2009 |
167 | EE | Dominic Dumrauf,
Burkhard Monien,
Karsten Tiemann:
MultiProcessor Scheduling is PLS-Complete.
HICSS 2009: 1-10 |
2008 |
166 | | Burkhard Monien,
Ulf-Peter Schroeder:
Algorithmic Game Theory, First International Symposium, SAGT 2008, Paderborn, Germany, April 30-May 2, 2008. Proceedings
Springer 2008 |
165 | EE | Marios Mavronicolas,
Burkhard Monien,
Vicky G. Papadopoulou:
How Many Attackers Can Selfish Defenders Catch?
HICSS 2008: 470 |
164 | EE | Henning Meyerhenke,
Burkhard Monien,
Thomas Sauerwald:
A new diffusion-based multilevel algorithm for computing graph partitions of very high quality.
IPDPS 2008: 1-13 |
163 | EE | Marios Mavronicolas,
Burkhard Monien,
Vicky G. Papadopoulou,
Florian Schoppmann:
Voronoi Games on Cycle Graphs.
MFCS 2008: 503-514 |
162 | EE | Dominic Dumrauf,
Burkhard Monien:
On the Road to -Completeness: 8 Agents in a Singleton Congestion Game.
WINE 2008: 94-108 |
161 | EE | Burkhard Monien,
Ulf Lorenz,
Daniel Warner:
Der Alphabeta-Algorithmus für Spielbäume: Wie bringe ich meinen Computer zum Schachspielen?.
Taschenbuch der Algorithmen 2008: 285-294 |
160 | EE | Marios Mavronicolas,
Burkhard Monien,
Vicky Papadopoulou:
How Many Attackers Can Selfish Defenders Catch?
CoRR abs/0812.4206: (2008) |
159 | EE | Martin Gairing,
Thomas Lücking,
Marios Mavronicolas,
Burkhard Monien,
Manuel Rode:
Nash equilibria in discrete routing games with convex latency functions.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 74(7): 1199-1225 (2008) |
158 | EE | Thomas Lücking,
Marios Mavronicolas,
Burkhard Monien,
Manuel Rode:
A new model for selfish routing.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 406(3): 187-206 (2008) |
157 | EE | Martin Gairing,
Burkhard Monien,
Karsten Tiemann:
Selfish Routing with Incomplete Information.
Theory Comput. Syst. 42(1): 91-130 (2008) |
2007 |
156 | EE | Burkhard Monien,
Karsten Tiemann:
Routing and Scheduling with Incomplete Information.
DISC 2007: 1-2 |
155 | EE | Marios Mavronicolas,
Igal Milchtaich,
Burkhard Monien,
Karsten Tiemann:
Congestion Games with Player-Specific Constants.
MFCS 2007: 633-644 |
154 | EE | Yvonne Bleischwitz,
Burkhard Monien,
Florian Schoppmann,
Karsten Tiemann:
The Power of Two Prices: Beyond Cross-Monotonicity.
MFCS 2007: 657-668 |
153 | EE | Marios Mavronicolas,
Burkhard Monien,
Klaus W. Wagner:
Weighted Boolean Formula Games.
WINE 2007: 469-481 |
152 | EE | Yvonne Bleischwitz,
Burkhard Monien,
Florian Schoppmann:
To Be or Not to Be (Served).
WINE 2007: 515-528 |
151 | EE | Martin Gairing,
Burkhard Monien,
Andreas Woclaw:
A faster combinatorial approximation algorithm for scheduling unrelated parallel machines.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 380(1-2): 87-99 (2007) |
2006 |
150 | EE | Yvonne Bleischwitz,
Burkhard Monien:
Fair Cost-Sharing Methods for Scheduling Jobs on Parallel Machines.
CIAC 2006: 175-186 |
149 | EE | Martin Gairing,
Burkhard Monien,
Karsten Tiemann:
Routing (Un-) Splittable Flow in Games with Player-Specific Linear Latency Functions.
ICALP (1) 2006: 501-512 |
148 | EE | Henning Meyerhenke,
Burkhard Monien,
Stefan Schamberger:
Accelerating shape optimizing load balancing for parallel FEM simulations by algebraic multigrid.
IPDPS 2006 |
147 | EE | Burkhard Monien:
Selfish Routing in Networks.
