
Wenan Zang

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43EEXujin Chen, Guoli Ding, Wenan Zang: The box-TDI system associated with 2-edge connected spanning subgraphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 157(1): 118-125 (2009)
42EEGuoli Ding, Li Feng, Wenan Zang: The complexity of recognizing linear systems with certain integrality properties. Math. Program. 114(2): 321-334 (2008)
41EERong Luo, Rui Xu, Wenan Zang, Cun-Quan Zhang: Realizing Degree Sequences with Graphs Having Nowhere-Zero 3-Flows. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 22(2): 500-519 (2008)
40EEXujin Chen, Xiaodong Hu, Wenan Zang: A Min-Max Theorem on Tournaments. SIAM J. Comput. 37(3): 923-937 (2007)
39EEXujin Chen, Wenan Zang: An Efficient Algorithm for Finding Maximum Cycle Packings in Reducible Flow Graphs. Algorithmica 44(3): 195-211 (2006)
38EEGuantao Chen, Laura Sheppardson, Xingxing Yu, Wenan Zang: The circumference of a graph with no K3, t-minor. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 96(6): 822-845 (2006)
37EEGuantao Chen, Zhicheng Gao, Xingxing Yu, Wenan Zang: Approximating Longest Cycles in Graphs with Bounded Degrees. SIAM J. Comput. 36(3): 635-656 (2006)
36EEYusheng Li, Wenan Zang: Differential Methods for Finding Independent Sets in Hypergraphs. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 20(1): 96-104 (2006)
35EEGuantao Chen, Zhicheng Gao, Xingxing Yu, Wenan Zang: Approximating the Longest Cycle Problem on Graphs with Bounded Degree. COCOON 2005: 870-884
34EEXujin Chen, Guoli Ding, Xiaodong Hu, Wenan Zang: A Min-Max Relation on Packing Feedback Vertex Sets. ISAAC 2005: 126-135
33EEYusheng Li, Xueqing Tang, Wenan Zang: Ramsey functions involving Km, n with n large. Discrete Mathematics 300(1-3): 120-128 (2005)
32EEXujin Chen, Zhiquan Hu, Wenan Zang: Perfect Circular Arc Coloring. J. Comb. Optim. 9(3): 267-280 (2005)
31EEXueliang Li, Wenan Zang: A Combinatorial Algorithm for Minimum Weighted Colorings of Claw-Free Perfect Graphs. J. Comb. Optim. 9(4): 331-347 (2005)
30EERobin Thomas, Xingxing Yu, Wenan Zang: Hamilton paths in toroidal graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 94(2): 214-236 (2005)
29EEXiaotie Deng, Guojun Li, Wenan Zang: Corrigendum to Proof of Chvátal's conjecture on maximal stable sets and maximal cliques in graphs: [J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 91 (2004) 301-325]. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 94(2): 352-353 (2005)
28EEXujin Chen, Wenan Zang: An Efficient Algorithm for Finding Maximum Cycle Packings in Reducible Flow Graphs. ISAAC 2004: 306-317
27EEYusheng Li, Cecil C. Rousseau, Wenan Zang: An upper bound for ramsey numbers. Appl. Math. Lett. 17(6): 663-665 (2004)
26EERong Luo, Wenan Zang, Cun-Quan Zhang: Nowhere-Zero 4-Flows, Simultaneous Edge-Colorings, And Critical Partial Latin Squares. Combinatorica 24(4): 641-657 (2004)
25EEGuizhen Liu, Wenan Zang: f-Factors in bipartite (mf)-graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 136(1): 45-54 (2004)
24EEBo Chen, Xiaotie Deng, Wenan Zang: On-Line Scheduling a Batch Processing System to Minimize Total Weighted Job Completion Time. J. Comb. Optim. 8(1): 85-95 (2004)
23EEXiaotie Deng, Guojun Li, Wenan Zang: Proof of Chvátal's conjecture on maximal stable sets and maximal cliques in graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 91(2): 301-325 (2004)
22EEXiaotie Deng, Guojun Li, Wenan Zang, Yi Zhou: A 2-approximation algorithm for path coloring on a restricted class of trees of rings. J. Algorithms 47(1): 1-13 (2003)
21EEYusheng Li, Wenan Zang: The Independence Number of Graphs with a Forbidden Cycle and Ramsey Numbers. J. Comb. Optim. 7(4): 353-359 (2003)
