
Yan Solihin

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33EESiddhartha Chhabra, Brian Rogers, Yan Solihin, Milos Prvulovic: Making secure processors OS- and performance-friendly. TACO 5(4): (2009)
32EEBrian Rogers, Chenyu Yan, Siddhartha Chhabra, Milos Prvulovic, Yan Solihin: Single-level integrity and confidentiality protection for distributed shared memory multiprocessors. HPCA 2008: 161-172
31EEGuru Venkataramani, Ioannis Doudalis, Yan Solihin, Milos Prvulovic: FlexiTaint: A programmable accelerator for dynamic taint propagation. HPCA 2008: 173-184
30EEFang Liu, Fei Guo, Yan Solihin, Seongbeom Kim, Abdulaziz Eker: Characterizing and modeling the behavior of context switch misses. PACT 2008: 91-101
29EEMazen Kharbutli, Yan Solihin: Counter-Based Cache Replacement and Bypassing Algorithms. IEEE Trans. Computers 57(4): 433-447 (2008)
28EEGuru Venkataramani, Brandyn Roemer, Yan Solihin, Milos Prvulovic: MemTracker: Efficient and Programmable Support for Memory Access Monitoring and Debugging. HPCA 2007: 273-284
27EEYan Solihin, Fei Guo, Seongbeom Kim, Fang Liu: Supporting Quality of Service in High-Performance Servers. IPDPS 2007: 1-6
26EESeongbeom Kim, Fang Liu, Yan Solihin, Ravi R. Iyer, Li Zhao, W. Cohen: Accelerating Full-System Simulation through Characterizing and Predicting Operating System Performance. ISPASS 2007: 1-11
25EEBrian Rogers, Siddhartha Chhabra, Milos Prvulovic, Yan Solihin: Using Address Independent Seed Encryption and Bonsai Merkle Trees to Make Secure Processors OS- and Performance-Friendly. MICRO 2007: 183-196
24EEFei Guo, Yan Solihin, Li Zhao, Ravishankar Iyer: A Framework for Providing Quality of Service in Chip Multi-Processors. MICRO 2007: 343-355
23EERavi R. Iyer, Li Zhao, Fei Guo, Ramesh Illikkal, Srihari Makineni, Donald Newell, Yan Solihin, Lisa R. Hsu, Steven K. Reinhardt: QoS policies and architecture for cache/memory in CMP platforms. SIGMETRICS 2007: 25-36
22EEMohit Gambhir, Edward F. Gehringer, Yan Solihin: Animations of important concepts in parallel computer architecture. WCAE 2007: 23-29
21EEMazen Kharbutli, Xiaowei Jiang, Yan Solihin, Guru Venkataramani, Milos Prvulovic: Comprehensively and efficiently protecting the heap. ASPLOS 2006: 207-218
20EEChanghee Jung, Daeseob Lim, Jaejin Lee, Yan Solihin: Helper thread prefetching for loosely-coupled multiprocessor systems. IPDPS 2006
19EEChenyu Yan, Daniel Englender, Milos Prvulovic, Brian Rogers, Yan Solihin: Improving Cost, Performance, and Security of Memory Encryption and Authentication. ISCA 2006: 179-190
18EEBrian Rogers, Milos Prvulovic, Yan Solihin: Efficient data protection for distributed shared memory multiprocessors. PACT 2006: 84-94
17EEFei Guo, Yan Solihin: An analytical model for cache replacement policy performance. SIGMETRICS/Performance 2006: 228-239
16EERithin Shetty, Mazen Kharbutli, Yan Solihin, Milos Prvulovic: HeapMon: A helper-thread approach to programmable, automatic, and low-overhead memory bug detection. IBM Journal of Research and Development 50(2-3): 261-276 (2006)
15EEDhruba Chandra, Fei Guo, Seongbeom Kim, Yan Solihin: Predicting Inter-Thread Cache Contention on a Chip Multi-Processor Architecture. HPCA 2005: 340-351
14EEMazen Kharbutli, Yan Solihin: Counter-Based Cache Replacement Algorithms. ICCD 2005: 61-68
13EEYan Solihin, Fei Guo, Seongbeom Kim: Predicting Cache Space Contention in Utility Computing Servers. IPDPS 2005
12EEMazen Kharbutli, Yan Solihin, Jaejin Lee: Eliminating Conflict Misses Using Prime Number-Based Cache Indexing. IEEE Trans. Computers 54(5): 573-586 (2005)
11EEBrian Rogers, Yan Solihin, Milos Prvulovic: Memory predecryption: hiding the latency overhead of memory encryption. SIGARCH Computer Architecture News 33(1): 27-33 (2005)
10EEMazen Kharbutli, Keith Irwin, Yan Solihin, Jaejin Lee: Using Prime Numbers for Cache Indexing to Eliminate Conflict Misses. HPCA 2004: 288-299
9EESeongbeom Kim, Dhruba Chandra, Yan Solihin: Fair Cache Sharing and Partitioning in a Chip Multiprocessor Architecture. IEEE PACT 2004: 111-122
8EEYan Solihin, Jaejin Lee, Josep Torrellas: Correlation Prefetching with a User-Level Memory Thread. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 14(6): 563-580 (2003)
7EEYan Solihin, Josep Torrellas, Jaejin Lee: Using a User-Level Memory Thread for Correlation Prefetching. ISCA 2002: 171-182
6EEJaejin Lee, Yan Solihin, Josep Torrellas: Automatically Mapping Code on an Intelligent Memory Architecture. HPCA 2001: 121-
5 Yan Solihin, Kirk W. Cameron, Yong Luo, Dominique Lavenier, Maya Gokhale: Mutable Functional Units and Their Applications on Microprocessors. ICCD 2001: 234-239
4EEYan Solihin, Jaejin Lee, Josep Torrellas: Automatic Code Mapping on an Intelligent Memory Architecture. IEEE Trans. Computers 50(11): 1248-1266 (2001)
3EEYan Solihin, Jaejin Lee, Josep Torrellas: Adaptively Mapping Code in an Intelligent Memory Architecture. Intelligent Memory Systems 2000: 71-84
2EEYan Solihin, C. G. Leedham: Integral Ratio: A New Class of Global Thresholding Techniques for Handwriting Images. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 21(8): 761-768 (1999)
1EEYan Solihin, Graham Leedham: Mathematical properties of the native integral ratio handwriting and text extraction technique. ICDAR 1997: 1102-

