
Lukás Sekanina

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51EEPetr Svenda, Lukás Sekanina, Václav Matyás: Evolutionary design of secrecy amplification protocols for wireless sensor networks. WISEC 2009: 225-236
50 Gregory Hornby, Lukás Sekanina, Pauline C. Haddow: Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware, 8th International Conference, ICES 2008, Prague, Czech Republic, September 21-24, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008
49EEZdenek Vasícek, Lukás Sekanina: Novel Hardware Implementation of Adaptive Median Filters. DDECS 2008: 110-115
48EELukás Starecek, Lukás Sekanina, Zdenek Kotásek: Reduction of Test Vectors Volume by Means of Gate-Level Reconfiguration. DDECS 2008: 255-268
47EEZdenek Vasícek, Lukás Sekanina: Hardware Accelerators for Cartesian Genetic Programming. EuroGP 2008: 230-241
46EELukás Sekanina, Petr Mikusek: Analysis of Reconfigurable Logic Blocks for Evolvable Digital Architectures. EvoWorkshops 2008: 144-153
45EEZdenek Vasícek, Martin Zádník, Lukás Sekanina, Jirí Tobola: On Evolutionary Synthesis of Linear Transforms in FPGA. ICES 2008: 141-152
44EELudek Zaloudek, Lukás Sekanina: Transistor-Level Evolution of Digital Circuits Using a Special Circuit Simulator. ICES 2008: 320-331
43EEMircea Gh. Negoita, Lukás Sekanina, Adrian Stoica: Adaptive and Evolvable Hardware and Systems: The State of the Art and the Prospectus for Future Development. KES (3) 2008: 310-318
42EETomas Pecenka, Lukás Sekanina, Zdenek Kotásek: Evolution of synthetic RTL benchmark circuits with predefined testability. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 13(3): (2008)
41EEZdenek Vasícek, Lukás Sekanina: Evaluation of a New Platform For Image Filter Evolution. AHS 2007: 577-586
40 Lukás Sekanina: Design and Analysis of a New Self-Testing Adder which Utilizes Polymorphic Gates. DDECS 2007: 243-246
39EEKarel Slaný, Lukás Sekanina: Fitness Landscape Analysis and Image Filter Evolution Using Functional-Level CGP. EuroGP 2007: 311-320
38EEZdenek Vasícek, Lukás Sekanina: An area-efficient alternative to adaptive median filtering in FPGAs. FPL 2007: 216-221
37EEZbysek Gajda, Lukás Sekanina: Reducing the number of transistors in digital circuits using gate-level evolutionary design. GECCO 2007: 245-252
36EELukás Sekanina: Evolvable hardware. GECCO (Companion) 2007: 3627-3644
35EELukás Sekanina: Evolution of Polymorphic Self-checking Circuits. ICES 2007: 186-197
34EEZdenek Vasícek, Lukás Sekanina: Reducing the Area on a Chip Using a Bank of Evolved Filters. ICES 2007: 222-232
33EELukás Sekanina: Evolutionary functional recovery in virtual reconfigurable circuits. JETC 3(2): (2007)
32EELukás Sekanina: Evolutionary Design of Digital Circuits: Where Are Current Limits? AHS 2006: 171-178
31EELukás Sekanina, Lukás Starecek, Zbysek Gajda, Zdenek Kotásek: Evolution of Multifunctional Combinational Modules Controlled by the Power Supply Voltage. AHS 2006: 186-193
30 Richard Ruzicka, Lukás Sekanina: Evolutionary circuit design in REPOMO - reconfigurable polymorphic module. Computational Intelligence 2006: 239-244
29EELukás Sekanina: On dependability of FPGA-based evolvable hardware systems that utilize virtual reconfigurable circuits. Conf. Computing Frontiers 2006: 221-228
28 Tomas Pecenka, Zdenek Kotásek, Lukás Sekanina: FITTest_BENCH06: A New Set of Benchmark Circuits Reflecting Diagnostic Properties. DDECS 2006: 285-289
27 Lukás Sekanina, Lukás Starecek, Zdenek Kotásek: Novel Logic Circuits Controlled by Vdd: Transistor-Level Simulations of Polymorphic Combinational Modules. DDECS 2006: 85-86
26EETomas Pecenka, Josef Strnadel, Zdenek Kotásek, Lukás Sekanina: Testability Estimation Based on Controllability and Observability Parameters. DSD 2006: 504-514
25EELukás Sekanina, Zdenek Vasícek: On the Practical Limits of the Evolutionary Digital Filter Design at the Gate Level. EvoWorkshops 2006: 344-355
24EELukás Sekanina: Evolutionary Design of Gate-Level Polymorphic Digital Circuits. EvoWorkshops 2005: 185-194
23EETomas Pecenka, Zdenek Kotásek, Lukás Sekanina, Josef Strnadel: Automatic Discovery of RTL Benchmark Circuits with Predefined Testability Properties. Evolvable Hardware 2005: 51-58
22EELukás Sekanina, Ricardo Salem Zebulum: Evolutionary Discovering of the Concept of the Discrete State at the Transistor Level. Evolvable Hardware 2005: 73-78
21EEMichal Bidlo, Lukás Sekanina: Providing information from the environment for growing electronic circuits through polymorphic gates. GECCO Workshops 2005: 242-248
20EERicardo Salem Zebulum, Adrian Stoica, Didier Keymeulen, Lukás Sekanina, Rajeshuni Ramesham, Xin Guo: Evolvable Hardware System at Extreme Low Temperatures. ICES 2005: 37-45
19EEJan Korenek, Lukás Sekanina: Intrinsic Evolution of Sorting Networks: A Novel Complete Hardware Implementation for FPGAs. ICES 2005: 46-55
18EETomás Martínek, Lukás Sekanina: An Evolvable Image Filter: Experimental Evaluation of a Complete Hardware Implementation in FPGA. ICES 2005: 76-85
17EELukás Sekanina, Ricardo Salem Zebulum: Intrinsic Evolution of Controllable Oscillators in FPTA-2. ICES 2005: 98-107
16EELukás Sekanina, Michal Bidlo: Evolutionary Design of Arbitrarily Large Sorting Networks Using Development. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 6(3): 319-347 (2005)
15EELukás Sekanina, Tughrul Arslan: Evolvable Components-From Theory to Hardware Implementations. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines 6(4): 461-462 (2005)
14EELukás Sekanina, Vladimír Drábek: Theory and Applications of Evolvable Embedded Systems. ECBS 2004: 186-194
13EELukás Sekanina: Evolutionary Design Space Exploration for Median Circuits. EvoWorkshops 2004: 240-249
12EELukás Sekanina, Stepan Friedl: On Routine Implementation of Virtual Evolvable Devices Using COMBO6. Evolvable Hardware 2004: 63-70
11EEJim Torresen, Jorgen W. Bakke, Lukás Sekanina: Recognizing Speed Limit Sign Numbers by Evolvable Hardware. PPSN 2004: 682-691
10EELukás Sekanina: Evolving Constructors for Infinitely Growing Sorting Networks and Medians. SOFSEM 2004: 314-323
9 Lukás Sekanina, Stepan Friedl: An Evolvable Combinational Unit for FPGAs. Computers and Artificial Intelligence 23(5): (2004)
8EELukás Sekanina: From Implementations to a General Concept of Evolvable Machines. EuroGP 2003: 424-433
7EELukás Sekanina, Richard Ruzicka: Easily Testable Image Operators: The Class of Circuits Where Evolution Beats Engineers. Evolvable Hardware 2003: 135-144
6EELukás Sekanina: Towards Evolvable IP Cores for FPGAs. Evolvable Hardware 2003: 145-154
5EELukás Sekanina: Virtual Reconfigurable Circuits for Real-World Applications of Evolvable Hardware. ICES 2003: 186-197
4 Lukás Sekanina, Jim Torresen: Detection of Norwegian Speed Limit Signs. ESM 2002: 337-340
3EELukás Sekanina: Image Filter Design with Evolvable Hardware. EvoWorkshops 2002: 255-266
2EELukás Sekanina, Azeddien M. Sllame: Toward Uniform Approach to Design of Evolvable Hardware Based Systems. FPL 2000: 814-817
1EELukás Sekanina, Vladimír Drábek: Relation between Fault Tolerance and Reconfiguration in Cellular Systems. IOLTW 2000: 25-30