SOFSEM 2006: 61-62 |
146 | EE | Sebastian Aland,
Dominic Dumrauf,
Martin Gairing,
Burkhard Monien,
Florian Schoppmann:
Exact Price of Anarchy for Polynomial Congestion Games.
STACS 2006: 218-229 |
145 | EE | Burkhard Monien,
Andreas Woclaw:
Scheduling Unrelated Parallel Machines Computational Results.
WEA 2006: 195-206 |
144 | EE | Vladimir Mazalov,
Burkhard Monien,
Florian Schoppmann,
Karsten Tiemann:
Wardrop Equilibria and Price of Stability for Bottleneck Games with Splittable Traffic.
WINE 2006: 331-342 |
143 | EE | Burkhard Monien,
Robert Preis:
Upper bounds on the bisection width of 3- and 4-regular graphs.
J. Discrete Algorithms 4(3): 475-498 (2006) |
142 | EE | Robert Elsässer,
Burkhard Monien,
Stefan Schamberger:
Distributing Unit Size Workload Packages in Heterogeneous Networks.
J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 10(1): 51-68 (2006) |
141 | EE | Burkhard Monien,
Guang Gao,
Horst Simon,
Paul G. Spirakis,
Per Stenström:
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 66(5): 615-616 (2006) |
140 | EE | Martin Gairing,
Thomas Lücking,
Marios Mavronicolas,
Burkhard Monien:
The Price of Anarchy for Restricted Parallel Links.
Parallel Processing Letters 16(1): 117-132 (2006) |
139 | EE | Thomas Decker,
Thomas Lücking,
Burkhard Monien:
A 5/4-approximation algorithm for scheduling identical malleable tasks.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 361(2-3): 226-240 (2006) |
138 | EE | Martin Gairing,
Thomas Lücking,
Marios Mavronicolas,
Burkhard Monien:
The price of anarchy for polynomial social cost.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 369(1-3): 116-135 (2006) |
2005 |
137 | EE | Martin Gairing,
Thomas Lücking,
Marios Mavronicolas,
Burkhard Monien:
The Price of Anarchy for Polynomial Social Cost.
Computing and Markets 2005 |
136 | EE | Martin Gairing,
Thomas Lücking,
Burkhard Monien,
Karsten Tiemann:
Nash Equilibria, the Price of Anarchy and the Fully Mixed Nash Equilibrium Conjecture.
ICALP 2005: 51-65 |
135 | EE | Martin Gairing,
Burkhard Monien,
Andreas Woclaw:
A Faster Combinatorial Approximation Algorithm for Scheduling Unrelated Parallel Machines.
ICALP 2005: 828-839 |
134 | EE | Martin Gairing,
Burkhard Monien,
Karsten Tiemann:
Selfish routing with incomplete information.
SPAA 2005: 203-212 |
133 | EE | Robert Elsässer,
Martin Gairing,
Thomas Lücking,
Marios Mavronicolas,
Burkhard Monien:
A Simple Graph-Theoretic Model for Selfish Restricted Scheduling.
WINE 2005: 195-209 |
132 | EE | Abderezak Touzene,
Khaled Day,
Burkhard Monien:
Edge-disjoint spanning trees for the generalized butterfly networks and their applications.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 65(11): 1384-1396 (2005) |
131 | EE | Martin Gairing,
Thomas Lücking,
Marios Mavronicolas,
Burkhard Monien,
Paul G. Spirakis:
Structure and complexity of extreme Nash equilibria.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 343(1-2): 133-157 (2005) |
2004 |
130 | EE | Robert Elsässer,
Burkhard Monien,
Stefan Schamberger:
Load Balancing of Indivisible Unit Size Tokens in Dynamic and Heterogeneous Networks.
ESA 2004: 640-651 |
129 | EE | Martin Gairing,
Thomas Lücking,
Marios Mavronicolas,
Burkhard Monien,
Manuel Rode:
Nash Equilibria in Discrete Routing Games with Convex Latency Functions.
ICALP 2004: 645-657 |
128 | EE | Robert Elsässer,
Burkhard Monien,
Stefan Schamberger:
Load Balancing in Dynamic Networks.
ISPAN 2004: 193-200 |
127 | EE | Martin Gairing,
Thomas Lücking,
Marios Mavronicolas,
Burkhard Monien:
The Price of Anarchy for Polynomial Social Cost.
