
Matthew Walter

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5EEMatthew Walter, Franz Hover, John J. Leonard: SLAM for ship hull inspection using exactly sparse extended information filters. ICRA 2008: 1463-1470
4EEJohn J. Leonard, Jonathan P. How, Seth J. Teller, Mitch Berger, Stefan Campbell, Gaston A. Fiore, Luke Fletcher, Emilio Frazzoli, Albert Huang, Sertac Karaman, Olivier Koch, Yoshiaki Kuwata, David Moore, Edwin Olson, Steve Peters, Justin Teo, Robert Truax, Matthew Walter, David Barrett, Alexander Epstein, Keoni Maheloni, Katy Moyer, Troy Jones, Ryan Buckley, Matthew E. Antone, Robert Galejs, Siddhartha Krishnamurthy, Jonathan Williams: A perception-driven autonomous urban vehicle. J. Field Robotics 25(10): 727-774 (2008)
3EEMatthew Walter, Ryan Eustice, John J. Leonard: A Provably Consistent Method for Imposing Sparsity in Feature-Based SLAM Information Filters. ISRR 2005: 214-234
2EEEdwin Olson, Matthew Walter, Seth J. Teller, John J. Leonard: Single-Cluster Spectral Graph Partitioning for Robotics Applications. Robotics: Science and Systems 2005: 265-272
1EERyan Eustice, Hanumant Singh, John J. Leonard, Matthew Walter, Robert Ballard: Visually Navigating the RMS Titanic with SLAM Information Filters. Robotics: Science and Systems 2005: 57-64

Coauthor Index

1Matthew E. Antone [4]
2Robert Ballard [1]
3David Barrett [4]
4Mitch Berger [4]
5Ryan Buckley [4]
6Stefan Campbell [4]
7Alexander Epstein [4]
8Ryan Eustice [1] [3]
9Gaston A. Fiore [4]
10Luke Fletcher [4]
11Emilio Frazzoli [4]
12Robert Galejs [4]
13Franz Hover [5]
14Jonathan P. How [4]
15Albert Huang [4]
16Troy Jones [4]
17Sertac Karaman [4]
18Olivier Koch [4]
19Siddhartha Krishnamurthy [4]
20Yoshiaki Kuwata [4]
21John J. Leonard [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
22Keoni Maheloni [4]
23David Moore [4]
24Katy Moyer [4]
25Edwin Olson [2] [4]
26Steve Peters [4]
27Hanumant Singh [1]
28Seth J. Teller [2] [4]
29Justin Teo [4]
30Robert Truax [4]
31Jonathan Williams [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)