
Alexandru Turjan

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11EESteven Derrien, Alexandru Turjan, Claudiu Zissulescu, Bart Kienhuis, Ed F. Deprettere: Deriving efficient control in Process Networks with Compaan/Laura. IJES 3(3): 170-180 (2008)
10EESjoerd Meijer, Bart Kienhuis, Alexandru Turjan, Erwin A. de Kock: Interactive presentation: A process splitting transformation for Kahn process networks. DATE 2007: 1355-1360
9EEAlexandru Turjan, Bart Kienhuis, Ed F. Deprettere: Classifying interprocess communication in process network representation of nested-loop programs. ACM Trans. Embedded Comput. Syst. 6(2): (2007)
8EEAlexandru Turjan, Bart Kienhuis, Ed F. Deprettere: Solving Out-of-Order Communication in Kahn Process Networks. VLSI Signal Processing 40(1): 7-18 (2005)
7EEAlexandru Turjan, Bart Kienhuis, Ed F. Deprettere: A Hierarchical Classification Scheme to Derive Interprocess Communication in Process Networks. ASAP 2004: 282-292
6EEAlexandru Turjan, Bart Kienhuis, Ed F. Deprettere: Translating affine nested-loop programs to process networks. CASES 2004: 220-229
5EETodor Stefanov, Claudiu Zissulescu, Alexandru Turjan, Bart Kienhuis, Ed F. Deprettere: System Design Using Kahn Process Networks: The Compaan/Laura Approach. DATE 2004: 340-345
4EEIoan Cimpian, Alexandru Turjan, Ed F. Deprettere, Erwin A. de Kock: Communication Optimization in Compaan Process Networks. SAMOS 2004: 494-506
3EEAlexandru Turjan, Bart Kienhuis, Ed F. Deprettere: An Integer Linear Programming Approach to Classify the Communication in Process Networks. SCOPES 2004: 62-76
2EEAlexandru Turjan, Bart Kienhuis: Storage Management in Process Networks using the Lexicographically Maximal Preimage. ASAP 2003: 75-85
1EEAlexandru Turjan, Bart Kienhuis, Ed F. Deprettere: A Compile Time Based Approach for Solving Out-of-Order Communication in Kahn Process Networks. ASAP 2002: 17-28

Coauthor Index

1Ioan Cimpian [4]
2Ed F. Deprettere [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11]
3Steven Derrien [11]
4Bart Kienhuis [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
5Erwin A. de Kock [4] [10]
6Sjoerd Meijer [10]
7Todor Stefanov [5]
8Claudiu Zissulescu [5] [11]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)