MFCS 2004: 574-585 |
126 | EE | Burkhard Monien,
Stefan Schamberger:
Graph Partitioning with the Party Library: Helpful-Sets in Practice.
SBAC-PAD 2004: 198-205 |
125 | EE | Thomas Lücking,
Marios Mavronicolas,
Burkhard Monien,
Manuel Rode:
A New Model for Selfish Routing.
STACS 2004: 547-558 |
124 | EE | Martin Gairing,
Thomas Lücking,
Marios Mavronicolas,
Burkhard Monien:
Computing Nash equilibria for scheduling on restricted parallel links.
STOC 2004: 613-622 |
123 | EE | Robert Elsässer,
Burkhard Monien,
Robert Preis,
Andreas Frommer:
Optimal Diffusion Schemes And Load Balancing On Product Graphs.
Parallel Processing Letters 14(1): 61-73 (2004) |
122 | EE | Burkhard Monien,
Imrich Vrto:
Improved bounds on cutwidths of shuffle-exchange and de Bruijn graphs.
Parallel Processing Letters 14(3-4): 361-366 (2004) |
121 | EE | Ulf Lorenz,
Burkhard Monien:
Error analysis in minimax trees.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 303(3): 485-498 (2004) |
120 | EE | Sergei L. Bezrukov,
Robert Elsässer,
Burkhard Monien,
Robert Preis,
Jean-Pierre Tillich:
New spectral lower bounds on the bisection width of graphs.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 320(2-3): 155-174 (2004) |
2003 |
119 | EE | Torsten Fahle,
Rainer Feldmann,
Silvia Götz,
Sven Grothklags,
Burkhard Monien:
The Aircraft Sequencing Problem.
Computer Science in Perspective 2003: 152-166 |
118 | EE | Christian Haubelt,
Jürgen Teich,
Rainer Feldmann,
Burkhard Monien:
SAT-Based Techniques in System Synthesis.
DATE 2003: 11168-11169 |
117 | EE | Rainer Feldmann,
Christian Haubelt,
Burkhard Monien,
Jürgen Teich:
Fault Tolerances Analysis of Distributed Reconfigurable Systems Using SAT-Based Techniques.
FPL 2003: 478-487 |
116 | EE | Rainer Feldmann,
Martin Gairing,
Thomas Lücking,
Burkhard Monien,
Manuel Rode:
Nashification and the Coordination Ratio for a Selfish Routing Game.
ICALP 2003: 514-526 |
115 | EE | Martin Gairing,
Thomas Lücking,
Marios Mavronicolas,
Burkhard Monien,
Paul G. Spirakis:
Extreme Nash Equilibria.
ICTCS 2003: 1-20 |
114 | EE | Rainer Feldmann,
Martin Gairing,
Thomas Lücking,
Burkhard Monien,
Manuel Rode:
Selfish Routing in Non-cooperative Networks: A Survey.
MFCS 2003: 21-45 |
113 | EE | Thomas Lücking,
Marios Mavronicolas,
Burkhard Monien,
Manuel Rode,
Paul G. Spirakis,
Imrich Vrto:
Which Is the Worst-Case Nash Equilibrium?
MFCS 2003: 551-561 |
112 | EE | Robert Elsässer,
Burkhard Monien:
Load balancing of unit size tokens and expansion properties of graphs.
SPAA 2003: 266-273 |
111 | EE | Thomas Decker,
Thomas Lücking,
Burkhard Monien:
A 5/4-Approximation Algorithm for Scheduling Identical Malleable Tasks.
WAOA 2003: 95-108 |
110 | | Rainer Feldmann,
Martin Gairing,
Thomas Lücking,
Burkhard Monien,
Manuel Rode:
Selfish Routing in Non-Cooperative Networks: A Survey.
Bulletin of the EATCS 81: 137-164 (2003) |
109 | EE | Robert Elsässer,
Rastislav Kralovic,
Burkhard Monien:
Sparse topologies with small spectrum size.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 307(3): 549-565 (2003) |
108 | EE | Robert Elsässer,
Thomas Lücking,
Burkhard Monien:
On Spectral Bounds for the k-Partitioning of Graphs.
