
Jens Simon

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13EEBarton P. Miller, Jesús Labarta, Florian Schintke, Jens Simon: Performance Evaluation, Analysis and Optimization. Euro-Par 2002: 131
12EEFlorian Schintke, Jens Simon, Alexander Reinefeld: A Cache Simulator for Shared Memory Systems. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2001: 569-578
11 Jens Simon, Alexander Reinefeld, Oliver Heinz: Large-Scale SCI Clusters in Practice: Architecture and Performance. Scalable Coherent Interface 1999: 367-381
10EEJens Simon, Jens-Michael Wierum: The Latency-of-Data-Access Model for Analyzing Parallel Computation. Inf. Process. Lett. 66(5): 255-261 (1998)
9 Jens Simon, Marco Vieth, Reinhold Weicker: Workload Analysis of Computation Intensive Tasks: Case Study on SPEC CPU95 Benchmarks. Euro-Par 1997: 971-984
8EEAlexander Reinefeld, Ranieri Baraglia, Thomas Decker, Jörn Gehring, Domenico Laforenza, Friedhelm Ramme, Thomas Römke, Jens Simon: The MOL project: an open, extensible metacomputer. Heterogeneous Computing Workshop 1997: 17-31
7 Markus Fischer, Jens Simon: Embedding SCI into PVM. PVM/MPI 1997: 177-184
6 Jens Simon, Jens-Michael Wierum: Accurate Performance Prediction for Assively Parallel Systems and Its Applications. Euro-Par, Vol. II 1996: 675-688
5 Jens Simon, Jens-Michael Wierum: Sequential Performance Versus Scalability: Optimizing Parallel LU-Decomposition. HPCN Europe 1996: 627-632
4 Thomas Römke, Markus Röttger, Ulf-Peter Schroeder, Jens Simon: On Efficient Embeddings of Grids into Grids in PARIX. Euro-Par 1995: 181-192
3 Markus Röttger, Ulf-Peter Schroeder, Jens Simon: Implementation of a parallel and distributed mapping kernel for PARIX. HPCN Europe 1995: 781-786
2 Ralf Diekmann, Reinhard Lüling, Jens Simon: A General Purpose Distributed Implementation of Simulated Annealing. SPDP 1992: 94-101
1 Ralf Diekmann, Reinhard Lüling, Burkhard Monien, Jens Simon: Implementierung von Simulated Annealing auf Transputer-Systemen. Transputer-Anwender-Treffen 1991: 361-368

Coauthor Index

1Ranieri Baraglia [8]
2Thomas Decker [8]
3Ralf Diekmann [1] [2]
4Markus Fischer [7]
5Jörn Gehring [8]
6Oliver Heinz [11]
7Jesús Labarta [13]
8Domenico Laforenza [8]
9Reinhard Lüling [1] [2]
10Barton P. Miller [13]
11Burkhard Monien [1]
12Friedhelm Ramme [8]
13Alexander Reinefeld [8] [11] [12]
14Thomas Römke [4] [8]
15Markus Röttger [3] [4]
16Florian Schintke [12] [13]
17Ulf-Peter Schroeder [3] [4]
18Marco Vieth [9]
19Reinhold Weicker [9]
20Jens-Michael Wierum [5] [6] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)