20Alejandro Estrella-Balderrama [65] [67] [80] [81] [82]
21Rudolf Fleischer [14] [40]
22David Forrester [48] [55] [56] [61]
23J. Joseph Fowler [65] [67] [72] [74] [76] [78] [79] [81] [82]
24Fabrizio Frati [75] [76] [80]
25Pawel Gajer [9] [10] [17] [41]
26Emden R. Gansner [46]
27Markus Geyer [76]
28Héctor H. González-Baños [34]
29Michael T. Goodrich [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [12] [25] [27] [36] [41]
30Carsten Gutwenger [76]
31Philip J. Harding [35]
32Seok-Hee Hong [76]
33Dan Ismailescu [30] [71]
34Anand Iyer [55] [56] [61]
35Michael Jünger [59] [60] [69] [78] [79]
36Michael Kaufmann [75] [76]
37Gunnar W. Klau [66]
38Steven Kobes [32]
39V. S. Anil Kumar [13] [64]
40Matthew Landis [68] [77]
41Vu Le [37] [52]
42Giuseppe Liotta [36] [76]
43Joshua Louie [33]
44Anna Lubiw [20] [24] [30] [63] [71]
45Mark Miles [57]
46Jessica Miller [22]
47Joseph S. B. Mitchell [19] [30] [71]
48Petra Mutzel [36] [59] [60] [69] [76]
49Jasvir Nagra [31]
50Armand Navabi [37] [48] [52]
51Lingeshwaran Palaniappan [34]
52Kyriacos E. Pavlou [57]
53Chandan Pitta [38] [42] [47]
54Jacob Pitts [31]
55Georg Sander [66] [73]
56Michael Schulz [78] [79]
57Thomas Slattery [33]
58Ben Smith [32]
59Michael Stepp [21] [57]
60Antonios Symvonis [76]
61Roberto Tamassia [7] [8]
62Clark D. Thomborson (Clark D. Thompson) [29]
63S. Trush [32]
64Dorothea Wagner [58]
65Kevin Wampler [31] [35] [45] [48] [53]
66Carola Wenk [16] [21] [62]
67Suzanne Westbrook [22] [44]
68Amanda Wixted [57]
69Gary V. Yee [32] [35] [48]
70Roman Yusufov [49]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)