Theory Comput. Syst. 36(5): 461-478 (2003) |
2002 |
107 | | Burkhard Monien,
Rainer Feldmann:
Euro-Par 2002, Parallel Processing, 8th International Euro-Par Conference Paderborn, Germany, August 27-30, 2002, Proceedings
Springer 2002 |
106 | EE | Robert Elsässer,
Burkhard Monien,
Günter Rote,
Stefan Schamberger:
Toward Optimal Diffusion Matrices.
IPDPS 2002 |
105 | EE | Thomas Lücking,
Burkhard Monien,
Manuel Rode:
On the Problem of Scheduling Flows on Distributed Networks.
MFCS 2002: 495-505 |
104 | EE | Ulf Lorenz,
Burkhard Monien:
The Secret of Selective Game Tree Search, When Using Random-Error Evaluations.
STACS 2002: 203-214 |
103 | EE | Robert Elsässer,
Burkhard Monien,
Robert Preis:
Diffusion Schemes for Load Balancing on Heterogeneous Networks.
Theory Comput. Syst. 35(3): 305-320 (2002) |
2001 |
102 | | Burkhard Monien,
Viktor K. Prasanna,
Sriram Vajapeyam:
High Performance Computing - HiPC 2001, 8th International Conference, Hyderabad, India, December, 17-20, 2001, Proceedings
Springer 2001 |
101 | EE | Burkhard Monien,
Robert Preis:
Upper Bounds on the Bisection Width of 3- and 4-Regular Graphs.
MFCS 2001: 524-536 |
100 | EE | Robert Elsässer,
Thomas Lücking,
Burkhard Monien:
New spectral bounds on k-partitioning of graphs.
SPAA 2001: 255-262 |
99 | EE | Robert Elsässer,
Rastislav Kralovic,
Burkhard Monien:
Scalable Sparse Topologies with Small Spectrum.
STACS 2001: 218-229 |
2000 |
98 | | Rainer Feldmann,
Burkhard Monien,
Stefan Schamberger:
A Distributed Algorithm to Evaluate Quantified Boolean Formulae.
AAAI/IAAI 2000: 285-290 |
97 | EE | Thomas Decker,
Burkhard Monien,
Robert Preis:
Towards Optimal Load Balancing Topologies.
Euro-Par 2000: 277-287 |
96 | EE | Robert Elsässer,
Burkhard Monien,
Robert Preis:
Diffusive load balancing schemes on heterogeneous networks.
SPAA 2000: 30-38 |
95 | EE | Sergei L. Bezrukov,
Robert Elsässer,
Burkhard Monien,
Robert Preis,
Jean-Pierre Tillich:
New Spectral Lower Bounds on the Bisection Width of Graphs.
WG 2000: 23-34 |
94 | | Burkhard Monien,
Robert Preis,
Ralf Diekmann:
Quality matching and local improvement for multilevel graph-partitioning.
Parallel Computing 26(12): 1609-1634 (2000) |
1999 |
93 | EE | Robert Elsässer,
Andreas Frommer,
Burkhard Monien,
Robert Preis:
Optimal and Alternating-Direction Load Balancing Schemes.
Euro-Par 1999: 280-290 |
92 | | Ralf Diekmann,
Andreas Frommer,
Burkhard Monien:
Efficient schemes for nearest neighbor load balancing.
Parallel Computing 25(7): 789-812 (1999) |
1998 |
91 | EE | Alois Knoll,
Christian Altenschmidt,
Joachim Biskup,
Hans-Martin Blüthgen,
Ingo Glöckner,
Sven Hartrumpf,
Hermann Helbig,
Christiane Henning,
Reinhard Lüling,
Burkhard Monien,
Thomas Noll,
Norbert Sensen:
An Integrated Approach to Semantic Evaluation and Content-Based Retrieval of Multimedia Documents.
ECDL 1998: 409-428 |
90 | EE | Ralf Diekmann,
Andreas Frommer,
Burkhard Monien:
Nearest Neighbor Load Balancing on Graphs.
ESA 1998: 429-440 |
89 | | Ralf Diekmann,
Derk Meyer,
Burkhard Monien:
Parallel Decomposition of Unstructured FEM-Meshes.
Concurrency - Practice and Experience 10(1): 53-72 (1998) |
88 | EE | Sergei L. Bezrukov,
Burkhard Monien,
Walter Unger,
Gerd Wechsung:
Embedding ladders and caterpillars into the hypercube.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 83(1-3): 21-29 (1998) |
87 | | Ralf Heckmann,
Ralf Klasing,
Burkhard Monien,
Walter Unger:
Optimal Embedding of Complete Binary Trees into Lines and Grids.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 49(1): 40-56 (1998) |
86 | EE | Ralf Klasing,
Reinhard Lüling,
Burkhard Monien:
Compressing cube-connected cycles and butterfly networks.
