
Dan O. Popa

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22 Muhammad F. Mysorewala, Dan O. Popa: Multi-scale Adaptive Sampling with Mobile Robots for Mapping of Forest Fires. ICWN 2008: 563-569
21 Jartuwat Rajruangrabin, Pritpal Dang, Dan O. Popa, Frank L. Lewis, Harry E. Stephanou: Simultaneous Visual Tracking and Pose Estimation with Applications to Robotic Actors. IPCV 2008: 497-503
20 Jartuwat Rajruangrabin, Pritpal Dang, Dan O. Popa, Frank L. Lewis, Harry E. Stephanou: Simultaneous Visual Tracking and Pose Estimation with Applications to Robotic Actors. IPCV 2008: 811-817
19EERakesh Murthy, Aditya N. Das, Dan O. Popa: ARRIpede: A stick-slip micro crawler/conveyor robot constructed via 2 1/2D MEMS assembly. IROS 2008: 34-40
18EEMuhammad F. Mysorewala, Dan O. Popa: Multi-scale adaptive sampling for mapping forest fires. IROS 2008: 3400-3407
17EEPritpal Dang, Prasanna Ballal, Frank L. Lewis, Dan O. Popa: Real Time Relative and Absolute Dynamic Localization of Air-Ground Wireless Sensor Networks. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 51(2): 235-257 (2008)
16EEAditya N. Das, Ping Zhang, Woo Ho Lee, Dan O. Popa, Harry E. Stephanou: µ3: Multiscale, Deterministic Micro-Nano Assembly System for Construction of On-Wafer Microrobots. ICRA 2007: 461-466
15EERakesh Murthy, Aditya N. Das, Dan O. Popa, Harry E. Stephanou: M3: Multiscale, Deterministic and Reconfigurable Macro-Micro Assembly System for Packaging of MEMS. ICRA 2007: 668-673
14EEMohammad Mayyas, Ping Zhang, Woo Ho Lee, Panos Shiakolas, Dan O. Popa: Design Tradeoffs for Electrothermal Microgrippers. ICRA 2007: 907-912
13EEKoushil Sreenath, Frank L. Lewis, Dan O. Popa: Simultaneous adaptive localization of a wireless sensor network. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 11(2): 14-28 (2007)
12EEDan O. Popa, Muhammad F. Mysorewala, Frank L. Lewis: Adaptive Sampling using Non-linear EKF with Mobile Robotic Wireless Sensor Nodes. ICARCV 2006: 1-6
11EERakesh Murthy, Aditya N. Das, Dan O. Popa: Multiscale Robotics Framework for MEMS Assembly. ICARCV 2006: 1-6
10EEDan O. Popa, Muhammad F. Mysorewala, Frank L. Lewis: EKF-based Adaptive Sampling with Mobile Robotic Sensor Nodes. IROS 2006: 2451-2456
9EEDan O. Popa, Rakesh Murthy, Manoj Mitta, Jeongsik Sin, Harry E. Stephanou: M3-Modular Multi-Scale Assembly System for MEMS Packaging. IROS 2006: 3712-3717
8EEMuhammad F. Mysorewala, Dan O. Popa, V. Giordano, Frank L. Lewis: Deployment Algorithms and In-Door Experimental Vehicles for Studying Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks. SNPD 2006: 290-298
7EEAditya N. Das, Frank L. Lewis, Dan O. Popa: Data-Logging and Supervisory Control in Wireless Sensor Networks. SNPD 2006: 330-338
6EEDan O. Popa, Harry E. Stephanou, Chad Helm, Arthur C. Sanderson: Robotic Deployment of Sensor Networks Using Potential Fields. ICRA 2004: 642-647
5 Dan O. Popa, Byoung Hun Kang, John T. Wen, Harry E. Stephanou, George Skidmore, Aaron Geisberger: Dynamic modeling and input shaping of thermal bimorph MEMS actuators. ICRA 2003: 1470-1475
4 Dan O. Popa, Byoung Hun Kang, Jeongsik Sin, Jie Zou: Reconfigurable Micro-Assembly System for Photonics Applications. ICRA 2002: 1495-1500
3 Dan O. Popa, Sunil K. Singh: Creating Realistic Force Sensations in a Virtual Environment: Experimental System, Fundamental Issues and Results. ICRA 1998: 59-64
2 Sunil K. Singh, Steven D. Pieper, Jethran Guinness, Dan O. Popa: Control and Coordination of Head, Eyes and Facial Expressions of Virtual Actors in Virtual Environments. Presence 5(4): 402-415 (1996)
1 Sunil K. Singh, Mikael Bostrom, Dan O. Popa, Christopher W. Wiley: Design of an Interactive Lumbar Puncture Simulator with Tactile Feedback. ICRA 1994: 1734-1739

Coauthor Index

1Prasanna Ballal [17]
2Mikael Bostrom [1]
3Pritpal Dang [17] [20] [21]
4Aditya N. Das [7] [11] [15] [16] [19]
5Aaron Geisberger [5]
6V. Giordano [8]
7Jethran Guinness [2]
8Chad Helm [6]
9Byoung Hun Kang [4] [5]
10Woo Ho Lee [14] [16]
11Frank L. Lewis [7] [8] [10] [12] [13] [17] [20] [21]
12Mohammad Mayyas [14]
13Manoj Mitta [9]
14Rakesh Murthy [9] [11] [15] [19]
15Muhammad F. Mysorewala [8] [10] [12] [18] [22]
16Steven D. Pieper [2]
17Jartuwat Rajruangrabin [20] [21]
18Arthur C. Sanderson [6]
19Panos Shiakolas [14]
20Jeongsik Sin [4] [9]
21Sunil K. Singh [1] [2] [3]
22George Skidmore [5]
23Koushil Sreenath [13]
24Harry E. Stephanou [5] [6] [9] [15] [16] [20] [21]
25John T. Wen [5]
26Christopher W. Wiley [1]
27Ping Zhang [14] [16]
28Jie Zou [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)