
Hong Zhu

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140EES. Barry Cooper, Hong Zhu: Preface: Algorithms, complexity and models of computation. Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(11): 1001-1002 (2009)
139 Hong Zhu: Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Quality Software, QSIC 2008, 12-13 August 2008, Oxford, UK IEEE Computer Society 2008
138EEZeyu Guo, He Sun, Hong Zhu: A Fast 2-Approximation Algorithm for the Minimum Manhattan Network Problem. AAIM 2008: 212-223
137EEIan Bayley, Hong Zhu: Specifying Behavioural Features of Design Patterns in First Order Logic. COMPSAC 2008: 203-210
136 Hong Zhu: Data Mutation Testing Applied to a Modelling Tool. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2008: 175-176
135EELijun Shan, Hong Zhu: A Formal Descriptive Semantics of UML. ICFEM 2008: 375-396
134EEHong Zhu, W. Eric Wong, Fevzi Belli: Advancing test automation technology to meet the challenges of model-driven software development: report on the 3rd workshop on automation of software test. ICSE Companion 2008: 1049-1050
133EEBo Yu, Liang Kong, Yufeng Zhang, Hong Zhu: Testing Java Components based on Algebraic Specifications. ICST 2008: 190-199
132EEHong Zhu, Weizhen Sun, Minhua Wu, Guixia Guan, Yong Guan: Pre-Processing of X-Ray Medical Image Based on Improved Temporal Recursive Self-Adaptive Filter. ICYCS 2008: 758-763
131EEDu Zhang, Hong Zhu: When Is Inconsistency Considered Harmful: Temporal Characterization of Knowledge Base Inconsistency. IDEAL 2008: 395-403
130EEHong Zhu, Ge Fu, Yi Zhu, Renchao Jin, Kevin Lü, Jie Shi: Dynamic data recovery for database systems based on fine grained transaction log. IDEAS 2008: 249-253
129EEZeyu Guo, He Sun, Hong Zhu: Greedy Construction of 2-Approximation Minimum Manhattan Network. ISAAC 2008: 4-15
128EEIan Bayley, Hong Zhu: On the Composition of Design Patterns. QSIC 2008: 27-36
127 Bin Zhou, Hong Zhu: A Virtual Machine for Distributed Agent-oriented Programming. SEKE 2008: 729-734
126EEHong Zhu, Jie Shi, Yuanzhen Wang, Yucai Feng: Controlling Information Leakage of Fine-Grained Access Model in DBMSs. WAIM 2008: 583-590
125EEMeng Wang, Hong Zhu, Shiwen Yu: Concept Acquisition from Corpora: Using an Automatic Clustering Method Based on Chinese Measure Words. Web Intelligence/IAT Workshops 2008: 295-298
124EEDavid Chenho Kung, Hong Zhu: Software Verification and Validation. Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering 2008
123EEXinJun Mao, Lijun Shan, Hong Zhu, Ji Wang: An adaptive casteship mechanism for developing multi-agent systems. IJCAT 31(1/2): 17-34 (2008)
122 Jin-yi Cai, S. Barry Cooper, Hong Zhu: Theory and Applications of Models of Computation, 4th International Conference, TAMC 2007, Shanghai, China, May 22-25, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
121EERudolf Fleischer, Qi Ge, Jian Li, Hong Zhu: Efficient Algorithms for k -Disjoint Paths Problems on DAGs. AAIM 2007: 134-143
120EEFrancis Y. L. Chin, Yong Zhang, Hong Zhu: Online OVSF Code Assignment with Resource Augmentation. AAIM 2007: 191-200
119EEHong Zhu, Kevin Lü: Fine-Grained Access Control for Database Management Systems. BNCOD 2007: 215-223
118EEFrancis Y. L. Chin, Yong Zhang, Hong Zhu: A 1-Local 13/9-Competitive Algorithm for Multicoloring Hexagonal Graphs. COCOON 2007: 526-536