Networks 32(1): 47-65 (1998) |
85 | | Matthias Brune,
Jörn Gehring,
Axel Keller,
Burkhard Monien,
Friedhelm Ramme,
Alexander Reinefeld:
Specifying Resources and Services in Metacomputing Environments.
Parallel Computing 24(12-13): 1751-1776 (1998) |
1997 |
84 | EE | Burkhard Monien,
Petra Berenbrink,
Reinhard Lüling,
Marco Riedel:
Online Scheduling of Continuous Media Streams.
Foundations of Computer Science: Potential - Theory - Cognition 1997: 313-320 |
83 | | Burkhard Monien,
Jürgen Schulze:
Parallel Sparse Cholesky Factorization.
IRREGULAR 1997: 255-272 |
82 | | Burkhard Monien,
Ralf Diekmann:
A Local Graph Partitioning Heuristic Meeting Bisection Bounds.
PPSC 1997 |
81 | | Rainer Feldmann,
Burkhard Monien,
Peter Mysliwietz,
Stefan Tschöke:
A Better Upper Bound on the Bisection Width of de Bruijn Networks (Extended Abstract).
STACS 1997: 511-522 |
80 | | Burkhard Monien,
Ralf Diekmann,
Reinhard Lüling:
The Construction of Large Scale Reconfigurable Parallel Computing Systems (The Architecture of the SC320).
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 8(3): 347-361 (1997) |
1996 |
79 | | Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide,
Burkhard Monien:
Automata, Languages and Programming, 23rd International Colloquium, ICALP96, Paderborn, Germany, 8-12 July 1996, Proceedings
Springer 1996 |
78 | | Ralf Rehrmann,
Burkhard Monien,
Reinhard Lüling,
Ralf Diekmann:
On the Communication Throughput of Buffered Multistage Interconnection Networks.
SPAA 1996: 152-161 |
77 | | Reinhard Lüling,
Burkhard Monien,
Alexander Reinefeld,
Stefan Tschöke:
Mapping tree-structured combinatorial optimization problems onto parallel computers.
Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Parallel 1996: 115-144 |
76 | EE | Ralf Diekmann,
Reinhard Lüling,
Burkhard Monien,
Carsten Spräner:
Combining Helpful Sets and Parallel Simulated Annealing for the Graph-partitioning Problem.
Parallel Algorithms Appl. 8(1): 61-84 (1996) |
1995 |
75 | | Burkhard Monien,
Friedhelm Ramme,
Helmut Salmen:
A Parallel Simulated Annealing Algorithm for Generating 3D Layouts of Undirected Graphs.
Graph Drawing 1995: 396-408 |
74 | EE | Ralf Diekmann,
Reinhard Lüling,
Burkhard Monien,
Carsten Spräner:
A parallel local-search algorithm for the k-partitioning problem.
HICSS (2) 1995: 41-50 |
73 | EE | Stefan Tschöke,
Reinhard Lüling,
Burkhard Monien:
Solving the traveling salesman problem with a distributed branch-and-bound algorithm on a 1024 processor network.
IPPS 1995: 182-189 |
72 | EE | Cheng-Zhong Xu,
Burkhard Monien,
Reinhard Lüling,
Francis C. M. Lau:
An analytical comparison of nearest neighbor algorithms for load balancing in parallel computers.
IPPS 1995: 472-479 |
71 | | Ralf Diekmann,
Derk Meyer,
Burkhard Monien:
Parallel Decomposition of Unstructured FEM-Meshes.
IRREGULAR 1995: 199-215 |
70 | | Burkhard Monien,
Ralf Diekmann,
Rainer Feldmann,
Ralf Klasing,
Reinhard Lüling,
Knuth Menzel,
Thomas Römke,
Ulf-Peter Schroeder:
Efficient Use of Parallel & Distributed Systems: From Theory to Practice.
Computer Science Today 1995: 62-77 |
69 | EE | Cheng-Zhong Xu,
Francis C. M. Lau,
Francis C. M. Lau,
Burkhard Monien,
Reinhard Lüling:
Nearest-neighbor algorithms for load-balancing in parallel computers.
