
Minkyu Song

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8EEDongsheng Ma, J. Wang, Minkyu Song: Adaptive On-Chip Power Supply With Robust One-Cycle Control Technique. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 16(9): 1240-1243 (2008)
7EESanghoon Hwang, Junho Moon, Minkyu Song: Design of a 1.8 V 6-bit Folding Interpolation CMOS A/D Converter with a 0.93 [pJ/convstep] Figure-of-Merit. IEICE Transactions 91-C(2): 213-219 (2008)
6EEMinkyu Song, Dongsheng Ma: A fast-transient over-sampled delta-sigma adaptive DC-DC converter for power-efficient noise-sensitive devices. ISLPED 2007: 286-291
5EESooyeon Kim, Minkyu Song: Design of a novel 3.3 V CMOS logarithmic amplifier with a two step linear limiting architecture. APCCAS (1) 2002: 131-134
4EEYongsang Yoo, Minkyu Song: Design of a 1.8V 10bit 300MSPS CMOS digital-to-analog converter with a novel deglitching circuit and inverse thermometer decoder. APCCAS (2) 2002: 311-314
3EESamgsuk Kim, Minkyu Song: An 8-bit 200 MSPS CMOS A/D converter for analog interface module of TFT-LCD driver. ISCAS (1) 2001: 528-531
2EEKiwon Choi, Minkyu Song: Design of a high performance 32×32-bit multiplier with a novel sign select Booth encoder. ISCAS (2) 2001: 701-704
1 Minkyu Song, Kunihiro Asada: Design Methodology for Low Power Data Compressors Based on a Window Detector in a 54X54 Bit Multiplier. ISCAS 1995: 1568-1571

Coauthor Index

1Kunihiro Asada [1]
2Kiwon Choi [2]
3Sanghoon Hwang [7]
4Samgsuk Kim [3]
5Sooyeon Kim [5]
6Dongsheng Ma [6] [8]
7Junho Moon [7]
8J. Wang [8]
9Yongsang Yoo [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)