
Reinhard Lüling

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42 Xiaobo Zhou, Cheng-Zhong Xu, Lars-Olof Burchard, Reinhard Lüling: A Video Replacement Policy based on Revenue to Cost Ratio in a Multicast TY-Anytime System. IPDPS 2001: 116
41EEXiaobo Zhou, Reinhard Lüling, Li Xie: Solving a Media Mapping Problem in a Hierarchical Server Network with Parallel Simulated Annealing. ICPP 2000: 115-124
40EELars-Olof Burchard, Reinhard Lüling: An Architecture for a Scalable Video-on-Demand Server Network with Quality-of-Service Guarantees. IDMS 2000: 132-143
39EEXiaobo Zhou, Reinhard Lüling, Li Xie: Heuristic Solutions for a Mapping Problem in a TV-Anytime Server Network. IPDPS Workshops 2000: 210-217
38 Reinhard Lüling: TV-Anytime Services on a Network of Distributed Media Servers. PDPTA 2000
37EEFrancisco Cortes, Vasilios Darlagiannis, Mariano Herreo Zahinos, Giorgia Kyriakaki, Reinhard Lüling, Ioannis Maragoudakis, Yiannis Mavraganis, Klaus Meyer, Nikos Pappas: The SICMA Teleteaching Trial on ADSL and Intranet Networks. ECMAST 1999: 1-14
36EEReinhard Lüling: Static and Dynamic Mapping of Media Assets on a Network of Distributed Multimedia Information Servers. ICDCS 1999: 253-260
35EEReinhard Lüling: Managing Large Scale Broadband Multimedia Services on Distributed Media Servers. ICMCS, Vol. 1 1999: 320-325
34EEKarsten Morisse, Francisco Cortes, Reinhard Lüling: Broadband Multimedia Information Service for European Parliaments. ICMCS, Vol. 2 1999: 1072-1074
33EEReinhard Lüling: Mapping Media Streams onto a Network of Servers. IPPS/SPDP 1999: 470-476
32 Karsten Morisse, Reinhard Lüling: Efficient Implementation of Distributed Broadband Multimedia Information Services. PDPTA 1999: 2829-2835
31EEAlois Knoll, Christian Altenschmidt, Joachim Biskup, Hans-Martin Blüthgen, Ingo Glöckner, Sven Hartrumpf, Hermann Helbig, Christiane Henning, Reinhard Lüling, Burkhard Monien, Thomas Noll, Norbert Sensen: An Integrated Approach to Semantic Evaluation and Content-Based Retrieval of Multimedia Documents. ECDL 1998: 409-428
30 Christoph Brandt, Giorgia Kyriakaki, W. Lamotte, Reinhard Lüling, Ioannis Maragoudakis, Yiannis Mavraganis, Klaus Meyer, Nikos Pappas: The SICMA Multimedia Server and Virtual Museum Application. ECMAST 1998: 83-97
29 Francisco Cortes, Reinhard Lüling: A Parallel Continuous Media Server Complying to the RTSP Protocol. ECMAST 1998: 97-110
28EEReinhard Lüling, Olaf Schmidt: HiPEC: High Performance Computing Visualization System Supporting Networked Electronic Applications. Euro-Par 1998: 1149-1152
27EEJörg Jensch, Reinhard Lüling, Norbert Sensen: A Data Layout Strategy for Parallel Web Servers. Euro-Par 1998: 944-952
26 Francisco Cortes Gomez, Reinhard Lüling: A Parallel Continous Media Server for Internet Environmets. HPCN Europe 1998: 648-657
25EEReinhard Lüling, Francisco Cortes Gomez, Norbert Sensen: Parallel Interactive Media Server Systems. SOFSEM 1998: 149-166
24EERalf Klasing, Reinhard Lüling, Burkhard Monien: Compressing cube-connected cycles and butterfly networks. Networks 32(1): 47-65 (1998)
23 Gianfranco Bilardi, Afonso Ferreira, Reinhard Lüling, José D. P. Rolim: Solving Irregularly Structured Problems in Parallel, 4th International Symposium, IRREGULAR '97, Paderborn, Germany, June 12-13, 1997, Proceedings Springer 1997
22EEBurkhard Monien, Petra Berenbrink, Reinhard Lüling, Marco Riedel: Online Scheduling of Continuous Media Streams. Foundations of Computer Science: Potential - Theory - Cognition 1997: 313-320
21 Burkhard Monien, Ralf Diekmann, Reinhard Lüling: The Construction of Large Scale Reconfigurable Parallel Computing Systems (The Architecture of the SC320). Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 8(3): 347-361 (1997)
20 Valentin Rottmann, Petra Berenbrink, Reinhard Lüling: A Simple Distributed Scheduling Policy for Parallel Interactive Continuous Media Servers. Parallel Computing 23(12): 1757-1776 (1997)
19 Ralf Rehrmann, Burkhard Monien, Reinhard Lüling, Ralf Diekmann: On the Communication Throughput of Buffered Multistage Interconnection Networks. SPAA 1996: 152-161
18 Reinhard Lüling, Burkhard Monien, Alexander Reinefeld, Stefan Tschöke: Mapping tree-structured combinatorial optimization problems onto parallel computers. Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Parallel 1996: 115-144
17EERalf Diekmann, Reinhard Lüling, Burkhard Monien, Carsten Spräner: Combining Helpful Sets and Parallel Simulated Annealing for the Graph-partitioning Problem. Parallel Algorithms Appl. 8(1): 61-84 (1996)
16EERalf Diekmann, Reinhard Lüling, Burkhard Monien, Carsten Spräner: A parallel local-search algorithm for the k-partitioning problem. HICSS (2) 1995: 41-50
15EEStefan Tschöke, Reinhard Lüling, Burkhard Monien: Solving the traveling salesman problem with a distributed branch-and-bound algorithm on a 1024 processor network. IPPS 1995: 182-189
14EECheng-Zhong Xu, Burkhard Monien, Reinhard Lüling, Francis C. M. Lau: An analytical comparison of nearest neighbor algorithms for load balancing in parallel computers. IPPS 1995: 472-479
13 Burkhard Monien, Ralf Diekmann, Rainer Feldmann, Ralf Klasing, Reinhard Lüling, Knuth Menzel, Thomas Römke, Ulf-Peter Schroeder: Efficient Use of Parallel & Distributed Systems: From Theory to Practice. Computer Science Today 1995: 62-77
12EECheng-Zhong Xu, Francis C. M. Lau, Francis C. M. Lau, Burkhard Monien, Reinhard Lüling: Nearest-neighbor algorithms for load-balancing in parallel computers. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 7(7): 707-736 (1995)
11 Burkhard Monien, Ralf Diekmann, Reinhard Lüling: Communication Throughput of Interconnection Networks. MFCS 1994: 72-86
10EEReinhard Lüling, Burkhard Monien: A Dynamic Distributed Load Balancing Algorithm with Provable Good Performance. SPAA 1993: 164-172
9 Burkhard Monien, Rainer Feldmann, Ralf Klasing, Reinhard Lüling: Parallel Architectures: Design and Efficient Use. STACS 1993: 247-269
8 Burkhard Monien, Reinhard Lüling, Falk Langhammer: A Realizable Efficient Parallel Architecture. Heinz Nixdorf Symposium 1992: 93-109
7 Reinhard Lüling, Burkhard Monien: Load Balancing for Distributed Branch and Bound Algorithms. IPPS 1992: 543-548
6 Ralf Diekmann, Reinhard Lüling, Jens Simon: A General Purpose Distributed Implementation of Simulated Annealing. SPDP 1992: 94-101
5 Burkhard Monien, Reinhard Lüling: Mapping und Lastverteilung in parallelen Systemen. Transputer-Anwender-Treffen 1992: 1-10
4 Ralf Diekmann, Reinhard Lüling, Burkhard Monien, Jens Simon: Implementierung von Simulated Annealing auf Transputer-Systemen. Transputer-Anwender-Treffen 1991: 361-368
3EERalf Klasing, Reinhard Lüling, Burkhard Monien: Compressing cube-connected cycles and butterfly networks. SPDP 1990: 858-865
2 Berthold Kröger, Reinhard Lüling, Burkhard Monien, Oliver Vornberger: An Improved Algorithm to Detect Communication Deadlocks in Distributed Systems. WDAG 1990: 90-101
1 Reinhard Lüling, Burkhard Monien: Two Strategies for Solving the Vertex Cover Problem on a Transputer Network. WDAG 1989: 160-170