Concurrency - Practice and Experience 7(7): 707-736 (1995) |
1994 |
68 | | Burkhard Monien,
Ralf Diekmann,
Reinhard Lüling:
Communication Throughput of Interconnection Networks.
MFCS 1994: 72-86 |
67 | EE | Rainer Feldmann,
Peter Mysliwietz,
Burkhard Monien:
Studying Overheads in Massively Parallel MIN/MAX-Tree Evaluation.
SPAA 1994: 94-103 |
66 | | Ralf Klasing,
Burkhard Monien,
Regine Peine,
Elena Stöhr:
Broadcasting in Butterfly and deBruijn Networks.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 53(1-3): 183-197 (1994) |
65 | | Rainer Feldmann,
Juraj Hromkovic,
Seshu Madhavapeddy,
Burkhard Monien,
Peter Mysliwietz:
Optimal algorithms for dissemination of information in generalized communication modes.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 53(1-3): 55-78 (1994) |
64 | | Burkhard Monien,
Wojciech Rytter,
Helmut Schäpers:
Corrigendum: Fast Recognition of Deterministic CFL's with a Smaller Number of Processors.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 123(2): 427-428 (1994) |
63 | | Juraj Hromkovic,
Claus-Dieter Jeschke,
Burkhard Monien:
Note on Optimal Gossiping in Some Weak-Connected Graphs.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 127(2): 395-402 (1994) |
1993 |
62 | | Friedhelm Meyer auf der Heide,
Burkhard Monien,
Arnold L. Rosenberg:
Parallel Architectures and Their Efficient Use, First Heinz Nixdorf Symposium, Paderborn, Germany, November 11-13, 1992, Proceedings
Springer 1993 |
61 | EE | Reinhard Lüling,
Burkhard Monien:
A Dynamic Distributed Load Balancing Algorithm with Provable Good Performance.
SPAA 1993: 164-172 |
60 | | Burkhard Monien,
Rainer Feldmann,
Ralf Klasing,
Reinhard Lüling:
Parallel Architectures: Design and Efficient Use.
STACS 1993: 247-269 |
59 | | Juraj Hromkovic,
Claus-Dieter Jeschke,
Burkhard Monien:
Optimal Algorithms for Dissemination of Information in Some Interconnection Networks.
Algorithmica 10(1): 24-40 (1993) |
1992 |
58 | | Burkhard Monien,
Thomas Ottmann:
Data Structures and Efficient Algorithms, Final Report on the DFG Special Joint Initiative
Springer 1992 |
57 | | Rainer Feldmann,
Peter Mysliwietz,
Burkhard Monien:
Distributed Game Tree Search on a Massively Parallel System.
Data Structures and Efficient Algorithms 1992: 270-288 |
56 | | Burkhard Monien,
Reinhard Lüling,
Falk Langhammer:
A Realizable Efficient Parallel Architecture.
Heinz Nixdorf Symposium 1992: 93-109 |
55 | | Reinhard Lüling,
Burkhard Monien:
Load Balancing for Distributed Branch and Bound Algorithms.
IPPS 1992: 543-548 |
54 | | Rainer Feldmann,
Juraj Hromkovic,
Seshu Madhavapeddy,
Burkhard Monien,
Peter Mysliwietz:
Optimal Algorithms for Disemination of Information in Generalized Communication Modes.
PARLE 1992: 115-130 |
53 | | Ralf Klasing,
Burkhard Monien,
Regine Peine,
Elena Stöhr:
Broadcasting in Butterfly and DeBruijn Networks.
STACS 1992: 351-362 |
52 | | Burkhard Monien,
Reinhard Lüling:
Mapping und Lastverteilung in parallelen Systemen.
Transputer-Anwender-Treffen 1992: 1-10 |
1991 |
51 | | Javier Leach Albert,
Burkhard Monien,
Mario Rodríguez-Artalejo:
Automata, Languages and Programming, 18th International Colloquium, ICALP91, Madrid, Spain, July 8-12, 1991, Proceedings
Springer 1991 |
50 | | Juraj Hromkovic,
Burkhard Monien:
The Bisection Problem for Graphs of Degree 4 (Configuring Transputer Systems).