117EELiang Kong, Hong Zhu, Bin Zhou: Automated Testing EJB Components Based on Algebraic Specifications. COMPSAC (2) 2007: 717-722
116EEYingna Deng, Hong Zhu, Gang Li, Ruirui Ji: Position Estimation Based Object Tracking across Multiple Cameras. FSKD (3) 2007: 356-359
115EEHong Zhu, W. Eric Wong, Amit M. Paradkar: Automation of Software Test - Report on the Second Interional Workshop AST 2007. ICSE Companion 2007: 150-151
114EEShufeng Wang, Hong Zhu: An experimental study of the emergent behaviors of self-organized agent communities. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2007: 3239-3246
113EEHong Zhu, Yang Liu: MCD: A Joint Semantic Project on East Asian Languages. IWIC 2007: 159-169
112EEHong Zhu, Renchao Jin, Kevin Lü: A flexible mandatory access control policy for XML databases. Infoscale 2007: 67
111EEAmitabh Chaudhary, Danny Z. Chen, Rudolf Fleischer, Xiaobo Sharon Hu, Jian Li, Michael T. Niemier, Zhiyi Xie, Hong Zhu: Approximating the Maximum Sharing Problem. WADS 2007: 52-63
110EEYuping Zhang, Xinzhi Liu, Hong Zhu, Shouming Zhong: Stability analysis and control synthesis for a class of switched neutral systems. Applied Mathematics and Computation 190(2): 1258-1266 (2007)
109EEJoseph Wun-Tat Chan, Francis Y. L. Chin, Deshi Ye, Yong Zhang, Hong Zhu: Greedy online frequency allocation in cellular networks. Inf. Process. Lett. 102(2-3): 55-61 (2007)
108EEWun-Tat Chan, Yong Zhang, Stanley P. Y. Fung, Deshi Ye, Hong Zhu: Efficient algorithms for finding a longest common increasing subsequence. J. Comb. Optim. 13(3): 277-288 (2007)
107EESeon Ho Kim, Hong Zhu, Roger Zimmermann: Zoned-RAID. TOS 3(1): (2007)
106EERudolf Fleischer, Jian Li, Shijun Tian, Hong Zhu: Non-metric Multicommodity and Multilevel Facility Location. AAIM 2006: 138-148
105EEWengang Zhou, Chunguang Zhou, Guixia Liu, Hong Zhu: Feature Selection for Microarray Data Analysis Using Mutual Information and Rough Set Theory. AIAI 2006: 492-499
104EEHong Zhu, Sujuan Duan, Fan Hong, Kevin Lü: An Access-Control Policy Based on Sharing Resource Management for a Multi-domains Environment. ATC 2006: 439-448
103EEQian Zhang, Jian Wu, Hong Zhu: Tool Support to Model-based Quality Analysis of Software Architecture. COMPSAC (1) 2006: 121-128
102EEHong Zhu: A Framework for Service-Oriented Testing of Web Services. COMPSAC (2) 2006: 145-150
101EEDanny Z. Chen, Rudolf Fleischer, Jian Li, Haitao Wang, Hong Zhu: Traversing the Machining Graph. ESA 2006: 220-231
100EEWengang Zhou, Chunguang Zhou, Hong Zhu, Guixia Liu, Xiaoyu Chang: Feature Selection for Microarray Data Analysis Using Mutual Information and Rough Set Theory. ICIC (3) 2006: 424-432
99EEHong Zhu, Joseph Robert Horgan, S. C. Cheung, J. Jenny Li: The first international workshop on automation of software test. ICSE 2006: 1028-1029
98EEDanny Z. Chen, Rudolf Fleischer, Jian Li, Zhiyi Xie, Hong Zhu: On Approximating the Maximum Simple Sharing Problem. ISAAC 2006: 547-556
97EEJoseph Wun-Tat Chan, Francis Y. L. Chin, Deshi Ye, Yong Zhang, Hong Zhu: Frequency Allocation Problems for Linear Cellular Networks. ISAAC 2006: 61-70
96EEHong Zhu, Zhaolin Yin, Ying Ding: Java Annotated Concurrency Based on the Concurrent Package. PDCAT 2006: 38-43
95 Lijun Shan, Hong Zhu: Specifying Consistency Constraints for Modelling Languages. SEKE 2006: 578-583
