
Matthew E. Antone

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8EEJohn J. Leonard, Jonathan P. How, Seth J. Teller, Mitch Berger, Stefan Campbell, Gaston A. Fiore, Luke Fletcher, Emilio Frazzoli, Albert Huang, Sertac Karaman, Olivier Koch, Yoshiaki Kuwata, David Moore, Edwin Olson, Steve Peters, Justin Teo, Robert Truax, Matthew Walter, David Barrett, Alexander Epstein, Keoni Maheloni, Katy Moyer, Troy Jones, Ryan Buckley, Matthew E. Antone, Robert Galejs, Siddhartha Krishnamurthy, Jonathan Williams: A perception-driven autonomous urban vehicle. J. Field Robotics 25(10): 727-774 (2008)
7EEMatthew Brand, Matthew E. Antone, Seth J. Teller: Spectral Solution of Large-Scale Extrinsic Camera Calibration as a Graph Embedding Problem. ECCV (2) 2004: 262-273
6EEMatthew E. Antone, Michael Bosse: Calibration of outdoor cameras from cast shadows. SMC (3) 2004: 3040-3045
5 Seth J. Teller, Matthew E. Antone, Zachary Bodnar, Michael Bosse, Satyan R. Coorg, Manish Jethwa, Neel Master: Calibrated, Registered Images of an Extended Urban Area. International Journal of Computer Vision 53(1): 93-107 (2003)
4 Matthew E. Antone, Seth J. Teller: Scalable Extrinsic Calibration of Omni-Directional Image Networks. International Journal of Computer Vision 49(2-3): 143-174 (2002)
3EEMatthew E. Antone, Seth J. Teller: Scalable, Absolute Position Recovery for Omni-Directional Image Networks. CVPR (1) 2001: 398-405
2EESeth J. Teller, Matthew E. Antone, Zachary Bodnar, Michael Bosse, Satyan R. Coorg, Manish Jethwa, Neel Master: Calibrated, Registered Images of an Extended Urban Area. CVPR (1) 2001: 813-820
1EEMatthew E. Antone, Seth J. Teller: Automatic Recovery of Relative Camera Rotations for Urban Scenes. CVPR 2000: 2282-2289

Coauthor Index

1David Barrett [8]
2Mitch Berger [8]
3Zachary Bodnar [2] [5]
4Michael Bosse [2] [5] [6]
5Matthew Brand [7]
6Ryan Buckley [8]
7Stefan Campbell [8]
8Satyan R. Coorg [2] [5]
9Alexander Epstein [8]
10Gaston A. Fiore [8]
11Luke Fletcher [8]
12Emilio Frazzoli [8]
13Robert Galejs [8]
14Jonathan P. How [8]
15Albert Huang [8]
16Manish Jethwa [2] [5]
17Troy Jones [8]
18Sertac Karaman [8]
19Olivier Koch [8]
20Siddhartha Krishnamurthy [8]
21Yoshiaki Kuwata [8]
22John J. Leonard [8]
23Keoni Maheloni [8]
24Neel Master [2] [5]
25David Moore [8]
26Katy Moyer [8]
27Edwin Olson [8]
28Steve Peters [8]
29Seth J. Teller [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8]
30Justin Teo [8]
31Robert Truax [8]
32Matthew Walter [8]
33Jonathan Williams [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)