
Shuichi Ueno

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35EESatoshi Tayu, Kumiko Nomura, Shuichi Ueno: On the three-dimensional orthogonal drawing of series-parallel graphs (extended abstract). ISCAS 2008: 212-215
34EESatoshi Tayu, Turki Ghazi Al-Mutairi, Shuichi Ueno: Cost-Constrained Minimum-Delay Multicasting. Journal of Interconnection Networks 9(1/2): 141-155 (2008)
33EESatoshi Tayu, Shigeru Ito, Shuichi Ueno: On the Fault Testing for Reversible Circuits. ISAAC 2007: 812-821
32EESatoshi Tayu, Shuichi Ueno: On the Complexity of Three-Dimensional Channel Routing (Extended Abstract). ISCAS 2007: 3399-3402
31EEMasahiko Nishimoto, Keiichi Nagayoshi, Shuichi Ueno, Yusuke Kimura: Classification of Landmine-Like Objects Buried under Rough Ground Surfaces Using a Ground Penetrating Radar. IEICE Transactions 90-C(2): 327-333 (2007)
30EESatoshi Tayu, Kumiko Nomura, Shuichi Ueno: On the two-dimensional orthogonal drawing of series-parallel graphs. ISCAS 2006
29EESatoshi Tayu, Patrik Hurtig, Yoshiyasu Horikawa, Shuichi Ueno: On the three-dimensional channel routing. ISCAS (1) 2005: 180-183
28EEToshinori Yamada, Hiroyuki Kawakita, Tadashi Nishiyama, Shuichi Ueno: On VLSI decompositions for d-ary de Bruijn graphs (extended abstract). ISCAS (2) 2005: 1358-1361
27EESatoshi Tayu, Turki Ghazi Al-Mutairi, Shuichi Ueno: Cost-Constrained Minimum-Delay Multicasting. SOFSEM 2005: 330-339
26EEToshinori Yamada, Takashi Ohtsuka, Akitsugu Watanabe, Shuichi Ueno: On sequential diagnosis of multiprocessor systems. Discrete Applied Mathematics 146(3): 311-342 (2005)
25EEKohsuke Ogata, Toshinori Yamada, Shuichi Ueno: A Note on the Implementation of de Bruijn Networks by the Optical Transpose Interconnection System. IEICE Transactions 88-A(12): 3661-3662 (2005)
24EEKoji Goda, Toshinori Yamada, Shuichi Ueno: A Note on the Complexity of Scheduling for Precedence Constrained Messages in Distributed Systems. IEICE Transactions 88-A(4): 1090-1092 (2005)
23EEKumiko Nomura, Satoshi Tayu, Shuichi Ueno: On the Orthogonal Drawing of Outerplanar Graphs. IEICE Transactions 88-A(6): 1583-1588 (2005)
22EEKumiko Nomura, Satoshi Tayu, Shuichi Ueno: On the Orthogonal Drawing of Outerplanar Graphs. COCOON 2004: 300-308
21EEToshinori Yamada, Kumiko Nomura, Shuichi Ueno: Sparse networks tolerating random faults. Discrete Applied Mathematics 137(2): 223-235 (2004)
20EEToshinori Yamada, Kumiko Nomura, Shuichi Ueno: Optimal adaptive parallel diagnosis for arrays. ISCAS (3) 2003: 854-857
19EEToshinori Yamada, Shuichi Ueno: Optimal fault-tolerant linear arrays. SPAA 2003: 60-64
18EEKumiko Nomura, Toshinori Yamada, Shuichi Ueno: On Adaptive Fault Diagnosis for Multiprocessor Systems. ISAAC 2001: 86-98
17EEKenta Hashimoto, Toshinori Yamada, Shuichi Ueno: On-Line Multicasting in All-Optical Networks. ISAAC 2001: 99-106
16EEToshinori Yamada, Shuichi Ueno: Sparse Networks Tolerating Random Faults. ISPAN 1999: 114-118