Coauthor Index

1Christian Altenschmidt [31]
2Petra Berenbrink [20] [22]
3Gianfranco Bilardi [23]
4Joachim Biskup [31]
5Hans-Martin Blüthgen [31]
6Christoph Brandt [30]
7Lars-Olof Burchard [40] [42]
8Francisco Cortes [29] [34] [37]
9Vasilios Darlagiannis [37]
10Ralf Diekmann [4] [6] [11] [13] [16] [17] [19] [21]
11Rainer Feldmann [9] [13]
12Afonso Ferreira [23]
13Ingo Glöckner [31]
14Francisco Cortes Gomez [25] [26]
15Sven Hartrumpf [31]
16Hermann Helbig [31]
17Christiane Henning [31]
18Jörg Jensch [27]
19Ralf Klasing [3] [9] [13] [24]
20Alois Knoll [31]
21Berthold Kröger [2]
22Giorgia Kyriakaki [30] [37]
23W. Lamotte [30]
24Falk Langhammer [8]
25Francis Chi-Moon Lau (Francis C. M. Lau) [12] [14]
26Ioannis Maragoudakis [30] [37]
27Yiannis Mavraganis [30] [37]
28Knuth Menzel [13]
29Klaus Meyer [30] [37]
30Burkhard Monien [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [21] [22] [24] [31]
31Karsten Morisse [32] [34]
32Thomas Noll [31]
33Nikos Pappas [30] [37]
34Ralf Rehrmann [19]
35Alexander Reinefeld [18]
36Marco Riedel [22]
37José D. P. Rolim [23]
38Thomas Römke [13]
39Valentin Rottmann [20]
40Olaf Schmidt [28]
41Ulf-Peter Schroeder [13]
42Norbert Sensen [25] [27] [31]
43Jens Simon [4] [6]
44Carsten Spräner [16] [17]
45Stefan Tschöke [15] [18]
46Oliver Vornberger [2]
47Li Xie [39] [41]
48Cheng-Zhong Xu [12] [14] [42]
49Mariano Herreo Zahinos [37]
50Xiaobo Zhou [39] [41] [42]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)