
Graham Leedham

C. G. Leedham

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48EEPaul Wing Hing Kwan, Junbin Gao, Graham Leedham: A User-Centered Framework for Adaptive Fingerprint Identification. PAISI 2009: 89-100
47 Vladimir Pervouchine, Graham Leedham, Haishan Zhong, David Cho, Haizhou Li: Comparative Study of Several Novel Acoustic Features for Speaker Recognition. BIOSIGNALS (1) 2008: 220-223
46 Haishan Zhong, David Cho, Vladimir Pervouchine, Graham Leedham: Combining Novel Acoustic Features using SVM to Detect Speaker Changing Points. BIOSIGNALS (1) 2008: 224-227
45EELingyu Wang, Graham Leedham, David Siu-Yeung Cho: Minutiae feature analysis for infrared hand vein pattern biometrics. Pattern Recognition 41(3): 920-929 (2008)
44EEYang Ma, Graham Leedham, Colin Higgins, Swe Myo Htwe: Segmentation and recognition of phonetic features in handwritten Pitman shorthand. Pattern Recognition 41(4): 1280-1294 (2008)
43EEVladimir Pervouchine, Graham Leedham: Study of structural features of handwritten grapheme ‘th’ for writer identification. IAS 2007: 417-422
42EEVu Nguyen, Michael Blumenstein, Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy, Graham Leedham: Off-line Signature Verification Using Enhanced Modified Direction Features in Conjunction with Neural Classifiers and Support Vector Machines. ICDAR 2007: 734-738
41EEVladimir Pervouchine, Graham Leedham: Extraction and analysis of forensic document examiner features used for writer identification. Pattern Recognition 40(3): 1004-1013 (2007)
40EEMa Yang, Graham Leedham: On-line recognition of handwritten Renqun shorthand for fast mobile Chinese text entry. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(7): 873-883 (2007)
39EELingyu Wang, Graham Leedham: Near- and Far- Infrared Imaging for Vein Pattern Biometrics. AVSS 2006: 52
38EELingyu Wang, Graham Leedham: A Watershed Algorithmic Approach for Gray-Scale Skeletonization in Thermal Vein Pattern Biometrics. CIS 2006: 935-942
37EEVladimir Pervouchine, Graham Leedham: Extraction and Analysis of Document Examiner Features from Vector Skeletons of Grapheme 'th'. Document Analysis Systems 2006: 196-207
36EESwe Myo Htwe, Colin Higgins, Graham Leedham, Ma Yang: Post Processing of Handwritten Phonetic Pitman's Shorthand Using a Bayesian Network Built on Geometric Attributes. ICAPR (1) 2005: 569-579
35EELingyu Wang, Graham Leedham: A Thermal Hand Vein Pattern Verification System. ICAPR (2) 2005: 58-65
34EESwe Myo Htwe, Colin Higgins, Graham Leedham, Ma Yang: Transliteration of Online Handwritten Phonetic Pitman's Shorthand with the Use of a Bayesian Network. ICDAR 2005: 1090-1094
33EEVladimir Pervouchine, Graham Leedham, Konstantin Melikhov: Three-stage Handwriting Stroke Extraction Method with Hidden Loop Recovery. ICDAR 2005: 307-311
32EEYan Chen, Graham Leedham: Independent Component Analysis Segmentation Algorithm. ICDAR 2005: 680-684
31EEMa Yang, Graham Leedham, Colin Higgins, Swe Myo Htwe: On-Line Recognition of Pitman Shorthand for Fast Mobile Text Entry. ICITA (1) 2005: 686-691
30EEVladimir Pervouchine, Graham Leedham, Konstantin Melikhov: Handwritten character skeletonisation for forensic document analysis. SAC 2005: 754-758
29EEKian Hong Quah, Hiok Chai Quek, Graham Leedham: Reinforcement learning combined with a fuzzy adaptive learning control network (FALCON-R) for pattern classification. Pattern Recognition 38(4): 513-526 (2005)
28EESwe Myo Htwe, Colin Higgins, Graham Leedham, Ma Yang: Post-processing of Handwritten Pitman's Shorthand Using Unigram and Heuristic Approaches. Document Analysis Systems 2004: 332-336
27EEMa Yang, Graham Leedham, Colin Higgins, Swe Myo Htwe: Segmentation and Recognition of Vocalized Outlines in Pitman Shorthand. ICPR (1) 2004: 441-444
26EEYan Chen, Graham Leedham: The Multistage Approach to Information Extraction in Degraded Document Images. ICPR (1) 2004: 445-448
25EEChin Keong Lee, C. G. Leedham: A New Hybrid Approach to Handwritten Address Verification. International Journal of Computer Vision 57(2): 107-120 (2004)
24EELeo Chin Sim, Heiko Schröder, Graham Leedham: Major line removal morphological hough transform on a hybrid system. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 64(9): 1060-1068 (2004)
23EEPhilip Jonathan Sutanto, Graham Leedham, Vladimir Pervouchine: Study of the Consistency of Some Discriminatory Features Used by Document Examiners in the Analysis of Handwritten Letter 'a'. ICDAR 2003: 1091-1095