Coauthor Index

1Kirk W. Cameron [5]
2Dhruba Chandra [9] [15]
3Siddhartha Chhabra [25] [32] [33]
4W. Cohen [26]
5Ioannis Doudalis [31]
6Abdulaziz Eker [30]
7Daniel Englender [19]
8Mohit Gambhir [22]
9Edward F. Gehringer [22]
10Maya Gokhale [5]
11Fei Guo [13] [15] [17] [23] [24] [27] [30]
12Lisa R. Hsu [23]
13Ramesh Illikkal [23]
14Keith Irwin [10]
15Ravi R. Iyer (Ravishankar R. Iyer) [23] [26]
16Ravishankar Iyer [24]
17Xiaowei Jiang [21]
18Changhee Jung [20]
19Mazen Kharbutli [10] [12] [14] [16] [21] [29]
20Seongbeom Kim [9] [13] [15] [26] [27] [30]
21Dominique Lavenier [5]
22Jaejin Lee [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [10] [12] [20]
23Graham Leedham (C. G. Leedham) [1] [2]
24Daeseob Lim [20]
25Fang Liu [26] [27] [30]
26Yong Luo [5]
27Srihari Makineni [23]
28Donald Newell [23]
29Milos Prvulovic [11] [16] [18] [19] [21] [25] [28] [31] [32] [33]
30Steven K. Reinhardt [23]
31Brandyn Roemer [28]
32Brian Rogers [11] [18] [19] [25] [32] [33]
33Rithin Shetty [16]
34Josep Torrellas [3] [4] [6] [7] [8]
35Guru Venkataramani [21] [28] [31]
36Chenyu Yan [19] [32]
37Li Zhao [23] [24] [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)