
Giulia Galbiati

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22 Edoardo Amaldi, Giulia Galbiati, Francesco Maffioli: On minimum reload cost paths, tours and flows. CTW 2008: 112-115
21EEGiulia Galbiati: The complexity of a minimum reload cost diameter problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(18): 3494-3497 (2008)
20EEGiulia Galbiati, Francesco Maffioli: Approximation algorithms for maximum cut with limited unbalance. Theor. Comput. Sci. 385(1-3): 78-87 (2007)
19EEGiulia Galbiati, Francesco Maffioli: Approximating Maximum Cut with Limited Unbalance. WAOA 2006: 202-213
18EEGiulia Galbiati, Francesco Maffioli: Approximating Max Cut with Limited Unbalance. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 25: 101-104 (2006)
17EEGiulia Galbiati, Edoardo Amaldi: On the Approximability of the Minimum Fundamental Cycle Basis Problem. WAOA 2003: 151-164
16EEGiulia Galbiati: On finding cycle bases and fundamental cycle bases with a shortest maximal cycle. Inf. Process. Lett. 88(4): 155-159 (2003)
15 Giulia Galbiati: On the approximation of the Minimum Disturbance p-Facility Location Problem. Discrete Applied Mathematics 118(1-2): 73-83 (2002)
14EEGiulia Galbiati: On Min-Max Cycle Bases. ISAAC 2001: 116-123
13EEGiulia Galbiati: On Optimum Cycle Bases. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 10: 113-116 (2001)
12EEGiulia Galbiati, Francesco Maffioli, Carlo Viola: Randomized Algorithms over Finite Fields for the Exact Parity Base Problem. J. Complexity 15(4): 537-556 (1999)
11EEGiulia Galbiati, Angelo Morzenti, Francesco Maffioli: On the Approximability of Some Maximum Spanning Tree Problems. Theor. Comput. Sci. 181(1): 107-118 (1997)
10 Giulia Galbiati, Angelo Morzenti, Francesco Maffioli: On the Approximability of some Maximum Spanning Tree Problems. LATIN 1995: 300-310
9EEGiulia Galbiati, Francesco Maffioli: on the Computation of Pfaffians. Discrete Applied Mathematics 51(3): 269-275 (1994)
8 Giulia Galbiati, Francesco Maffioli, Angelo Morzenti: A Short Note on the Approximability of the Maximum Leaves Spanning Tree Problem. Inf. Process. Lett. 52(1): 45-49 (1994)
7EEGiulia Galbiati, Francesco Maffioli: Preface. Discrete Applied Mathematics 42(2): 119 (1993)
6 Paolo M. Camerini, Giulia Galbiati, Francesco Maffioli: Random Pseudo-Polynomial Algorithms for Exact Matroid Problems. J. Algorithms 13(2): 258-273 (1992)
5 Giulia Galbiati, Francesco Maffioli: Constructing an Exact Parity Base Is in RNC2. Parallel Processing Letters 2: 301-309 (1992)
4 Giulia Galbiati: A phrase-based matching function. JASIS 42(1): 36-48 (1991)
3 Paolo M. Camerini, Giulia Galbiati, Francesco Maffioli: Modular Arithmetic and Randomization for Exact Matroid Problems. IPCO 1990: 101-113
2EEGiulia Galbiati: On the asymptotic probabilistic analysis of scheduling problems in the presence of precedence constraints. J. Complexity 6(2): 149-165 (1990)
1 Giulia Galbiati: M. J. Fischer: On the Complexity of 2-Output Boolean Networks. Theor. Comput. Sci. 16: 177-185 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Edoardo Amaldi [17] [22]
2Paolo M. Camerini [3] [6]
3Francesco Maffioli [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [18] [19] [20] [22]
4Angelo Morzenti [8] [10] [11]
5Carlo Viola [12]

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