
Kyung-Yong Chwa

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74EEHyunwoo Jung, Mohammad Khairul Hasan, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Improved Primal-Dual Approximation Algorithm for the Connected Facility Location Problem. COCOA 2008: 265-277
73EEMohammad Khairul Hasan, Hyunwoo Jung, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Approximation algorithms for connected facility location problems. J. Comb. Optim. 16(2): 155-172 (2008)
72EEMohammad Khairul Hasan, Hyunwoo Jung, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Improved Approximation Algorithm for Connected Facility Location Problems. COCOA 2007: 311-322
71EESang Won Bae, Chunseok Lee, Hee-Kap Ahn, Sunghee Choi, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Maintaining Extremal Points and Its Applications to Deciding Optimal Orientations. ISAAC 2007: 788-799
70EESang Won Bae, Jae-Hoon Kim, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Optimal Construction of the City Voronoi Diagram. ISAAC 2006: 183-192
69EESang Won Bae, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Voronoi Diagrams for a Transportation Network on the Euclidean Plane. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 16(2-3): 117-144 (2006)
68EEKyung-Yong Chwa, Byung-Cheol Jo, Christian Knauer, Esther Moet, René van Oostrum, Chan-Su Shin: Guarding Art Galleries by Guarding Witnesses. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 16(2-3): 205-226 (2006)
67EEKyung-Yong Chwa, J. Ian Munro: Preface. Theor. Comput. Sci. 363(1): 1 (2006)
66EESang Won Bae, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Shortest Paths and Voronoi Diagrams with Transportation Networks Under General Distances. ISAAC 2005: 1007-1018
65EEHee-Kap Ahn, Sang Won Bae, Siu-Wing Cheng, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Casting an Object with a Core. ISAAC 2005: 40-49
64EEJae-Hoon Kim, Jae-Ha Lee, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Improved gossipings by short messages in 2-dimensional meshes. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 65(7): 793-800 (2005)
63EEJae-Hoon Kim, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Optimal broadcasting with universal lists based on competitive analysis. Networks 45(4): 224-231 (2005)
62 Kyung-Yong Chwa, J. Ian Munro: Computing and Combinatorics, 10th Annual International Conference, COCOON 2004, Jeju Island, Korea, August 17-20, 2004, Proceedings Springer 2004
61EEJae-Ha Lee, Sang-Min Park, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Equivalence of Search Capability Among Mobile Guards with Various Visibilities. ESA 2004: 484-495
60EESang Won Bae, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Voronoi Diagrams with a Transportation Network on the Euclidean Plane. ISAAC 2004: 101-112
59EEKyung-Yong Chwa, Byung-Cheol Jo, Christian Knauer, Esther Moet, René van Oostrum, Chan-Su Shin: Guarding Art Galleries by Guarding Witnesses. ISAAC 2004: 352-363
58EEJoo-Won Jung, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Labeling points with given rectangles. Inf. Process. Lett. 89(3): 115-121 (2004)
57EEChong-Dae Park, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Hamiltonian properties on the class of hypercube-like networks. Inf. Process. Lett. 91(1): 11-17 (2004)
56EEJae-Hoon Kim, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Scheduling broadcasts with deadlines. Theor. Comput. Sci. 325(3): 479-488 (2004)
55EEJae-Hoon Kim, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Scheduling Broadcasts with Deadlines. COCOON 2003: 415-424
54EEJae-Hoon Kim, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Online deadline scheduling on faster machines. Inf. Process. Lett. 85(1): 31-37 (2003)