Coauthor Index

1Tughrul Arslan [15]
2Jorgen W. Bakke [11]
3Michal Bidlo [16] [21]
4Vladimír Drábek [1] [14]
5Stepan Friedl [9] [12]
6Zbysek Gajda [31] [37]
7Xin Guo [20]
8Pauline C. Haddow [50]
9Gregory Hornby [50]
10Didier Keymeulen [20]
11Jan Korenek [19]
12Zdenek Kotásek [23] [26] [27] [28] [31] [42] [48]
13Tomás Martínek [18]
14Václav Matyás [51]
15Petr Mikusek [46]
16Mircea Gh. Negoita [43]
17Tomas Pecenka [23] [26] [28] [42]
18Rajeshuni Ramesham [20]
19Richard Ruzicka [7] [30]
20Karel Slaný [39]
21Azeddien M. Sllame [2]
22Lukás Starecek [27] [31] [48]
23Adrian Stoica [20] [43]
24Josef Strnadel [23] [26]
25Petr Svenda [51]
26Jirí Tobola [45]
27Jim Torresen [4] [11]
28Zdenek Vasícek [25] [34] [38] [41] [45] [47] [49]
29Martin Zádník [45]
30Ludek Zaloudek [44]
31Ricardo Salem Zebulum [17] [20] [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)