
Tuyen V. Nguyen

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12EEDac Pham, Hans-Werner Anderson, Erwin Behnen, Mark Bolliger, Sanjay Gupta, H. Peter Hofstee, Paul E. Harvey, Charles R. Johns, James A. Kahle, Atsushi Kameyama, John M. Keaty, Bob Le, Sang Lee, Tuyen V. Nguyen, John G. Petrovick, Mydung Pham, Juergen Pille, Stephen D. Posluszny, Mack W. Riley, Joseph Verock, James D. Warnock, Steve Weitzel, Dieter F. Wendel: Key features of the design methodology enabling a multi-core SoC implementation of a first-generation CELL processor. ASP-DAC 2006: 871-878
11EEJanet Meiling Wang, Tuyen V. Nguyen: Extended Krylov subspace method for reduced order analysis of linear circuits with multiple sources. DAC 2000: 247-252
10EETuyen V. Nguyen, Anirudh Devgan, Ognen J. Nastov, David W. Winston: Transient sensitivity computation in controlled explicit piecewiselinear simulation. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 19(1): 98-110 (2000)
9EETuyen V. Nguyen, Peter O'Brien, David W. Winston: Transient sensitivity computation for transistor level analysis and tuning. ICCAD 1999: 120-123
8EESani R. Nassif, Tuyen V. Nguyen: SOI technology and tools (abstract). ICCAD 1999: 459
7EETuyen V. Nguyen, Anirudh Devgan, Ognen J. Nastov: Adjoint Transient Sensitivity Computation in Piecewise Linear Simulation. DAC 1998: 477-482
6EETuyen V. Nguyen, Anirudh Devgan, Ali Sadigh: Simulation of coupling capacitances using matrix partitioning. ICCAD 1998: 12-18
5EETuyen V. Nguyen, Anirudh Devgan: State transformation in event driven explicit simulation. ICCAD 1997: 289-294
4EETuyen V. Nguyen, Jing Li: Multipoint Padé approximation using a rational block Lanczos algorithm. ICCAD 1997: 72-75
3EETuyen V. Nguyen: Efficient Simulation of Lossy and Dispersive Transmission Lines. DAC 1994: 622-627
2EEAlexander D. Stein, Tuyen V. Nguyen, Binay J. George, Ronald A. Rohrer: ADAPTS: A Digital Transient Simulation Strategy for Integrated Circuits. DAC 1991: 26-31
1EEPeter Feldmann, Tuyen V. Nguyen, Stephen W. Director, Ronald A. Rohrer: Sensitivity computation in piecewise approximate circuit simulation. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 10(2): 171-183 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Hans-Werner Anderson [12]
2Erwin Behnen [12]
3Mark Bolliger [12]
4Anirudh Devgan [5] [6] [7] [10]
5Stephen W. Director [1]
6Peter Feldmann [1]
7Binay J. George [2]
8Sanjay Gupta [12]
9Paul E. Harvey [12]
10H. Peter Hofstee [12]
11Charles R. Johns [12]
12James A. Kahle [12]
13Atsushi Kameyama [12]
14John M. Keaty [12]
15Bob Le [12]
16Sang Lee [12]
17Jing Li [4]
18Sani R. Nassif [8]
19Ognen J. Nastov [7] [10]
20Peter O'Brien [9]
21John G. Petrovick [12]
22Dac Pham [12]
23Mydung Pham [12]
24Juergen Pille [12]
25Stephen D. Posluszny [12]
26Mack W. Riley [12]
27Ronald A. Rohrer [1] [2]
28Ali Sadigh [6]
29Alexander D. Stein [2]
30Joseph Verock [12]
31Janet Meiling Wang (Janet Meiling Wang Roveda) [11]
32James D. Warnock [12]
33Steve Weitzel [12]
34Dieter F. Wendel [12]
35David W. Winston [9] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)