94 XinJun Mao, Zhiming Chang, Lijun Shang, Hong Zhu, Ji Wang: The Dynamic Casteship Mechanism for Modeling and Designing Adaptive Agents. SEKE 2006: 639-644
93EEJianxin Chen, Yuhang Yang, Hong Zhu, Peng Zeng: A Bounded Item Bin Packing Problem over Discrete Distribution. TAMC 2006: 108-117
92EEHong Zhu, David Chenho Kung: Assuring quality of web-based applications. Information & Software Technology 48(12): 1135-1136 (2006)
91EEWun-Tat Chan, Francis Y. L. Chin, Yong Zhang, Hong Zhu, Hong Shen, Prudence W. H. Wong: A dynamic programming approach of finding an optimal broadcast schedule in minimizing total flow time. J. Comb. Optim. 11(2): 177-187 (2006)
90EEQi Ge, Haitao Wang, Hong Zhu: An Improved Algorithm for Finding the Closest Pair of Points. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 21(1): 27-31 (2006)
89EEHong Zhu: Shaping the emerging paradigm of agent-orientation: Special issue on agent-oriented software development methodologies. Multiagent and Grid Systems 2(4): 301-304 (2006)
88EEYong Zhang, Qi Ge, Rudolf Fleischer, Tao Jiang, Hong Zhu: Approximating the minimum weight weak vertex cover. Theor. Comput. Sci. 363(1): 99-105 (2006)
87EEJi Wang, Rui Shen, Hong Zhu: Towards an agent oriented programming language with caste and scenario mechanisms. AAMAS 2005: 1297-1298
86EEHong Zhu, Chengke Wu, Yangli Wang, Yong Fang: Fast Mode Decision for H.264/AVC Based on Macroblock Correlation. AINA 2005: 775-780
85EEWun-Tat Chan, Francis Y. L. Chin, Yong Zhang, Hong Zhu, Hong Shen, Prudence W. H. Wong: Off-Line Algorithms for Minimizing Total Flow Time in Broadcast Scheduling. COCOON 2005: 318-328
84EEJi Wang, Rui Shen, Hong Zhu: Agent Oriented Programming Based on SLABS. COMPSAC (1) 2005: 127-132
83EEYanlong Zhang, Hong Zhu, Sue Greenwood: Empirical Validation of Website Timeliness Measures. COMPSAC (1) 2005: 313-318
82EEYingna Deng, Hong Zhu, Shu Li, Tao Wang: Signature Verification Method Based on the Combination of Shape and Dynamic Feature. FSKD (2) 2005: 285-288
81EEYingjie Pan, Hong Zhu, Ruirui Ji: 3-D Head Pose Estimation for Monocular Image. FSKD (2) 2005: 293-301
80EEWun-Tat Chan, Yong Zhang, Stanley P. Y. Fung, Deshi Ye, Hong Zhu: Efficient Algorithms for Finding a Longest Common Increasing Subsequence. ISAAC 2005: 665-674
79EEJi Wang, Rui Shen, Hong Zhu: Caste-Centric Agent-Oriented Programming. QSIC 2005: 431-438
78 Hong Zhu: Formal Reasoning about Emergent Behaviours of Multi-Agent Systems. SEKE 2005: 280-285
77EEHong Zhu, Lijun Shan: Agent-Oriented Modelling and Specification of Web Services. WORDS 2005: 152-159
76EEJin-yi Cai, Hong Zhu: Progress in Computational Complexity Theory. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 20(6): 735-750 (2005)
75EEYunlei Zhao, Chan H. Lee, Yiming Zhao, Hong Zhu: Some Observations on Zap and Its Applications. ACNS 2004: 180-193
74EERui Shen, Ji Wang, Hong Zhu: Scenario Mechanism in Agent-Oriented Programming. APSEC 2004: 464-471
73EEZhide Chen, Hong Zhu: General Public Key m-Out-of-n Oblivious Transfer. CIS 2004: 888-894
72EEYong Zhang, Hong Zhu: An Approximation Algorithm for Weighted Weak Vertex Cover Problem in Undirected Graphs. COCOON 2004: 143-150
71EELijun Shan, Hong Zhu: Consistency Check in Modelling Multi-Agent Systems. COMPSAC 2004: 114-119
70EEHong Zhu: Cooperative Agent Approach to Quality Assurance and Testing Web Software. COMPSAC Workshops 2004: 110-113
