
Yoshiyuki Karuno

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8EEYoshiyuki Karuno, Hiroshi Nagamochi: An approximability result of the multi-vehicle scheduling problem on a path with release and handling times. Theor. Comput. Sci. 312(2-3): 267-280 (2004)
7EEYoshiyuki Karuno, Hiroshi Nagamochi: A Better Approximation for the Two-Machine Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Time Lags. ISAAC 2003: 309-318
6EEYoshiyuki Karuno, Hiroshi Nagamochi: 2-Approximation algorithms for the multi-vehicle scheduling problem on a path with release and handling times. Discrete Applied Mathematics 129(2-3): 433-447 (2003)
5EEYoshiyuki Karuno, Hiroshi Nagamochi: A Better Approximation for the Two-Stage Assembly Scheduling Problem with Two Machines at the First Stage. ISAAC 2002: 199-210
4EEYoshiyuki Karuno, Hiroshi Nagamochi, Toshihide Ibaraki: Better approximation ratios for the single-vehicle scheduling problems on line-shaped networks. Networks 39(4): 203-209 (2002)
3EEYoshiyuki Karuno, Hiroshi Nagamochi: A 2-Approximation Algorithm for the Multi-vehicle Scheduling Problem on a Path with Release and Handling Times. ESA 2001: 218-229
2EEYoshiyuki Karuno, Hiroshi Nagamochi: A Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for the Multi-vehicle Scheduling Problem on a Path with Release and Handling Times. ISAAC 2001: 36-47
1 Yoshiyuki Karuno, Hiroshi Nagamochi, Toshihide Ibaraki: Vehicle Scheduling on a Tree with Release and Handling Times. ISAAC 1993: 486-495

Coauthor Index

1Toshihide Ibaraki [1] [4]
2Hiroshi Nagamochi [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

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