
Mircea Gh. Negoita

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20EEMircea Gh. Negoita, Lukás Sekanina, Adrian Stoica: Adaptive and Evolvable Hardware and Systems: The State of the Art and the Prospectus for Future Development. KES (3) 2008: 310-318
19EEMircea Gh. Negoita, Tughrul Arslan: Adaptive hardware/evolvable hardware - The state of the art and the prospectus for future development. KES Journal 12(3): 183-185 (2008)
18EEMircea Gh. Negoita: Artificial Immune Systems-An Emergent Technology for Autonomous Intelligent Systems and Data Mining. AIS-ADM 2005: 19-36
17EERobert J. Howlett, Mircea Gh. Negoita: Special Issue: Selected papers from the KES2004 conference. KES Journal 9(4): 261 (2005)
16 Mircea Gh. Negoita, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain: Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 8th International Conference, KES 2004, Wellington, New Zealand, September 20-25, 2004. Proceedings. Part I Springer 2004
15 Mircea Gh. Negoita, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain: Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 8th International Conference, KES 2004, Wellington, New Zealand, September 20-25, 2004. Proceedings. Part II Springer 2004
14 Mircea Gh. Negoita, Robert J. Howlett, Lakhmi C. Jain: Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 8th International Conference, KES 2004, Wellington, New Zealand, September 20-25, 2004. Proceedings. Part III Springer 2004
13EEDavid Pritchard, Mircea Gh. Negoita: A Fuzzy-Ga Hybrid Technique for Optimization of Teaching Sequences Presented in ITSs. Fuzzy Days 2004: 311-316
12EEMircea Gh. Negoita, David Pritchard: Developing a "Virtual Student" Model to Test the Tutor and Optimizer Agents in an ITS. KES 2004: 240-252
11EEMircea Gh. Negoita, David Pritchard: An Optimiser Agent that Empowers an ITS System to "on-the-fly" Modify Its Teaching Strategies. KES 2004: 914-921
10 Mircea Gh. Negoita, David Pritchard: Testing Intelligent Tutoring System. ICMLA 2003: 98-104
9EEDragos Arotaritei, Mircea Gh. Negoita: An Optimization of Data Mining Algorithms Used in Fuzzy Association Rules. KES 2003: 980-985
8EEMircea Gh. Negoita, David Pritchard: Some Test Problems Regarding Intelligent Tutoring Systems. KES 2003: 986-992
7EEDragos Arotaritei, Mircea Gh. Negoita: Optimization of Recurrent NN by GA with Variable Length Genotype. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2002: 681-692
6EEMircea Gh. Negoita: Book Review: Data Mining Methods for Knowledge Discovery by K. Cios, W. Pedrycz and R. Swiniarski. SIGKDD Explorations 1(2): 118-119 (2000)
5 Mircea Gh. Negoita, Adrian Horia Dediu, Dan Mihaila: Design Elements of EHW Using GA with Local Improvement of Chromosomes. Fuzzy Days 1997: 604
4EEAdriana Dumitras, V. Lazarescu, Mircea Gh. Negoita: Learning as a multi-objective optimization in feedforward neural networks. KES (2) 1997: 588-593
3EEMircea Gh. Negoita, Marius Giuclea: GA to Optimize Approximate Solutions of Fuzzy Relational Equations for Fuzzy Systems or Controllers. ANNES 1995: 124-127
2EEFlorin Fagarasan, Mircea Gh. Negoita: A Genetic-Based Method for Learning the Parameters of a Fuzzy Inference System. ANNES 1995: 223-226
1EEMircea Gh. Negoita: Fuzzy logic real-time intelligent control of fuel injection engines. SAC 1994: 110-114

Coauthor Index

1Dragos Arotaritei [7] [9]
2Tughrul Arslan [19]
3Adrian Horia Dediu [5]
4Adriana Dumitras [4]
5Florin Fagarasan [2]
6Marius Giuclea [3]
7Robert J. Howlett (Bob Howlett) [14] [15] [16] [17]
8Lakhmi C. Jain [14] [15] [16]
9V. Lazarescu [4]
10Dan Mihaila [5]
11David Pritchard [8] [10] [11] [12] [13]
12Lukás Sekanina [20]
13Adrian Stoica [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)