22EEGraham Leedham, Sumit Chachra: Writer Identification using Innovative Binarised Features of Handwritten Numerals. ICDAR 2003: 413-417
21EEGraham Leedham, Yan Chen, Kalyan Takru, Joie Hadi Nata Tan, Li Mian: Comparison of Some Thresholding Algorithms for Text/Background Segmentation in Difficult Document Images. ICDAR 2003: 859-
20EELeo Chin Sim, Heiko Schröder, Graham Leedham: MIMD-SIMD hybrid system--towards a new low cost parallel system. Parallel Computing 29(1): 21-36 (2003)
19EELeo Chin Sim, Graham Leedham, Leo Chin Jian, Heiko Schröder: Fast solution of large N×N matrix equations in an MIMD-SIMD Hybrid System. Parallel Computing 29(11-12): 1669-1684 (2003)
18EELeo Chin Sim, Heiko Schröder, Graham Leedham: Hybrid System, A New Low Cost Parallel Cluster. HPCS 2002: 28-34
17EELeo Chin Sim, Graham Leedham, Heiko Schröder: Performance evaluation of instruction systolic array processors. ICARCV 2002: 910-913
16EEXuhong Xiao, Graham Leedham: Signature verification using a modified Bayesian network. Pattern Recognition 35(5): 983-995 (2002)
15EEGraham Leedham, Wei Kei Tan, Weng Lee Yap: Handwritten Country Name Identification Using Vector Quantisation and Hidden Markov Model. ICDAR 2001: 685-688
14EEChin Keong Lee, Graham Leedham: A Novel Fusion of Holistic and Analytical Paradigms for the Recognition of Handwritten Address Fields. IEA/AIE 2000: 492-501
13EEXuhong Xiao, Graham Leedham: Knowledge-based English cursive script segmentation. Pattern Recognition Letters 21(10): 945-954 (2000)
12EEXuhong Xiao, Graham Leedham: Cursive Script Segmentation Incorporating Knowledge of Writing. ICDAR 1999: 535-538
11EEChin Keong Lee, Graham Leedham: Empirical Design of a Holistic Verifier for Automatic Sorting of Handwritten Singapore Postal Addresses. ICDAR 1999: 733-736
10 Xu-Hong Xiao, Graham Leedham: Signature Verification by Neural Networks with Selective Attention. Appl. Intell. 11(2): 213-223 (1999)
9EEYan Solihin, C. G. Leedham: Integral Ratio: A New Class of Global Thresholding Techniques for Handwriting Images. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 21(8): 761-768 (1999)
8EEYan Solihin, Graham Leedham: Mathematical properties of the native integral ratio handwriting and text extraction technique. ICDAR 1997: 1102-
7EEGraham Leedham, David Monger: Evaluation of an Interactive Tool for Handwritten Form Description. ICDAR 1995: 706-706
6 David Monger, Graham Leedham: An Interactive Document Image Description for OCR of Handwritten Forms. VCHCI 1993: 423-424
5EEYizheng Qiao, Graham Leedham: Segmentation and recognition of handwritten pitman shorthand outlines using an interactive heuristic search. Pattern Recognition 26(3): 433-441 (1993)
4EEA. Nair, Graham Leedham: Evaluation of dynamic programming algorithms for the recognition of shortforms in Pitman's shorthand. Pattern Recognition Letters 13(8): 605-612 (1992)
3EEAndy C. Downton, Graham Leedham: Preprocessing and presorting of envelope images for automatic sorting using OCR. Pattern Recognition 23(3-4): 347-362 (1990)
2EEGraham Leedham, Andy C. Downton: Automatic recognition and transcription of Pitman's handwritten shorthand - An approach to shortforms. Pattern Recognition 20(3): 341-348 (1987)
1 C. G. Leedham, Andy C. Downton: On-Line Recognition of Pitman's Handwritten Shorthand - An Evaluation of Potential. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 24(4): 375-393 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Michael Blumenstein [42]
2Sumit Chachra [22]
3Yan Chen [21] [26] [32]
4David Cho [46] [47]
5David Siu-Yeung Cho [45]
6Andy C. Downton [1] [2] [3]
7Junbin Gao [48]
8Colin Higgins (Colin A. Higgins) [27] [28] [31] [34] [36] [44]
9Swe Myo Htwe [27] [28] [31] [34] [36] [44]
10Leo Chin Jian [19]
11Paul Wing Hing Kwan [48]
12Chin Keong Lee [11] [14] [25]
13Haizhou Li [47]
14Yang Ma [44]
15Konstantin Melikhov [30] [33]
16Li Mian [21]
17David Monger [6] [7]
18Vallipuram Muthukkumarasamy [42]
19A. Nair [4]
20Vu Nguyen [42]
21Vladimir Pervouchine [23] [30] [33] [37] [41] [43] [46] [47]
22Yizheng Qiao [5]
23Kian Hong Quah [29]
24Hiok Chai Quek (Chai Quek) [29]
25Heiko Schröder [17] [18] [19] [20] [24]
26Leo Chin Sim [17] [18] [19] [20] [24]
27Yan Solihin [8] [9]
28Philip Jonathan Sutanto [23]
29Kalyan Takru [21]
30Joie Hadi Nata Tan [21]
31Wei Kei Tan [15]
32Lingyu Wang [35] [38] [39] [45]
33Xu-Hong Xiao [10]
34Xuhong Xiao [12] [13] [16]
35Ma Yang [27] [28] [31] [34] [36] [40]
36Weng Lee Yap [15]
37Haishan Zhong [46] [47]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)