69EEHong Zhu, Bin Zhou, XinJun Mao, Lijun Shan, David A. Duce: Agent-Oriented Formal Specification of Web Services. GCC Workshops 2004: 633-641
68EEJiantao Song, Chaofeng Sha, Hong Zhu: Nash Equilibria in Parallel Downloading with Multiple Clients. ICDCS 2004: 94-101
67EEZhiyun Chen, Huiqin Qu, Mingming Lu, Hong Zhu: A Probabilistic Parameterized Algorithm for Vertex Cover in Sticker Model. IPDPS 2004
66EEZhide Chen, Hong Zhu: Quantum m-out-of-n oblivious transfer. ISCC 2004: 375-380
65EEYanlong Zhang, Hong Zhu, Sue Greenwood: Website Complexity Metrics for Measuring Navigability. QSIC 2004: 172-179
64EELijun Shan, Hong Zhu: CAMLE: A Caste-Centric Agent-Oriented Modelling Language and Environment. SELMAS 2004: 144-161
63EENing Chen, Hong Zhu: Fully Truthful Mechanisms. SOFSEM 2004: 373-384
62EEXiaotie Deng, Haodi Feng, Pixing Zhang, Yuzhong Zhang, Hong Zhu: Minimizing Mean Completion Time in a Batch Processing System. Algorithmica 38(4): 513-528 (2004)
61EEZhide Chen, Tianming Bu, Hong Zhu: Statistically Secure Quantum Oblivious Transfer CoRR quant-ph/0408108: (2004)
60 Ning Chen, Jie Meng, Jiawei Rong, Hong Zhu: Approximation for Dominating Set Problem with Measure Functions. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 23(1): (2004)
59EERoger Zimmermann, Moses Pawar, Dwipal A. Desai, Min Qin, Hong Zhu: High resolution live streaming with the HYDRA architecture. Computers in Entertainment 2(4): 16 (2004)
58EEYunlei Zhao, Xiaotie Deng, Chan H. Lee, Hong Zhu: (2+f(n))-SAT and its properties. Discrete Applied Mathematics 136(1): 3-11 (2004)
57EEYong Zhang, Hong Zhu: Approximation Algorithm for Weighted Weak Vertex Cover. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 19(6): 782-786 (2004)
56EEHong Zhu: A formal specification language for agent-oriented software engineering. AAMAS 2003: 1174-1175
55EENing Chen, Xiaotie Deng, Hong Zhu: Combinatorial auction across independent markets (extended abstract). ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 2003: 206-207
54EEQi Yan, XinJun Mao, Hong Zhu, Zhi-Chang Qi: Modelling Multi-agent Systems with Soft Genes, Roles, and Agents. AOSE 2003: 231-245
53EENing Chen, Hong Zhu: Incentive Compatible Mechanism Based on Linear Pricing Scheme for Single-Minded Auction. ASIAN 2003: 161-172
52EEQingning Huo, Hong Zhu, Sue Greenwood: A Multi-Agent Software Environment for Testing Web-based Applications. COMPSAC 2003: 210-215
51EERoshan Thomas, Hong Zhu, Tim Huck, Tommy Johnson: NetBouncer: Client-legitimacy-based High-performance DDoS Filtering. DISCEX (2) 2003: 111
50EEYunlei Zhao, Xiaotie Deng, Chan H. Lee, Hong Zhu: Resettable Zero-Knowledge in the Weak Public-Key Model. EUROCRYPT 2003: 123-139
49EEHaibin Kan, Hong Shen, Hong Zhu: The Closest Vector Problem on Some Lattices. GCC (2) 2003: 446-449
48EELijun Shan, Hong Zhu: Modelling Cooperative Multi-agent Systems. GCC (2) 2003: 994-1001
47EELijun Shan, Hong Zhu: Modelling and Specifying Scenarios and Agent Behaviour. IAT 2003: 32-38
46EEQi Yan, XinJun Mao, Lijun Shan, Zhi-Chang Qi, Hong Zhu: Soft Gene, Role, Agent: MABS Learns from Sociology. IAT 2003: 450-453
45EENing Chen, Xiaotie Deng, Hong Zhu: Double Auction in Two-Level Markets. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 34-45
44EEHong Zhu, David E. Lightfoot: Caste: A Step beyond Object Orientation. JMLC 2003: 59-62