53EEJae-Hoon Kim, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Non-clairvoyant scheduling for weighted flow time. Inf. Process. Lett. 87(1): 31-37 (2003)
52EEOh-Heum Kwon, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Approximation algorithms for general parallel task scheduling. Inf. Process. Lett. 81(3): 143-150 (2002)
51EEJae-Ha Lee, Sang-Min Park, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Simple algorithms for searching a polygon with flashlights. Inf. Process. Lett. 81(5): 265-270 (2002)
50EESang-Min Park, Jae-Ha Lee, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Searching a Room by Two Guards. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 12(4): 339- (2002)
49EEJae-Hoon Kim, Kyung-Yong Chwa: On-Line Deadline Scheduling on Multiple Resources. COCOON 2001: 443-452
48EESang-Min Park, Jae-Ha Lee, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Visibility-Based Pursuit-Evasion in a Polygonal Region by a Searcher. ICALP 2001: 456-468
47EEJae-Ha Lee, Sang-Min Park, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Optimization Algorithms for Sweeping a Polygonal Region with Mobile Guards. ISAAC 2001: 480-492
46EEJae-Hoon Kim, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Broadcasting with Universal Lists Revisited: Using Competitive Analysis. ISAAC 2001: 74-85
45EEJae-Ha Lee, Chong-Dae Park, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Carrying Umbrellas: an Online Relocation Game on a Graph. J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 5(5): 3-16 (2001)
44 Jae-Ha Lee, Otfried Cheong, Woo-Cheol Kwon, Sung Yong Shin, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Approximation of Curvature-Constrained Shortest Paths through a Sequence of Points. ESA 2000: 314-325
43EESang-Min Park, Kyung-Yong Chwa, Jae-Ha Lee: Characterization of Rooms Searchable by Two Guards. ISAAC 2000: 515-526
42 Chan-Su Shin, Sung Kwon Kim, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Area-efficient algorithms for straight-line tree drawings. Comput. Geom. 15(4): 175-202 (2000)
41 Nakhoon Baek, Sung Yong Shin, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Three-Dimensional Topological Sweep for Computing Rotational Swept Volumes of Polyhedral Objects. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 10(2): 131-156 (2000)
40 Jae-Ha Lee, Sang-Min Park, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Searching a Polygonal Room with One Door by a 1-Searcher. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 10(2): 201-220 (2000)
39 Jae-Ha Lee, Chan-Su Shin, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Optimal Embedding of Multiple Directed Hamiltonian Rings into d-dimensional Meshes. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 60(6): 775-783 (2000)
38EEJung-Heum Park, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Recursive circulants and their embeddings among hypercubes. Theor. Comput. Sci. 244(1-2): 35-62 (2000)
37EEJae-Ha Lee, Chong-Dae Park, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Carrying Umbrellas: An Online Relocation Problem on Graphs. ISAAC 1999: 195-204
36EEJae-Ha Lee, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Online Scheduling of Parallel Communications with Individual Deadlines. ISAAC 1999: 383-392
35EEJae-Ha Lee, Sung Yong Shin, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Visibility-Based Pursuit-Evasion in a Polygonal Room with a Door. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1999: 281-290
34EEJae-Ha Lee, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Tight Analysis of a Self-Approaching Strategy for the Online Kernel-Search Problem. Inf. Process. Lett. 69(1): 39-45 (1999)
