
Abderezak Touzene

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16EEAbderezak Touzene: A Tensor Sum Preconditioner for Stochastic Automata Networks. INFORMS Journal on Computing 20(2): 234-242 (2008)
15EEBassel R. Arafeh, Khaled Day, Abderezak Touzene: A multilevel partitioning approach for efficient tasks allocation in heterogeneous distributed systems. Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design 54(5): 530-548 (2008)
14EEKhaled Day, Bassel R. Arafeh, Abderezak Touzene: A unified fault-tolerant routing scheme for a class of cluster networks. Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design 54(8): 757-768 (2008)
13 Khaled Day, Bassel R. Arafeh, Abderezak Touzene: A fault-tolerant communication scheme for regular cluster networks. Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2007: 151-156
12 Abderezak Touzene, H. Al Maqbali: Performance of load balancing for grid computing. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2007: 96-101
11EEAbderezak Touzene: Approximated tensor sum preconditioner for stochastic automata networks. IPDPS 2006
10 Bassel R. Arafeh, Khaled Day, Abderezak Touzene: A Paradigm for Allocating Parallel Application Tasks to Heterogeneous Computing Resources on the Grid. PARCO 2005: 41-48
9 Abderezak Touzene, Sultan Al Yahyai, Khaled Day, Bassel R. Arafeh: Load Balancing Grid Computing Middleware. Web Technologies, Applications, and Services 2005: 29-34
8EEAbderezak Touzene, Khaled Day, Burkhard Monien: Edge-disjoint spanning trees for the generalized butterfly networks and their applications. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 65(11): 1384-1396 (2005)
7 Abderezak Touzene, Khaled Day: Broadcasting in the generalized butterfly networks. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2004: 555-560
6EEAbderezak Touzene: Optimal all-ports collective communication algorithms for the k-ary n-cube interconnection networks. Journal of Systems Architecture 50(4): 221-231 (2004)
5 Abderezak Touzene: Edges-disjoint spanning trees on the binary wrapped butterfly network with applications to fault tolerance. Parallel Computing 28(4): 649-666 (2002)
4 Mohamed Benmaiza, Abderezak Touzene: One-to-all broadcast algorithm for constant degree 4 Cayley graphs. Parallel Computing 25(3): 249-264 (1999)
3 Abderezak Touzene: A New Iterative Method for Solving Large-Scale Markov Chains. MMB 1995: 180-193
2 William J. Stewart, Abderezak Touzene: On Solving Stochastic Coupling Matrices Arising in Iterative Aggregation/Disaggregation Methods. MASCOTS 1994: 255-262
1 Abderezak Touzene, Brigitte Plateau: Optimal Multinode Broadcast on a Mesh Connected Graph with Reduced Bufferization. EDMCC 1991: 143-152

Coauthor Index

1Bassel R. Arafeh [9] [10] [13] [14] [15]
2Mohamed Benmaiza [4]
3Khaled Day [7] [8] [9] [10] [13] [14] [15]
4H. Al Maqbali [12]
5Burkhard Monien [8]
6Brigitte Plateau [1]
7William J. Stewart [2]
8Sultan Al Yahyai [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)