
Dongsheng Ma

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25EEInshad Chowdhury, Dongsheng Ma: An integrated reconfigurable switched-capacitor DC-DC converter with a dual-loop adaptive gain-pulse control. ISCAS 2008: 2610-2613
24EEKishore Kumar Muchherla, Pinhong Chen, Dongsheng Ma, Janet Meiling Wang: A noniterative equivalent waveform model for timing analysis in presence of crosstalk. ACM Trans. Design Autom. Electr. Syst. 13(2): (2008)
23EEDongsheng Ma, Feng Luo: Robust Multiple-Phase Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Power Converter With Digital Interleaving Regulation Scheme. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 16(6): 611-619 (2008)
22EEDongsheng Ma, J. Wang, Minkyu Song: Adaptive On-Chip Power Supply With Robust One-Cycle Control Technique. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 16(9): 1240-1243 (2008)
21EEJin Sun, Jun Li, Dongsheng Ma, Janet Meiling Wang: Chebyshev Affine-Arithmetic-Based Parametric Yield Prediction Under Limited Descriptions of Uncertainty. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 27(10): 1852-1865 (2008)
20EEAlexander V. Mitev, Michael Marefat, Dongsheng Ma, Janet Meiling Wang: Parameter Reduction for Variability Analysis by Slice Inverse Regression (SIR) Method. ASP-DAC 2007: 468-473
19EEAlexander V. Mitev, Michael Marefat, Dongsheng Ma, Janet Meiling Wang: Principle Hessian direction based parameter reduction with process variation. ICCAD 2007: 632-637
18EEFeng Luo, Dongsheng Ma: An Integrated Switching Power Converter with a Hybrid Pulse-Train/PWM Control. ISCAS 2007: 305-308
17EEMinkyu Song, Dongsheng Ma: A fast-transient over-sampled delta-sigma adaptive DC-DC converter for power-efficient noise-sensitive devices. ISLPED 2007: 286-291
16EEAlexander V. Mitev, Michael Marefat, Dongsheng Ma, Janet Meiling Wang: Principle hessian direction based parameter reduction for interconnect networks with process variation. SLIP 2007: 41-46
15EEDongsheng Ma: Automatic substrate switching circuit for on-chip adaptive power supply system. ISCAS 2006
14EEHio Leong Chao, Dongsheng Ma: CMOS variable-gain wide-bandwidth CMFB-free differential current feedback amplifier for ultrasound diagnostic applications. ISCAS 2006
13EEMohankumar N. Somasundaram, Dongsheng Ma: Integrated low-ripple-voltage fast-response switched-capacitor power converter with interleaving regulation scheme. ISCAS 2006
12EEDongsheng Ma, Janet Meiling Wang, Pablo Vazquas: Adaptive on-chip power supply with robust one-cycle control technique. ISLPED 2006: 394-399
11EEDongsheng Ma: Robust multiple-phase switched-capacitor DC-DC converter with digital interleaving regulation scheme. ISLPED 2006: 400-405
10EEAli Oksasoglu, Dongsheng Ma, Qiudong Wang: Rank One Chaos in Switch-Controlled Murali-lakshmanan-chua Circuit. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 16(11): 3207-3234 (2006)
9 Janet Meiling Wang, Bharat Srinivas, Dongsheng Ma, Charlie Chung-Ping Chen, Jun Li: System-level power and thermal modeling and analysis by orthogonal polynomial based response surface approach (OPRS). ICCAD 2005: 728-735
8EEZongqi Hu, Dongsheng Ma: A pseudo-CCM buck converter with freewheel switching control. ISCAS (4) 2005: 3083-3086
7EEDongsheng Ma, Janet Meiling Wang, Mohankumar N. Somasundaram, Zongqi Hu: Design and optimization on dynamic power system for self-powered integrated wireless sensing nodes. ISLPED 2005: 303-306
6EEDongsheng Ma, Wing-Hung Ki, Chi-Ying Tsui: Fast adaptive DC-DC conversion using dual-loop one-cycle control in standard digital CMOS process. ASP-DAC 2004: 539-540
5 Hylas Y. H. Lam, Wing-Hung Ki, Dongsheng Ma: Loop gain analysis and development of high-speed high-accuracy current sensors for switching converters. ISCAS (5) 2004: 828-831
4 Dongsheng Ma, Vincent H. S. Tam, Wing-Hung Ki, Hylas Y. H. Lam: A CAD simulator based on loop gain measurement for switching converters. ISCAS (5) 2004: 940-943
3EEChuang Zhang, Dongsheng Ma, Ashok Srivastava: Integrated adaptive DC/DC conversion with adaptive pulse-train technique for low-ripple fast-response regulation. ISLPED 2004: 257-262
2EEDongsheng Ma, Wing-Hung Ki, Chi-Ying Tsui, Philip K. T. Mok: A single-inductor dual-output integrated DC/DC boost converter for variable voltage scheduling. ASP-DAC 2001: 19-20
1EEDongsheng Ma, Wing-Hung Ki, Philip K. T. Mok, Chi-Ying Tsui: Single-inductor multiple-output switching converters with bipolar outputs. ISCAS (3) 2001: 301-304

Coauthor Index

1Hio Leong Chao [14]
2Charlie Chung-Ping Chen (Chung-Ping Chen) [9]
3Pinhong Chen [24]
4Inshad Chowdhury [25]
5Zongqi Hu [7] [8]
6Wing-Hung Ki [1] [2] [4] [5] [6]
7Hylas Y. H. Lam [4] [5]
8Jun Li [9] [21]
9Feng Luo [18] [23]
10Michael Marefat [16] [19] [20]
11Alexander V. Mitev [16] [19] [20]
12Philip K. T. Mok [1] [2]
13Kishore Kumar Muchherla [24]
14Ali Oksasoglu [10]
15Mohankumar N. Somasundaram [7] [13]
16Minkyu Song [17] [22]
17Bharat Srinivas [9]
18Ashok Srivastava [3]
19Jin Sun [21]
20Vincent H. S. Tam [4]
21Chi-Ying Tsui [1] [2] [6]
22Pablo Vazquas [12]
23J. Wang [22]
24Janet Meiling Wang (Janet Meiling Wang Roveda) [7] [9] [12] [16] [19] [20] [21] [24]
25Qiudong Wang [10]
26Chuang Zhang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)