
Hiromi Mochiyama

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15EEAtsushi Yamada, Masamitsu Watari, Hiromi Mochiyama, Hideo Fujimoto: An asymmetric robotic catapult based on the closed elastica for jumping robot. ICRA 2008: 232-237
14EEAtsushi Yamada, Masamitsu Watari, Hiromi Mochiyama, Hideo Fujimoto: A robotic catapult based on the closed elastica with a high stiffness endpoint and its application to swimming tasks. IROS 2008: 1477-1482
13EEBlagovest Vladimirov, Hiromi Mochiyama, Hideo Fujimoto: A Testing Device for the Human Ability to Utilise Beneficial Environmental Features. IEA/AIE 2007: 1180-1189
12EEHiromi Mochiyama, Masamitsu Watari, Hideo Fujimoto: A robotic catapult based on the closed elastica and Its application to robotic tasks. IROS 2007: 1508-1513
11EEAtsushi Yamada, Hiromi Mochiyama, Hideo Fujimoto: Kinematics and statics of robotic catapults based on the closed elastica. IROS 2007: 3993-3998
10EERyo Kikuuwe, Naoyuki Takesue, Akihito Sano, Hiromi Mochiyama, Hideo Fujimoto: Admittance and Impedance Representations of Friction Based on Implicit Euler Integration. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 22(6): 1176-1188 (2006)
9EEHiromi Mochiyama, Akihito Sano, Naoyuki Takesue, Ryo Kikuuwe, Kei Fujita, Shinji Fukuda, Ken'ichi Marui, Hideo Fujimoto: Haptic Illusions Induced by Moving Line Stimuli. WHC 2005: 645-648
8EERyo Kikuuwe, Akihito Sano, Hiromi Mochiyama, Naoyuki Takesue, Hideo Fujimoto: Enhancing haptic detection of surface undulation. TAP 2(1): 46-67 (2005)
7 Hiromi Mochiyama, Takahiro Suzuki: Kinematics and dynamics of a cable-like hyper-flexible manipulator. ICRA 2003: 3672-3677
6 Hiromi Mochiyama: Whole-Arm Impedance of a Serial-Chain Manipulator. ICRA 2001: 2223-2228
5EEHiromi Mochiyama: Kinematics for the whole arm of a serial-chain manipulator. Advanced Robotics 15(2): 255-275 (2001)
4 Hiromi Mochiyama, Hisato Kobayashi: The Shape Jacobian of a Manipulator with Hyper Degrees of Freedom. ICRA 1999: 2837-2842
3EEHiromi Mochiyama, Etsujiro Shimemura, Hisato Kobayashi: Shape Control of Manipulators with Hyper Degrees of Freedom. I. J. Robotic Res. 18(6): 584-600 (1999)
2EEHiromi Mochiyama: Control of manipulators with hyper degrees of freedom: shape tracking using only joint angle information. Int. J. Systems Science 30(1): 77-85 (1999)
1 Hiromi Mochiyama, Etsujiro Shimemura, Hisato Kobayashi: Direct Kinematics of Manipulators with Hyper Degrees of Freedom and Frenet-Serret Formula. ICRA 1998: 1653-1658

Coauthor Index

1Hideo Fujimoto [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
2Kei Fujita [9]
3Shinji Fukuda [9]
4Ryo Kikuuwe [8] [9] [10]
5Hisato Kobayashi [1] [3] [4]
6Ken'ichi Marui [9]
7Akihito Sano [8] [9] [10]
8Etsujiro Shimemura [1] [3]
9Takahiro Suzuki [7]
10Naoyuki Takesue [8] [9] [10]
11Blagovest Vladimirov [13]
12Masamitsu Watari [12] [14] [15]
13Atsushi Yamada [11] [14] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)