MFCS 1991: 211-220 |
49 | EE | Burkhard Monien:
Simulating Binary Trees on X-Trees (Extended Abstract).
SPAA 1991: 147-158 |
48 | | Ralf Diekmann,
Reinhard Lüling,
Burkhard Monien,
Jens Simon:
Implementierung von Simulated Annealing auf Transputer-Systemen.
Transputer-Anwender-Treffen 1991: 361-368 |
47 | | Ralf Heckmann,
Ralf Klasing,
Burkhard Monien,
Walter Unger:
Optimal Embedding of Complete Binary Trees into Lines and Grids.
WG 1991: 25-35 |
46 | | James Haralambides,
Fillia Makedon,
Burkhard Monien:
Bandwidth Minimization: An Approximation Algorithm for Caterpillars.
Mathematical Systems Theory 24(3): 169-177 (1991) |
45 | | Michal Chytil,
Maxime Crochemore,
Burkhard Monien,
Wojciech Rytter:
On the Parallel Recognition of Unambiguous Context-Free Languages.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 81(2): 311-316 (1991) |
1990 |
44 | | Juraj Hromkovic,
Claus-Dieter Jeschke,
Burkhard Monien:
Optimal Algorithms for Dissemination of Information in Some Interconnection Networks (Extended Abstract).
MFCS 1990: 337-346 |
43 | EE | James Haralambides,
Fillia Makedon,
Burkhard Monien:
Approximation algorithms for the bandwidth minimization problem for caterpillar graphs.
SPDP 1990: 301-307 |
42 | EE | Ralf Klasing,
Reinhard Lüling,
Burkhard Monien:
Compressing cube-connected cycles and butterfly networks.
SPDP 1990: 858-865 |
41 | | Michal Chytil,
Burkhard Monien:
Caterpillars and Context-Free Languages.
STACS 1990: 70-81 |
40 | | Berthold Kröger,
Reinhard Lüling,
Burkhard Monien,
Oliver Vornberger:
An Improved Algorithm to Detect Communication Deadlocks in Distributed Systems.
WDAG 1990: 90-101 |
1989 |
39 | | Burkhard Monien,
Robert Cori:
STACS 89, 6th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Paderborn, FRG, February 16-18, 1989, Proceedings
Springer 1989 |
38 | EE | Shimon Even,
Burkhard Monien:
On the Number of Rounds Necessary to Disseminate Information.
SPAA 1989: 318-327 |
37 | | Reinhard Lüling,
Burkhard Monien:
Two Strategies for Solving the Vertex Cover Problem on a Transputer Network.
WDAG 1989: 160-170 |
36 | | Knuth Menzel,
Burkhard Monien:
WEighted Parallel Triangulation of Simple Polygons.
WG 1989: 302-315 |
1988 |
35 | | Burkhard Monien,
Ivan Hal Sudborough:
Simulating Binary Trees on Hypercubes.
AWOC 1988: 170-180 |
34 | | Burkhard Monien,
Ivan Hal Sudborough:
Comparing Interconnection Networks.
MFCS 1988: 138-153 |
33 | | Manfred Wiegers,
Burkhard Monien:
Bandwidth and Profile Minimization.
WG 1988: 378-393 |
32 | | Burkhard Monien,
Ivan Hal Sudborough:
Min Cut is NP-Complete for Edge Weighted Treees.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 58: 209-229 (1988) |
1987 |
31 | | Ewald Speckenmeyer,
Burkhard Monien,
Oliver Vornberger:
Superlinear Speedup for Parallel Backtracking.
ICS 1987: 985-993 |
30 | | Burkhard Monien,
Oliver Vornberger:
Parallel Processing of Combinatorial Search.
Parallel Algorithms and Architectures 1987: 60-69 |
1986 |
29 | | Burkhard Monien,
Guy Vidal-Naquet:
STACS 86, 3rd Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Orsay, France, January 16-18, 1986, Proceedings
Springer 1986 |
28 | | Burkhard Monien,
Ivan Hal Sudborough:
Min Cut is NP-Complete for Edge Weigthed Trees.
ICALP 1986: 265-274 |
1985 |
27 | | Burkhard Monien:
The complexity of embedding graphs into binary trees.
FCT 1985: 300-309 |
26 | | Joseph Y.-T. Leung,
Burkhard Monien:
On the Complexity of Deadlock Recovery.
