
Todor Stefanov

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18EEHristo Nikolov, Mark Thompson, Todor Stefanov, Andy D. Pimentel, Simon Polstra, R. Bose, Claudiu Zissulescu, Ed F. Deprettere: Daedalus: toward composable multimedia MP-SoC design. DAC 2008: 574-579
17EEOzana Silvia Dragomir, Todor Stefanov, Koen Bertels: Loop unrolling and shifting for reconfigurable architectures. FPL 2008: 167-172
16EEAndy D. Pimentel, Todor Stefanov, Hristo Nikolov, Mark Thompson, Simon Polstra, Ed F. Deprettere: Tool Integration and Interoperability Challenges of a System-Level Design Flow: A Case Study. SAMOS 2008: 167-176
15EEKamana Sigdel, Mark Thompson, Andy D. Pimentel, Todor Stefanov, Koen Bertels: System-Level Design Space Exploration of Dynamic Reconfigurable Architectures. SAMOS 2008: 279-288
14EEHristo Nikolov, Todor Stefanov, Ed F. Deprettere: Systematic and Automated Multiprocessor System Design, Programming, and Implementation. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 27(3): 542-555 (2008)
13EEJae Young Hur, Todor Stefanov, Stephan Wong, Stamatis Vassiliadis: Systematic Customization of On-Chip Crossbar Interconnects. ARC 2007: 61-72
12EEJae Young Hur, Todor Stefanov, Stephan Wong, Stamatis Vassiliadis: Customizing Reconfigurable On-Chip Crossbar Scheduler. ASAP 2007: 210-215
11EEMark Thompson, Hristo Nikolov, Todor Stefanov, Andy D. Pimentel, Cagkan Erbas, Simon Polstra, Ed F. Deprettere: A framework for rapid system-level exploration, synthesis, and programming of multimedia MP-SoCs. CODES+ISSS 2007: 9-14
10EEHristo Nikolov, Todor Stefanov, Ed F. Deprettere: Efficient External Memory Interface for Multi-processor Platforms Realized on FPGA Chips. FPL 2007: 580-584
9EEEd F. Deprettere, Todor Stefanov, Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya, Mainak Sen: Affine Nested Loop Programs and their Binary Parameterized Dataflow Graph Counterparts. ASAP 2006: 186-190
8EEHristo Nikolov, Todor Stefanov, Ed F. Deprettere: Multi-processor system design with ESPAM. CODES+ISSS 2006: 211-216
7EEHristo Nikolov, Todor Stefanov, Ed F. Deprettere: Efficient Automated Synthesis, Programing, and Implementation of Multi-Processor Platforms on FPGA Chips. FPL 2006: 1-6
6EEHristo Nikolov, Todor Stefanov, Ed F. Deprettere: Modeling and FPGA Implementation of Applications Using Parameterized Process Networks with Non-Static Parameters. FCCM 2005: 255-263
5EETodor Stefanov, Claudiu Zissulescu, Alexandru Turjan, Bart Kienhuis, Ed F. Deprettere: System Design Using Kahn Process Networks: The Compaan/Laura Approach. DATE 2004: 340-345
4EETodor Stefanov, Ed F. Deprettere: Deriving process networks from weakly dynamic applications in system-level design. CODES+ISSS 2003: 90-96
3EEClaudiu Zissulescu, Todor Stefanov, Bart Kienhuis, Ed F. Deprettere: Laura: Leiden Architecture Research and Exploration Tool. FPL 2003: 911-920
2EETodor Stefanov, Bart Kienhuis, Ed F. Deprettere: Algorithmic transformation techniques for efficient exploration of alternative application instances. CODES 2002: 7-12
1EEPaul Lieverse, Todor Stefanov, Pieter van der Wolf, Ed F. Deprettere: System Level Design with Spade: an M-JPEG Case Study. ICCAD 2001: 31-38

Coauthor Index

1Koen Bertels [15] [17]
2Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya [9]
3R. Bose [18]
4Ed F. Deprettere [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [14] [16] [18]
5Ozana Silvia Dragomir [17]
6Cagkan Erbas [11]
7Jae Young Hur [12] [13]
8Bart Kienhuis [2] [3] [5]
9Paul Lieverse [1]
10Hristo Nikolov [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [14] [16] [18]
11Andy D. Pimentel [11] [15] [16] [18]
12Simon Polstra [11] [16] [18]
13Mainak Sen [9]
14Kamana Sigdel [15]
15Mark Thompson [11] [15] [16] [18]
16Alexandru Turjan [5]
17Stamatis Vassiliadis [12] [13]
18Pieter van der Wolf [1]
19Stephan Wong [12] [13]
20Claudiu Zissulescu [3] [5] [18]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)