15EEAkira Matsubayashi, Shuichi Ueno: Small congestion embedding of graphs into hypercubes. Networks 33(1): 71-77 (1999)
14EEMagnús M. Halldórsson, Shuichi Ueno, Hiroshi Nakao, Yoji Kajitani: Approximating Steiner trees in graphs with restricted weights. Networks 31(4): 283-292 (1998)
13EEToshinori Yamada, Shuichi Ueno: Fault-tolerant graphs for tori. Networks 32(3): 181-188 (1998)
12EEToshinori Yamada, Shuichi Ueno: Fault-Tolerant Hypercubes with Small Degree. ISPAN 1997: 179-185
11EEShin'ichiro Tago, Shuichi Ueno: Optimal Realization of Hypercubes by Three-Dimensional Space-Invariant Optical Interconnections. ISPAN 1997: 44-48
10 Toshinori Yamada, Shuichi Ueno: Fault-Tolerant Meshes with Efficient Layouts. PDPTA 1997: 1623-1632
9EEToshinori Yamada, Shuichi Ueno: Fault-Tolerant Graphs for Tori. ISPAN 1996: 408-414
8EEToshinori Yamada, Koji Yamamoto, Shuichi Ueno: Fault-tolerant graphs for hypercubes and tori. HICSS (2) 1995: 499-505
7EEAtsushi Takahashi, Shuichi Ueno, Yoji Kajitani: Mixed Searching and Proper-Path-Width. Theor. Comput. Sci. 137(2): 253-268 (1995)
6EEAtsushi Takahashi, Shuichi Ueno, Yoji Kajitani: Minimal acyclic forbidden minors for the family of graphs with bounded path-width. Discrete Mathematics 127(1-3): 293-304 (1994)
5EETadashi Arai, Shuichi Ueno, Yoji Kajitani: Generalization of aTheorem on the Parametric Maximum Flow Problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 41(1): 69-74 (1993)
4 Shuichi Ueno, Michihiro Yamazaki: Graph Spanners and Connectivity. ISAAC 1992: 126-134
3 Atsushi Takahashi, Shuichi Ueno, Yoji Kajitani: Mixed-Searching and Proper-Path-Width. ISA 1991: 61-71
2EEYoji Kajitani, Shuichi Ueno, Hiroshi Miyano: Ordering of the elements of a matroid such that its consecutive w elements are independent. Discrete Mathematics 72(1-3): 187-194 (1988)
1EEShuichi Ueno, Yoji Kajitani, Shin'ya Gotoh: On the nonseparating independent set problem and feedback set problem for graphs with no vertex degree exceeding three. Discrete Mathematics 72(1-3): 355-360 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Turki Ghazi Al-Mutairi [27] [34]
2Tadashi Arai [5]
3Koji Goda [24]
4Shin'ya Gotoh [1]
5Magnús M. Halldórsson [14]
6Kenta Hashimoto [17]
7Yoshiyasu Horikawa [29]
8Patrik Hurtig [29]
9Shigeru Ito [33]
10Yoji Kajitani [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [14]
11Hiroyuki Kawakita [28]
12Yusuke Kimura [31]
13Akira Matsubayashi [15]
14Hiroshi Miyano [2]
15Keiichi Nagayoshi [31]
16Hiroshi Nakao [14]
17Masahiko Nishimoto [31]
18Tadashi Nishiyama [28]
19Kumiko Nomura [18] [20] [21] [22] [23] [30] [35]
20Kohsuke Ogata [25]
21Takashi Ohtsuka [26]
22Shin'ichiro Tago [11]
23Atsushi Takahashi [3] [6] [7]
24Satoshi Tayu [22] [23] [27] [29] [30] [32] [33] [34] [35]
25Akitsugu Watanabe [26]
26Toshinori Yamada [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [24] [25] [26] [28]
27Koji Yamamoto [8]
28Michihiro Yamazaki [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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