43EEJiantao Song, Yong Zhang, Chaofeng Sha, Hong Zhu: Building Semantic Peer-to-Peer Networks upon CAN. Networked Group Communication 2003: 95-106
42EEHong Zhu: A Note on Test Oracles and Semantics of Algebraic Specifications. QSIC 2003: 91-
41EEZhide Chen, Hong Zhu: Quantum m-out-of-n Oblivious Transfer CoRR cs.CR/0311039: (2003)
40EEBangtao Chen, Jianmin Miao, Hong Zhu: Analysis And Comparison Of Flexure Structures Used In 3-D Electrostatic Microactuators For Hard Disk Drives. International Journal of Computational Engineering Science 4(2): 227-230 (2003)
39EETietun Sun, Jianmin Miao, Hong Zhu, Ciprian Iliescu, Jianbo Sun: Study On Feature Of Silicon Microtrenches With A Multiplexed Inductively Coupled Plasma Etcher. International Journal of Computational Engineering Science 4(2): 319-322 (2003)
38EEJianbo Sun, Jianmin Miao, Tietun Sun, Hong Zhu: Development And Comparison Of Micromachined Inductors For Rf Applications. International Journal of Computational Engineering Science 4(2): 363-367 (2003)
37EEW. Z. Li, J. M. Xue, Z. H. Zhou, J. Wang, Hong Zhu, Jianmin Miao, S. J. O'Shea: Design Issues Of Multilayer Piezoelectric Biosensors. International Journal of Computational Engineering Science 4(2): 431-434 (2003)
36EEHong Zhu, Jianmin Miao, Bangtao Chen, Zhihong Wang, Weiguan Zhu: Micromachining Process Of Piezoelectric Microcantilever Using Pzt Thin Film. International Journal of Computational Engineering Science 4(3): 509-512 (2003)
35EEHong Zhu: Developing Formal Specifications of MAS in SLABS -- A Case Study of Evolutionary Multi-Agent Ecosystem. AOIS@AAMAS 2002
34EEHong Zhu: Developing Formal Specifications of Multi-Agent Systems in SLABS -- A Case Study of Evolutionary Multi-Agent Ecosystem. AOIS@CAiSE 2002
33EEXiaotie Deng, Chan H. Lee, Yunlei Zhao, Hong Zhu: (2+ f(n))-SAT and Its Properties. COCOON 2002: 28-36
32EEHong Zhu, Yanlong Zhang, Qingning Huo, Sue Greenwood: Application of Hazard Analysis to Software Quality Modelling. COMPSAC 2002: 139-146
31EEHong Zhu: Formal Specification of Evolutionary Software Agents. ICFEM 2002: 249-261
30EEXiaotie Deng, Chan H. Lee, Yunlei Zhao, Hong Zhu: Reduction Zero-Knowledge. SCN 2002: 303-317
29 Hong Zhu, Xudong He: A methodology of testing high-level Petri nets. Information & Software Technology 44(8): 473-489 (2002)
28EEHong Zhu, Lingzi Jin, Dan Diaper, Ganghong Bai: Software requirements validation via task analysis. Journal of Systems and Software 61(2): 145-169 (2002)
27EELu Zhang, Hong Mei, Hong Zhu: A Configuration Management System Supporting Component-Based Software Development. COMPSAC 2001: 25-30
26EEHong Zhu, Xudong He: An Observational Theory of Integration Testing for Component-Based Software Development. COMPSAC 2001: 363-
25EERoger Zimmermann, Kun Fu, Cyrus Shahabi, Shu-Yuen Didi Yao, Hong Zhu: Yima: Design and Evaluation of a Streaming Media System for Residential Broadband Services. Databases in Telecommunications 2001: 116-125
24EEYanlong Zhang, Hong Zhu, Sue Greenwood, Qingning Huo: Quality Modelling for Web-Based Information Systems. FTDCS 2001: 41-47
23EEXiaotie Deng, Haodi Feng, Pixing Zhang, Hong Zhu: A Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for Minimizing Total Completion Time of Unbounded Batch Scheduling. ISAAC 2001: 26-35
