
Ulf-Peter Schroeder

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14 Burkhard Monien, Ulf-Peter Schroeder: Algorithmic Game Theory, First International Symposium, SAGT 2008, Paderborn, Germany, April 30-May 2, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008
13 Markus Röttger, Ulf-Peter Schroeder: Efficient embeddings of grids into grids. Discrete Applied Mathematics 108(1-2): 143-173 (2001)
12EESergei L. Bezrukov, Joe D. Chavez, L. H. Harper, Markus Röttger, Ulf-Peter Schroeder: The congestion of n-cube layout on a rectangular grid. Discrete Mathematics 213(1-3): 13-19 (2000)
11EESergei L. Bezrukov, Robert Elsässer, Ulf-Peter Schroeder: On Bounds for the k-Partitioning of Graphs. COCOON 1999: 154-163
10EESergei L. Bezrukov, Robert Elsässer, Ulf-Peter Schroeder: On k-partitioning of Hamming Graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 95(1-3): 127-140 (1999)
9EESergei L. Bezrukov, Joe D. Chavez, L. H. Harper, Markus Röttger, Ulf-Peter Schroeder: Embedding of Hypercubes into Grids. MFCS 1998: 693-701
8 Markus Röttger, Ulf-Peter Schroeder: Efficient Embeddings of Grids into Grids. WG 1998: 257-271
7EESergei L. Bezrukov, Ulf-Peter Schroeder: The Cyclic Wirelength of Trees. Discrete Applied Mathematics 87(1-3): 275-277 (1998)
6 Markus Röttger, Ulf-Peter Schroeder: Embedding 2-Dimensional Grids into Optimal Hypercubes with Edge-Congestion 1 or 2. Parallel Processing Letters 8(2): 231-242 (1998)
5 Fabrizio d'Amore, Luca Becchetti, Sergei L. Bezrukov, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela, M. Ottaviani, Robert Preis, Markus Röttger, Ulf-Peter Schroeder: On the Embedding of Refinements of 2-dimensional Grids. Euro-Par 1997: 950-957
4 Thomas Römke, Markus Röttger, Ulf-Peter Schroeder, Jens Simon: On Efficient Embeddings of Grids into Grids in PARIX. Euro-Par 1995: 181-192
3 Markus Röttger, Ulf-Peter Schroeder, Jens Simon: Implementation of a parallel and distributed mapping kernel for PARIX. HPCN Europe 1995: 781-786
2 Burkhard Monien, Ralf Diekmann, Rainer Feldmann, Ralf Klasing, Reinhard Lüling, Knuth Menzel, Thomas Römke, Ulf-Peter Schroeder: Efficient Use of Parallel & Distributed Systems: From Theory to Practice. Computer Science Today 1995: 62-77
1 Markus Röttger, Ulf-Peter Schroeder, Walter Unger: Embedding 3-dimensional Grids into Optimal Hypercubes. Canada-France Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing 1994: 81-94

Coauthor Index

1Luca Becchetti [5]
2Sergei L. Bezrukov [5] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12]
3Joe D. Chavez [9] [12]
4Ralf Diekmann [2]
5Robert Elsässer [10] [11]
6Rainer Feldmann [2]
7L. H. Harper [9] [12]
8Ralf Klasing [2]
9Reinhard Lüling [2]
10Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela [5]
11Knuth Menzel [2]
12Burkhard Monien [2] [14]
13M. Ottaviani [5]
14Robert Preis [5]
15Thomas Römke [2] [4]
16Markus Röttger [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [12] [13]
17Jens Simon [3] [4]
18Walter Unger [1]
19Fabrizio d'Amore [5]

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