20EEGuoli Ding, Zhenzhen Xu, Wenan Zang: Packing cycles in graphs, II. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 87(2): 244-253 (2003)
19EEYusheng Li, Wenan Zang: Ramsey numbers involving large dense graphs and bipartite Turán numbers. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 87(2): 280-288 (2003)
18 Frank K. Hwang, Wenan Zang: Group testing and fault detection for replicated files. Discrete Applied Mathematics 116(3): 231-242 (2002)
17EEGuoli Ding, Wenan Zang: Packing Cycles in Graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 86(2): 381-407 (2002)
16EEMao-cheng Cai, Xiaotie Deng, Wenan Zang: A Min-Max Theorem on Feedback Vertex Sets. Math. Oper. Res. 27(2): 361-371 (2002)
15EEBo Chen, Xiaotie Deng, Wenan Zang: On-Line Scheduling a Batch Processing System to Minimize Total Weighted Job Completion Time. ISAAC 2001: 380-389
14EEYusheng Li, Cecil C. Rousseau, Wenan Zang: Asymptotic Upper Bounds for Ramsey Functions. Graphs and Combinatorics 17(1): 123-128 (2001)
13EEXiaotie Deng, Yi Zhou, Guojun Li, Wenan Zang: A 2-Approximation Algorithm for Path Coloring on Trees of Rings. ISAAC 2000: 144-155
12EEMao-cheng Cai, Xiaotie Deng, Wenan Zang: Solution to a problem on degree sequences of graphs. Discrete Mathematics 219(1-3): 253-257 (2000)
11EEXiaotie Deng, Guojun Li, Wenan Zang: Wavelength allocation on trees of rings. Networks 35(4): 248-252 (2000)
10EEMao-cheng Cai, Xiaotie Deng, Wenan Zang: An Approximation Algorithm for Feedback Vertex Sets in Tournaments. SIAM J. Comput. 30(6): 1993-2007 (2000)
9EEMao-cheng Cai, Xiaotie Deng, Wenan Zang: A Min-Max Theorem on Feedback Vertex Sets. IPCO 1999: 73-86
8EEWenan Zang: Acyclic diagraphs with the Gallai-Milgram-Linial property for clique-covers. Discrete Mathematics 199(1-3): 183-192 (1999)
7EEWenan Zang: Proof of Toft's Conjecture: Every Graph Containing No Fully Odd K4 Is 3-Colorable. COCOON 1998: 261-268
6EEMao-cheng Cai, Xiaotie Deng, Wenan Zang: A TDI System and its Application to Approximation Algorithms. FOCS 1998: 227-243
5EEWenan Zang: Coloring graphs with no odd-K4. Discrete Mathematics 184(1-3): 205-212 (1998)
4 Wenan Zang: Proof of Toft's Conjecture: Every Graph Containing No Fully Odd K4 is 3-Colorable. J. Comb. Optim. 2(2): 117-188 (1998)
3EEFrank K. Hwang, Wenan Zang: Detecting Corrupted Pages in M Replicated Large Files. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 8(12): 1241-1245 (1997)
2EEWenan Zang: Generalizations of Grillet's theorem on maximal stable sets and maximal cliques in graphs. Discrete Mathematics 143(1-3): 259-268 (1995)
1EEFeng Tian, Wenan Zang: The maximum number of diagonals of a cycle in a block and its extremal graphs. Discrete Mathematics 89(1): 51-63 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Mao-cheng Cai [6] [9] [10] [12] [16]
2Bo Chen [15] [24]
3Guantao Chen [35] [37] [38]
4Xujin Chen [28] [32] [34] [39] [40] [43]
5Xiaotie Deng [6] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [15] [16] [22] [23] [24] [29]
6Guoli Ding [17] [20] [34] [42] [43]
7Li Feng [42]
8Zhicheng Gao [35] [37]
9Xiao-Dong Hu (Xiaodong Hu) [34] [40]
10Zhiquan Hu [32]
11Frank K. Hwang (Frank Kwang-Ming Hwang) [3] [18]
12Guojun Li [11] [13] [22] [23] [29]
13Xueliang Li [31]
14Yusheng Li [14] [19] [21] [27] [33] [36]
15Guizhen Liu [25]
16Rong Luo [26] [41]
17Cecil C. Rousseau [14] [27]
18Laura Sheppardson [38]
19Xueqing Tang [33]
20Robin Thomas [30]
21Feng Tian [1]
22Rui Xu [41]
23Zhenzhen Xu [20]
24Xingxing Yu [30] [35] [37] [38]
25Cun-Quan Zhang [26] [41]
26Yi Zhou [13] [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)