22EEHong Zhu: The Role of Castes in Formal Specification of MAS. PRIMA 2001: 1-15
21 Hong Zhu: SLABS: A Formal Specification Language for Agent-Based Systems. International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 11(5): 529-558 (2001)
20EEHong Zhu, Lingzi Jin: Automating Scenario-Driven Structured Requirements Engineering. COMPSAC 2000: 311-
19EEHong Zhu: Formal Specification of Agent Behaviour through Environment Scenarios. FAABS 2000: 263-277
18EEHong Zhu, Lingzi Jin: Scenario Analysis in an Automated Tool for Requirements Engineering. Requir. Eng. 5(1): 2-22 (2000)
17EEShouhuai Xu, Moti Yung, Gendu Zhang, Hong Zhu: Money Conservation via Atomicity in Fair Off-Line E-Cash. ISW 1999: 14-31
16EE Luqi, Carl K. Chang, Hong Zhu: Specifications in software prototyping. Journal of Systems and Software 42(2): 125-140 (1998)
15 Shouhuai Xu, Gendu Zhang, Hong Zhu: On the Security of Three-Party Cryptographic Protocols. Operating Systems Review 32(3): 7-20 (1998)
14 Lingzi Jin, Hong Zhu: Automatic Generation of Formal Specification from Requirements Definition. ICFEM 1997: 243-251
13EEHong Zhu, Patrick A. V. Hall, John H. R. May: Software Unit Test Coverage and Adequacy. ACM Comput. Surv. 29(4): 366-427 (1997)
12EELingzi Jin, Hong Zhu, Patrick A. V. Hall: Adequate testing of hypertext applications. Information & Software Technology 39(4): 225-234 (1997)
11 Shouhuai Xu, Gendu Zhang, Hong Zhu: On the Properties of Cryptographic Protocols and the Weakness of the BAN-like Logics. Operating Systems Review 31.(4): 12-23 (1997)
10 J. Xu, Lingzi Jin, Hong Zhu: Tool support of orderly transition from informal to formal descriptions in requirements engineering. IFIP World Conference on IT Tools 1996: 199-206
9 Jiafu Xu, Hong Zhu: Requirements Analysis and Specification as a Problem of Software Automation. SEKE 1996: 457-464
8EEHong Zhu: A Formal Analysis of the Subsume Relation Between Software Test Adequacy Criteria. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 22(4): 248-255 (1996)
7 Hong Zhu: A Formal Interpretation of Software Testing as Inductive Inference. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 6(1): 3-31 (1996)
6 Qi Cheng, Hong Zhu: MNP: A Class of NP Optimization Problems (Extended Abstract). COCOON 1995: 559-565
5 Hong Zhu, Patrick A. V. Hall, John H. R. May, T. Cockram: Injecting Faults into Environment Simulators for Testing Safety Critical Software. EDCC 1994: 235-249
4 Hong Zhu, Patrick A. V. Hall, John H. R. May: Knowledge engineering helps testing protection software. SEKE 1994: 116-123
3 Hong Zhu: How Powerful are Folding/Unfolding Transformations? J. Funct. Program. 4(1): 89-112 (1994)
2 Hong Zhu, Patrick A. V. Hall, John H. R. May: Inductive Inference and Software Testing. Softw. Test., Verif. Reliab. 2(2): 69-81 (1992)
1 Hong Zhu, Lingzi Jin: A Knowledge-Based System to Synthesize FP Programs from Examples. EPIA 1989: 234-245

Coauthor Index

1Ganghong Bai [28]
2Ian Bayley [128] [137]
3Fevzi Belli [134]
4Tianming Bu [61]
5Jin-yi Cai [76] [122]
6Wun-Tat Chan (Joseph Wun-Tat Chan) [80] [85] [91] [97] [108] [109]
7Carl K. Chang [16]
8Xiaoyu Chang [100]
9Zhiming Chang [94]
10Amitabh Chaudhary [111]
11Bangtao Chen [36] [40]
12Danny Z. Chen [98] [101] [111]
13Jianxin Chen [93]
14Ning Chen [45] [53] [55] [60] [63]
15Zhide Chen [41] [61] [66] [73]
16Zhiyun Chen [67]
17Qi Cheng [6]
