
Jun-Ho Oh

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21EEDongil Choi, Jun-Ho Oh: Human-friendly motion control of a wheeled inverted pendulum by reduced-order disturbance observer. ICRA 2008: 2521-2526
20EEJung Hoon Kim, Jung-Yup Kim, Jun-Ho Oh: Adjustment of Home Posture of Biped Humanoid Robot Using Sensory Feedback Control. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 51(4): 421-438 (2008)
19EEIll-Woo Park, Jung-Yup Kim, Baek-Kyu Cho, Jun-Ho Oh: Control hardware integration of a biped humanoid robot with an android head. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(1): 95-103 (2008)
18EEJung Hoon Kim, Jung-Yup Kim, Jun-Ho Oh: Adjustment of home posture of a biped humanoid robot using an inertial sensor and force torque sensors. IROS 2007: 2223-2229
17EEIll-Woo Park, Jung-Yup Kim, Jungho Lee, Jun-Ho Oh: Mechanical design of the humanoid robot platform, HUBO. Advanced Robotics 21(11): 1305-1322 (2007)
16EEJung-Yup Kim, Jungho Lee, Jun-Ho Oh: Experimental realization of dynamic walking for a human-riding biped robot, HUBO FX-1. Advanced Robotics 21(3): 461-484 (2007)
15EEJung-Yup Kim, Ill-Woo Park, Jun-Ho Oh: Walking Control Algorithm of Biped Humanoid Robot on Uneven and Inclined Floor. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 48(4): 457-484 (2007)
14 Ill-Woo Park, Jung-Yup Kim, Jungho Lee, Jun-Ho Oh: Online Free Walking Trajectory Generation for Biped Humanoid Robot KHR-3(HUBO). ICRA 2006: 1231-1236
13EEJun-Ho Oh, David Hanson, Won-Sup Kim, Young Han, Jung-Yup Kim, Ill-Woo Park: Design of Android type Humanoid Robot Albert HUBO. IROS 2006: 1428-1433
12EEJung-Yup Kim, Ill-Woo Park, Jun-Ho Oh: Experimental realization of dynamic walking of the biped humanoid robot KHR-2 using zero moment point feedback and inertial measurement. Advanced Robotics 20(6): 707-736 (2006)
11 Jung-Yup Kim, Ill-Woo Park, Jungho Lee, Min-Su Kim, Baek-Kyu Cho, Jun-Ho Oh: System Design and Dynamic Walking of Humanoid Robot KHR-2. ICRA 2005: 1431-1436
10EEJung Hoon Kim, Jun-Ho Oh: Walking Control of the Humanoid Platform KHR-1 based on Torque Feedback Control. ICRA 2004: 623-628
9EEJung Hoon Kim, Jun-Ho Oh: Realization of dynamic walking for the humanoid robot platform KHR-1. Advanced Robotics 18(7): 749-768 (2004)
8 Jung Hoon Kim, Jun-Ho Oh: Development of an Above Knee Prosthesis using MR Damper and Leg Simulator. ICRA 2001: 3686-3691
7EEJin-Woo Lee, Jun-Ho Oh: Comparison of performance and computational efficiency in multirate linear quadratic Gaussian control. Int. J. System Science 31(5): 669-676 (2000)
6 Doh-Hyun Kim, Jun-Ho Oh: Experiments of Backward Tracking Control for Trailer System. ICRA 1999: 19-
5EEPan-Mook Lee, Jun-Ho Oh: Discrete-time quasi-sliding mode tracking control of uncertain systems with long sampling interval. Int. J. Systems Science 29(8): 899-906 (1998)
4EEJae-Woong Yi, Jun-Ho Oh: Recursive resolving algorithm for multiple stereo and motion matches. Image Vision Comput. 15(3): 181-196 (1997)
3EEJeong-Woo Lee, Jun-Ho Oh: Inversion of multilayer neural network with modelling error compensation. Int. J. Systems Science 28(8): 817-830 (1997)
2EEJeong-Woo Lee, Jun-Ho Oh: Hybrid Learning of Mapping and its Jacobian in Multilayer Neural Network. Neural Computation 9(5): 937-958 (1997)
1EEJae-Woong Yi, Jun-Ho Oh: Estimation of depth and 3D motion parameter of moving object with multiple stereo images. Image Vision Comput. 14(7): 501-516 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Baek-Kyu Cho [11] [19]
2Dongil Choi [21]
3Young Han [13]
4David Hanson [13]
5Doh-Hyun Kim [6]
6Jung Hoon Kim [8] [9] [10] [18] [20]
7Jung-Yup Kim [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]
8Min-Su Kim [11]
9Won-Sup Kim [13]
10Jeong-Woo Lee [2] [3]
11Jin-Woo Lee [7]
12Jungho Lee [11] [14] [16] [17]
13Pan-Mook Lee [5]
14Ill-Woo Park [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [17] [19]
15Jae-Woong Yi [1] [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)