33 Nakhoon Baek, Sung Yong Shin, Kyung-Yong Chwa: On Computing Translational Swept Volumes. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 9(3): 293-317 (1999)
32EEOh-Heum Kwon, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Scheduling Parallel Tasks with Individual Deadlines. Theor. Comput. Sci. 215(1-2): 209-223 (1999)
31 Kyung-Yong Chwa, Oscar H. Ibarra: Algorithms and Computation, 9th International Symposium, ISAAC '98, Taejon, Korea, December 14-16, 1998, Proceedings Springer 1998
30EEChan-Su Shin, Jung-Hyun Kim, Sung Kwon Kim, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Two-Center Problems for a Convex Polygon (Extended Abstract). ESA 1998: 199-210
29 Dae Seoung Kim, Kwan-Hee Yoo, Kyung-Yong Chwa, Sung Yong Shin: Efficient Algorithms for Computing a Complete Visibility Region in Three-Dimensional Space. Algorithmica 20(2): 201-225 (1998)
28 Kwan-Hee Yoo, Dae Seoung Kim, Sung Yong Shin, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Linear-Time Algorithms for Finding the Shadow Volumes from a Convex Area Light Source. Algorithmica 20(3): 227-241 (1998)
27EEOh-Heum Kwon, Kyung-Yong Chwa: An Algorithm for Scheduling Jobs in Hypercube Systems. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 9(9): 856-860 (1998)
26EEBomjun Kwon, Dae Seoung Kim, Kyung-Yong Chwa, Sung Yong Shin: Memory-Efficient Ray Classification for Visibility Operations. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 4(3): 193-201 (1998)
25EEChan-Su Shin, Sung Kwon Kim, Sung-Ho Kim, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Algorithms for Drawing Binary Trees in the Plane. Inf. Process. Lett. 66(3): 133-139 (1998)
24EEChan-Su Shin, Sung Yong Shin, Kyung-Yong Chwa: The Widest k-Dense Corridor Problems. Inf. Process. Lett. 68(1): 25-31 (1998)
23 Sook-Yeon Kim, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Multiple Graph Embeddings into a Processor Array with Spanning Buses. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 52(1): 24-39 (1998)
22 Sook-Yeon Kim, Oh-Heum Kwon, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Embeddings of Butterflies into Hypermeshes. Parallel Processing Letters 8(3): 337-350 (1998)
21EESook-Yeon Kim, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Optimal embeddings of multiple graphs into a hypermesh. ICPADS 1997: 436-
20EEJae-Ha Lee, Chan-Su Shin, Jae-Hoon Kim, Sung Yong Shin, Kyung-Yong Chwa: New Competitive Strategies for Searching in Unknown Star-Shaped Polygons. Symposium on Computational Geometry 1997: 427-429
19 Chan-Su Shin, Sung Kwon Kim, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Area-Efficient Algorithms for Upward Straight-Line Tree Drawings (Extended Abstract). COCOON 1996: 106-116
18 Jae-Ha Lee, Chan-Su Shin, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Directed Hamiltonian Packing in d-Dimensional Meshes and Its Application (Extended Abstract). ISAAC 1996: 295-304
17EEHyeong-Seok Lim, Jung-Heum Park, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Embedding Trees in Recursive Circulants. Discrete Applied Mathematics 69(1-2): 83-99 (1996)
16EESeungyong Lee, George Wolberg, Kyung-Yong Chwa, Sung Yong Shin: Image Metamorphosis with Scattered Feature Constraints. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 2(4): 337-354 (1996)
15 Seungyong Lee, Kyung-Yong Chwa, James K. Hahn, Sung Yong Shin: Image Morphing Using Deformation Techniques. Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 7(1): 3-23 (1996)
14 Oh-Heum Kwon, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Scheduling Parallel Tasks with Individual Deadlines. ISAAC 1995: 198-207