18Shing-Chi Cheung (S. C. Cheung) [99]
19Francis Y. L. Chin [85] [91] [97] [109] [118] [120]
20T. Cockram [5]
21S. Barry Cooper [122] [140]
22Xiaotie Deng [23] [30] [33] [45] [50] [55] [58] [62]
23Yingna Deng [82] [116]
24Dwipal A. Desai [59]
25Dan Diaper [28]
26Ying Ding [96]
27Sujuan Duan [104]
28David A. Duce [69]
29Yong Fang [86]
30Haodi Feng [23] [62]
31Yucai Feng [126]
32Rudolf Fleischer [88] [98] [101] [106] [111] [121]
33Ge Fu [130]
34Kun Fu [25]
35Stanley P. Y. Fung [80] [108]
36Qi Ge [88] [90] [121]
37Sue Greenwood [24] [32] [52] [65] [83]
38Guixia Guan [132]
39Yong Guan [132]
40Zeyu Guo [129] [138]
41Patrick A. V. Hall [2] [4] [5] [12] [13]
42Xudong He [26] [29]
43Fan Hong [104]
44Joseph Robert Horgan (Joseph R. Horgan) [99]
45Xiaobo Sharon Hu (Xiaobo Hu) [111]
46Tim Huck [51]
47Qingning Huo [24] [32] [52]
48Ciprian Iliescu [39]
49Ruirui Ji [81] [116]
50Tao Jiang [88]
51Lingzi Jin [1] [10] [12] [14] [18] [20] [28]
52Renchao Jin [112] [130]
53Tommy Johnson [51]
54Haibin Kan [49]
55Seon Ho Kim [107]
56Liang Kong [117] [133]
57David Chenho Kung (Chenho Kung) [92] [124]
58Chan H. Lee [30] [33] [50] [58] [75]
59Gang Li [116]
60J. Jenny Li [99]
61Jian Li [98] [101] [106] [111] [121]
62Shu Li [82]
63W. Z. Li [37]
64David E. Lightfoot [44]
65Guixia Liu [100] [105]
66Xinzhi Liu [110]
67Yang Liu [113]
68Kevin Lü [104] [112] [119] [130]
69Mingming Lu [67]
70 Luqi [16]
71XinJun Mao [46] [54] [69] [94] [123]
72John H. R. May [2] [4] [5] [13]
73Hong Mei [27]
74Jie Meng [60]
75Jianmin Miao [36] [37] [38] [39] [40]
76Michael T. Niemier [111]
77S. J. O'Shea [37]
78Yingjie Pan [81]
79Amit M. Paradkar [115]
80Moses Pawar [59]
81Zhichang Qi (Zhi-Chang Qi) [46] [54]
82Min Qin [59]
83Huiqin Qu [67]
84Jiawei Rong [60]
85Chaofeng Sha [43] [68]
86Cyrus Shahabi [25]
87Lijun Shan [46] [47] [48] [64] [69] [71] [77] [95] [123] [135]
88Lijun Shang [94]
89Hong Shen [49] [85] [91]
90Rui Shen [74] [79] [84] [87]
91Jie Shi [126] [130]
92Jiantao Song [43] [68]
93He Sun [129] [138]
94Jianbo Sun [38] [39]
95Tietun Sun [38] [39]
96Weizhen Sun [132]
97Roshan Thomas [51]
98Shijun Tian [106]
99Haitao Wang [90] [101]
100J. Wang [37]
101Ji Wang [74] [79] [84] [87] [94] [123]
102Meng Wang [125]
103Shufeng Wang [114]
104Tao Wang [82]
105Yangli Wang [86]
106Yuanzhen Wang [126]
107Zhihong Wang [36]
108Prudence W. H. Wong [85] [91]
109W. Eric Wong [115] [134]
110Chengke Wu [86]
111Jian Wu [103]
112Minhua Wu [132]
113Zhiyi Xie [98] [111]
114J. Xu [10]
115Jiafu Xu [9]
116Shouhuai Xu [11] [15] [17]
117J. M. Xue [37]
118Qi Yan [46] [54]
119Yuhang Yang [93]
120Shu-Yuen Didi Yao [25]
121Deshi Ye [80] [97] [108] [109]
122Zhaolin Yin [96]
123Bo Yu [133]
124Shiwen Yu [125]
125Moti Yung (Mordechai M. Yung) [17]
126Peng Zeng [93]
127Du Zhang [131]
128Gendu Zhang [11] [15] [17]
129Lu Zhang [27]
130Pixing Zhang [23] [62]
131Qian Zhang [103]
132Yanlong Zhang [24] [32] [65] [83]
133Yong Zhang [43] [57] [72] [80] [85] [88] [91] [97] [108] [109] [118] [120]
134Yufeng Zhang [133]
135Yuping Zhang [110]
136Yuzhong Zhang [62]
137Yiming Zhao [75]
138Yunlei Zhao [30] [33] [50] [58] [75]
139Shouming Zhong [110]
140Bin Zhou [69] [117] [127]
141Chunguang Zhou [100] [105]
142Wengang Zhou [100] [105]
143Z. H. Zhou [37]
144Weiguan Zhu [36]
145Yi Zhu [130]
146Roger Zimmermann [25] [59] [107]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)