
Jin Sun

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10EEJin Sun, Avinash Kodi, Ahmed Louri, Janet Meiling Wang: NBTI aware workload balancing in multi-core systems. ISQED 2009: 833-838
9EEJin Sun, Yue Huang, Jun Li, Janet Meiling Wang: Chebyshev Affine Arithmetic based parametric yield prediction under limited descriptions of uncertainty. ASP-DAC 2008: 531-536
8EEPeng Wang, Peter B. Luh, Shi-Chuang Chang, Jin Sun: Modeling and Optimization of Crowd Guidance for Building Emergency Evacuation. ICIRA (2) 2008: 1-6
7EEJin Sun, Jun Li, Dongsheng Ma, Janet Meiling Wang: Chebyshev Affine-Arithmetic-Based Parametric Yield Prediction Under Limited Descriptions of Uncertainty. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 27(10): 1852-1865 (2008)
6EEVineet Agarwal, Jin Sun, Alexander V. Mitev, Janet Meiling Wang: Delay Uncertainty Reduction by Interconnect and Gate Splitting. ASP-DAC 2007: 690-695
5EEJin Sun, Paul J. Weber, Byung Kyu Choi, Roger M. Kieckhafer: DIMPLE: DynamIc Membership ProtocoL for epidemic protocols. BROADNETS 2007: 433-442
4EEJiping Zheng, Xiaolin Qin, Jin Sun: Data Dependency Based Recovery Approaches in Survival Database Systems. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2007: 1131-1138
3EEJin Sun, Anirban Banerjee, Michalis Faloutsos: Multiple Identities in BitTorrent Networks. Networking 2007: 582-593
2 Jin Sun, Qianchuan Zhao, Peter B. Luh, Mikhail J. Atalla: Estimation of Optimal Elevator Scheduling Performance. ICRA 2006: 1078-1083
1 Jin Sun, Chunrong Yuan: Web-based 3D Interface for Product Data Management. VIIP 2001: 33-38

Coauthor Index

1Vineet Agarwal [6]
2Mikhail J. Atalla [2]
3Anirban Banerjee [3]
4Shi-Chuang Chang [8]
5Byung Kyu Choi (Byung-Kyu Choi) [5]
6Michalis Faloutsos [3]
7Yue Huang [9]
8Roger M. Kieckhafer [5]
9Avinash Kodi [10]
10Jun Li [7] [9]
11Ahmed Louri [10]
12Peter B. Luh [2] [8]
13Dongsheng Ma [7]
14Alexander V. Mitev [6]
15Xiaolin Qin [4]
16Janet Meiling Wang (Janet Meiling Wang Roveda) [6] [7] [9] [10]
17Peng Wang [8]
18Paul J. Weber [5]
19Chunrong Yuan [1]
20Qianchuan Zhao [2]
21Jiping Zheng [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)