13EESeungyong Lee, Kyung-Yong Chwa, Sung Yong Shin: Image metamorphosis using snakes and free-form deformations. SIGGRAPH 1995: 439-448
12 Seung-Hak Choi, Sung Yong Shin, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Characterizing and Recognizing the Visibility Graph of a Funnel-Shaped Polygon. Algorithmica 14(1): 27-51 (1995)
11EESung-Ho Kim, Jung-Heum Park, Seung-Hak Choi, Sung Yong Shin, Kyung-Yong Chwa: An Optimal Algorithm for Finding the Edge Visibility Polygon under Limited Visibility. Inf. Process. Lett. 53(6): 359-365 (1995)
10 S. H. Kim, Sung Yong Shin, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Efficient algorithms for solving diagonal visibility problems in a simple polygon. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 5(4): 433-458 (1995)
9 Jung-Heum Park, Kyung-Yong Chwa: On the Construction of Regular Minimal Broadcast Digraphs. Theor. Comput. Sci. 124(2): 329-342 (1994)
8 Jung-Heum Park, Sung Yong Shin, Kyung-Yong Chwa, Tony C. Woo: On the Number of Guard Edges of a Polygon. Discrete & Computational Geometry 10: 447-462 (1993)
7 Jeong-In Doh, Kyung-Yong Chwa: An Algorithm for Determining Visibility of a Simple Polygon from an Internal Line Segment. J. Algorithms 14(1): 139-168 (1993)
6 Seung-Hak Choi, Sung Yong Shin, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Characterizing and Recognizing Visibility Graphs of Funnel-Shaped Polygons. ISAAC 1992: 219-228
5 Sang Ho Lee, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Some Chain Visibility Problems in a Simple Polygon. Algorithmica 5(4): 485-507 (1990)
4 Jeong-In Doh, Kyung-Yong Chwa: Visibility problems for orthogonal objects in two- or three-dimensions. The Visual Computer 4(2): 84-97 (1988)
3 Taenam Kim, Kyung-Yong Chwa: An O(n log n log log n) Parallel Maximum Matching Algorithm for Bipartite Graphs. Inf. Process. Lett. 24(1): 15-17 (1987)
2 Kyung-Yong Chwa, S. Louis Hakimi: On Fault Identification in Diagnosable Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 30(6): 414-422 (1981)
1 Kyung-Yong Chwa, S. Louis Hakimi: Schemes for Fault-Tolerant Computing: A Comparison of Modularly Redundant and t-Diagnosable Systems Information and Control 49(3): 212-238 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Hee-Kap Ahn [65] [71]
2Sang Won Bae [60] [65] [66] [69] [70] [71]
3Nakhoon Baek [33] [41]
4Siu-Wing Cheng [65]
5Otfried Cheong (Otfried Schwarzkopf) [44]
6Seung-Hak Choi [6] [11] [12]
7Sunghee Choi [71]
8Jeong-In Doh [4] [7]
9James K. Hahn [15]
10S. Louis Hakimi [1] [2]
11Mohammad Khairul Hasan [72] [73] [74]
12Oscar H. Ibarra [31]
13Byung-Cheol Jo [59] [68]
14Hyunwoo Jung [72] [73] [74]
15Joo-Won Jung [58]
16Dae Seoung Kim [26] [28] [29]
17Jae-Hoon Kim [20] [46] [49] [53] [54] [55] [56] [63] [64] [70]
18Jung-Hyun Kim [30]
19S. H. Kim [10]
20Sook-Yeon Kim [21] [22] [23]
21Sung Kwon Kim [19] [25] [30] [42]
22Sung-Ho Kim [11] [25]
23Taenam Kim [3]
24Christian Knauer [59] [68]
25Bomjun Kwon [26]
26Oh-Heum Kwon [14] [22] [27] [32] [52]
27Woo-Cheol Kwon [44]
28Chunseok Lee [71]
29Jae-Ha Lee [18] [20] [34] [35] [36] [37] [39] [40] [43] [44] [45] [47] [48] [50] [51] [61] [64]
30Sang Ho Lee [5]
31Seungyong Lee [13] [15] [16]
32Hyeong-Seok Lim [17]
33Esther Moet [59] [68]
34J. Ian Munro [62] [67]
35René van Oostrum [59] [68]
36Chong-Dae Park [37] [45] [57]
37Jung-Heum Park [8] [9] [11] [17] [38]
38Sang-Min Park [40] [43] [47] [48] [50] [51] [61]
39Chan-Su Shin [18] [19] [20] [24] [25] [30] [39] [42] [59] [68]
40Sung Yong Shin [6] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [15] [16] [20] [24] [26] [28] [29] [33] [35] [41] [44]
41George Wolberg [16]
42Tony C. Woo [8]
43Kwan-Hee Yoo [28] [29]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)