
Thomas Sauerwald

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17EEBenjamin Doerr, Tobias Friedrich, Marvin Künnemann, Thomas Sauerwald: Quasirandom Rumor Spreading: An Experimental Analysis. ALENEX 2009: 145-153
16EERobert Elsässer, Thomas Sauerwald: Cover Time and Broadcast Time. STACS 2009: 373-384
15EERobert Elsässer, Thomas Sauerwald: Cover Time and Broadcast Time CoRR abs/0902.1735: (2009)
14EERobert Elsässer, Ulf Lorenz, Thomas Sauerwald: On randomized broadcasting in Star graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 157(1): 126-139 (2009)
13EERobert Elsässer, Leszek Gasieniec, Thomas Sauerwald: On Radio Broadcasting in Random Geometric Graphs. DISC 2008: 212-226
12EEHenning Meyerhenke, Burkhard Monien, Thomas Sauerwald: A new diffusion-based multilevel algorithm for computing graph partitions of very high quality. IPDPS 2008: 1-13
11EEMarios Mavronicolas, Thomas Sauerwald: The impact of randomization in smoothing networks. PODC 2008: 345-354
10EEThomas Sauerwald, Dirk Sudholt: Self-stabilizing Cuts in Synchronous Networks. SIROCCO 2008: 234-246
9EERobert Elsässer, Thomas Sauerwald: The power of memory in randomized broadcasting. SODA 2008: 218-227
8EEBenjamin Doerr, Tobias Friedrich, Thomas Sauerwald: Quasirandom rumor spreading. SODA 2008: 773-781
7EEThomas Sauerwald: On Mixing and Edge Expansion Properties in Randomized Broadcasting. ISAAC 2007: 196-207
6EERobert Elsässer, Thomas Sauerwald: Broadcasting vs. Mixing and Information Dissemination on Cayley Graphs. STACS 2007: 163-174
5EERobert Elsässer, Ulf Lorenz, Thomas Sauerwald: Agent-based randomized broadcasting in large networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(2): 150-160 (2007)
4EERobert Elsässer, Thomas Sauerwald: On the Runtime and Robustness of Randomized Broadcasting. ISAAC 2006: 349-358
3EEHenning Meyerhenke, Thomas Sauerwald: Analyzing Disturbed Diffusion on Networks. ISAAC 2006: 429-438
2EERobert Elsässer, Thomas Sauerwald: On Randomized Broadcasting in Star Graphs. WG 2005: 307-318
1EERobert Elsässer, Ulf Lorenz, Thomas Sauerwald: Agent-Based Information Handling in Large Networks. MFCS 2004: 586-598

Coauthor Index

1Benjamin Doerr [8] [17]
2Robert Elsässer [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [9] [13] [14] [15] [16]
3Tobias Friedrich [8] [17]
4Leszek Gasieniec [13]
5Marvin Künnemann [17]
6Ulf Lorenz [1] [5] [14]
7Marios Mavronicolas [11]
8Henning Meyerhenke [3] [12]
9Burkhard Monien [12]
10Dirk Sudholt [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)