3. WDAG 1989:
Nice, France
Jean-Claude Bermond, Michel Raynal (Eds.):
Distributed Algorithms, 3rd International Workshop, Nice, France, September 26-28, 1989, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 392 Springer 1989, ISBN 3-540-51687-5 BibTeX
- Judit Bar-Ilan, Dror Zernik:
Random Leaders and Random Spanning Trees.
1-12 BibTeX
- Amotz Bar-Noy, Danny Dolev, Daphne Koller, David Peleg:
Fault-Tolerant Critical Section Management in Asynchronous Networks.
13-23 BibTeX
- Reuven Bar-Yehuda, Oded Goldreich, Alon Itai:
Efficient Emulation of Single-Hop Radio Network with Collision Detection on Multi-Hop Radio Network with no Collision Detection.
24-32 BibTeX
- José M. Bernabéu-Aubán, Mustaque Ahamad:
Applying a Path-Compression technique to Obtain an Efficient Distributed Mutual Exclusion Algorithm.
33-44 BibTeX
- Bernadette Charron-Bost:
Combinatorics and Geometry of Consistent Cuts: Application to Concurrency Theory.
45-56 BibTeX
- Israel Cidon, Yoram Ofek:
Distributed Fairness Algorithms for Local Area Networks.
57-69 BibTeX
- Reuven Cohen, Adrian Segall:
An Efficient Reliable Ring Protocol.
70-82 BibTeX
- David Ginat, A. Udaya Shankar, Ashok K. Agrawala:
An Efficient Solution to the Drinking Philosophers Problem and Its Extension.
83-93 BibTeX
- Kenneth J. Goldman:
Highly Concurrent Logically Synchronous Multicast.
94-109 BibTeX
- Ajei S. Gopal, Sam Toueg:
Reliable Broadcast in Synchronous and Asynchronous Environments (Preliminary Version).
110-123 BibTeX
- Jean-Michel Hélary:
Observing Global States of Asynchronous Distributed Applications.
124-135 BibTeX
- Jean-Marc Jézéquel:
Building a Global Time on Parallel Machines.
136-147 BibTeX
- Evangelos Kranakis:
Functional Dependencies of Variables in Wait-Free Programs (Extended Abstract).
148-159 BibTeX
- Reinhard Lüling, Burkhard Monien:
Two Strategies for Solving the Vertex Cover Problem on a Transputer Network.
160-170 BibTeX
- Toshimitsu Masuzawa, Naoki Nishikawa, Kenichi Hagihara, Nobuki Tokura:
Optimal Fault-Tolerant Distributed Algorithms for Election in Complete Networks with a Global Sense of Direction.
171-182 BibTeX
- Yossi Matias, Yehuda Afek:
Simple and Efficient Election Algorithms for Anonymous Networks.
183-194 BibTeX
- Marta Rukoz:
A Distributed Solution for Detecting Deadlock in Distributed Nested Transaction Systems.
195-206 BibTeX
- Beverly A. Sanders, Philipp A. Heuberger:
Distributed Deadlock Detection and Resolution with Probes.
207-218 BibTeX
- André Schiper, Jorge Eggli, Alain Sandoz:
A New Algorithm to Implement Causal Ordering.
219-232 BibTeX
- Paul G. Spirakis, Basil Tampakas, Athanasios Tsiolis:
Symmetry Breaking in Asynchronous Rings with O(n) Messages.
233-241 BibTeX
- Frank A. Stomp, Willem P. de Roever:
Designing Distributed Algorithms by Means of Formal Sequentially Phased Reasoning (Extended Abstract).
242-253 BibTeX
- Gadi Taubenfeld, Shlomo Moran:
Possibility and Impossibility Results in a Shared Memory Environment.
254-267 BibTeX
- Alfred Taudes:
Communication Heuristics in Distributed Combinatorial Search Algorithms.
268-279 BibTeX
- Kim Taylor:
The Role of Inhibition on Asynchronous Consistent-Cut Protocols.
280-291 BibTeX
- John Tromp:
How to Construct an Atomic Variable (Extended Abstract).
292-302 BibTeX
- Masafumi Yamashita, Tiko Kameda:
Electing a Leader when Processor Identity Numbers are not Distinct (Extended Abstract).
303-314 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:47:28 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)