STACS 1985: 208-218 |
25 | | Burkhard Monien,
Ewald Speckenmeyer:
Ramsey Numbers and an Approximation Algorithm for the Vertex Cover Problem.
Acta Inf. 22(1): 115-123 (1985) |
24 | | Burkhard Monien,
Ivan Hal Sudborough:
Bandwidth Constrained NP-Complete Problems.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 41: 141-167 (1985) |
1984 |
23 | | Burkhard Monien:
Deterministic Two-Way One-Head Pushdown Automata are Very Powerful.
Inf. Process. Lett. 18(5): 239-242 (1984) |
1983 |
22 | | Burkhard Monien,
Ewald Speckenmeyer:
Some Further Approximation Algorithms for the Vertex Cover Problem.
CAAP 1983: 341-349 |
1982 |
21 | | Burkhard Monien,
Ivan Hal Sudborough:
On Eliminating Nondeterminism from Turing Machines which Use less than Logarithm Worktape Space.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 21: 237-253 (1982) |
1981 |
20 | | Burkhard Monien:
On the LBA Problem.
FCT 1981: 265-280 |
19 | | Ronald V. Book,
Matthias Jantzen,
Burkhard Monien,
Colm Ó'Dúnlaing,
Celia Wrathall:
On the Complexity of Word Problems in Certain Thue Systems (Preliminary Report).
MFCS 1981: 216-223 |
18 | | Burkhard Monien,
Ivan Hal Sudborough:
Time and Space Bounded Complexity Classes and Bandwidth Constrained Problems (A Survey).
MFCS 1981: 78-93 |
17 | | Burkhard Monien,
Ivan Hal Sudborough:
Bandwidth Constrained NP-Complete Problems
STOC 1981: 207-217 |
1980 |
16 | | Burkhard Monien:
On a Subclass of Pseudopolynomial Problems.
MFCS 1980: 414-425 |
15 | | Burkhard Monien:
Bounding the Bandwidth of NP-Complete Problems.
WG 1980: 279-292 |
14 | | Burkhard Monien:
Two-Way Multihead Automata Over a One-Letter Alphabet.
ITA 14(1): 67-82 (1980) |
1979 |
13 | | Burkhard Monien,
Ivan Hal Sudborough:
On Eliminating Nondeterminism From Turing Machines Which Use Less Than Logarithmic Worktape Space.
ICALP 1979: 431-445 |
1977 |
12 | | Burkhard Monien:
About the Derivation Languages of Grammars and Machines.
ICALP 1977: 337-351 |
11 | | Burkhard Monien:
The LBA-problem and the transormability of the class epsilon2.
Theoretical Computer Science 1977: 339-350 |
10 | | Burkhard Monien:
The LBA-Problem and the Deterministic Tape Complexity of Two-Way One-Counter Languages over a One-Letter Alphabet
Acta Inf. 8: 371-382 (1977) |
9 | | Burkhard Monien:
Corrigenda: Transformational Methods and Their Application to Complexity Problems
Acta Inf. 8: 383-384 (1977) |
1976 |
8 | | Burkhard Monien:
Transformational Methods and their Application to Complexity Problems.
Acta Inf. 6: 95-108 (1976) |
7 | | Burkhard Monien:
A Recursive and a Grammatical Characterization of the Exponential-Time Languages.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 3(1): 61-74 (1976) |
1975 |
6 | | Burkhard Monien:
About the deterministic simulation of nondeterministic (log n)-tape bounded Turing machines.
Automata Theory and Formal Languages 1975: 118-126 |
5 | | Burkhard Monien:
Relationships between Pushdown Automata with Counters and Complexity Classes.
Mathematical Systems Theory 9(3): 248-264 (1975) |
1974 |
4 | | Burkhard Monien:
Characterizations of Time-Bounded Computations by Limited Primitive Recursion.
ICALP 1974: 280-293 |
3 | | Burkhard Monien:
Beschreibung von Zeitkomplexitätsklassen bei Turingmaschinen durch andere Automatenmodelle.
Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 10(1): 37-51 (1974) |
1973 |
2 | | Burkhard Monien:
On the simulation of time bounded machines.
Automatentheorie und Formale Sprachen 1973: 239-248 |
1972 |
1 | | Burkhard Monien:
Relationship between Pushdown Automata and Tape-Bounded Turing Machines.
ICALP 1972: 575-583 |