
Raúl Suárez

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12EEMaximo A. Roa, Raúl Suárez: Independent contact regions for frictional grasps on 3D objects. ICRA 2008: 1622-1627
11EECarlos Rosales, Josep M. Porta, Raúl Suárez, Lluís Ros: Finding all valid hand configurations for a given precision grasp. ICRA 2008: 1634-1640
10EERicardo Prado, Raúl Suárez: Synthesis of grasps with four contact points including at least three force-closure grasps of three contact points. IROS 2008: 1771-1776
9EEMaximo A. Roa, Raúl Suárez, Jan Rosell: Grasp space generation using sampling and computation of independent regions. IROS 2008: 2258-2263
8EEMaximo A. Roa, Raúl Suárez: Geometrical approach for grasp synthesis on discretized 3D objects applied to repeatable test methods. IROS 2007: 3283-3288
7EEJordi Cornellà, Raúl Suárez: A New Framework for Planning Three-Finger Grasps of 2D Irregular Objects. IROS 2006: 5688-5694
6 Jan Rosell, Xavier Sierra, Leopold Palomo, Raúl Suárez: Finding Grasping Configurations of a Dexterous Hand and an Industrial Robot. ICRA 2005: 1178-1183
5 Jordi Cornellà, Raúl Suárez: Fast and Flexible Determination of Force-Closure Independent Regions to Grasp Polygonal Objects. ICRA 2005: 766-771
4EEJan Rosell, Luis Basañez, Raúl Suárez: Predicting planar motion behavior under contact uncertainty. Advanced Robotics 19(5): 567-590 (2005)
3 Joaquín Bautista, Raúl Suárez, Manuel Mateo, Ramón Companys: Local Search Heuristics for the Assembly Line Balancing Problem with Incompatibilities Between Tasks. ICRA 2000: 2404-2409
2 Eduardo Todt, Gustavo Raush, Raúl Suárez: Analysis and Classification of Multiple Robot Coordination Methods. ICRA 2000: 3158-3163
1 Jan Rosell, Luis Basañez, Raúl Suárez: Compliant-Motion Planning and Execution for Robotic Assembly. ICRA 1999: 2774-

Coauthor Index

1Luis Basañez [1] [4]
2Joaquín Bautista [3]
3Ramón Companys [3]
4Jordi Cornellà [5] [7]
5Manuel Mateo [3]
6Leopold Palomo [6]
7Josep M. Porta [11]
8Ricardo Prado [10]
9Gustavo Raush [2]
10Maximo A. Roa [8] [9] [12]
11Lluís Ros [11]
12Carlos Rosales [11]
13Jan Rosell [1] [4] [6] [9]
14Xavier Sierra [6]
15Eduardo Todt [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)