
Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi

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15EEJungsik Kim, Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi, Jung Kim: Haptic Feedback Based on Physically Based Modeling for Cellular Manipulation Systems. EuroHaptics 2008: 661-667
14EEJungsik Kim, Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi, Jung Kim: A physically-based haptic rendering for telemanipulation with visual information: Macro and micro applications. IROS 2008: 3489-3494
13EEBehdad Masih-Tehrani, Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi: Kinematic and Dynamic Dexterity measures for posture prediction. IROS 2008: 89-94
12EEYusof Ganji, Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi: Kinematic characterization of a cardiac ablation catheter. IROS 2007: 1876-1881
11EEBorys Shchokin, Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi: Design and kinematic analysis of a rotary positioner. Robotica 25(1): 75-85 (2007)
10 Behdad Masih-Tehrani, Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi: Kinematic Approach for the Evaluation of Human Visual Perceptibility in the Workspace. ICRA 2006: 3648-3653
9 Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi, Borys Shchokin: A Rotary Parallel Manipulator: Modeling and Workspace Analysis. ICRA 2004: 3671-3677
8 Lingfeng Deng, Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi, William J. Wilson: Stability and Robustness of Visual Servoing Methods. ICRA 2002: 1604-1609
7EEFarrokh Janabi-Sharifi, William J. Wilson: A Fast Approach for Robot Motion Planning. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 25(3): 187-212 (1999)
6 Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi, William J. Wilson: Automatic grasp planning for visual-servo controlled robotic manipulators. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 28(5): 693-711 (1998)
5EEFarrokh Janabi-Sharifi, William J. Wilson: An intelligent assembly robotic system based on Relative Pose measurements. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 12(1): 49-86 (1995)
4EEFarrokh Janabi-Sharifi: Collision: Modeling, simulation and identification of robotic manipulators interacting with environments. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 13(1): 1-44 (1995)
3 René V. Mayorga, Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi, A. K. C. Wong: A Simple Method for the Collision Avoidance of Telerobotic Manipulators. ICRA 1994: 2430-2435
2 Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi, Hussein H. H. Fakhry, William J. Wilson: Integration of a Robust Trajectory Planner with a Feedforward Neural Controller for Robotic Manipulators. ICRA 1994: 3192-3197
1EEFarrokh Janabi-Sharifi, William J. Wilson, G. K. H. Pang: A multi-layered learning model. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 8(3): 399-423 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Lingfeng Deng [8]
2Hussein H. H. Fakhry [2]
3Yusof Ganji [12]
4Jung Kim [14] [15]
5Jungsik Kim [14] [15]
6Behdad Masih-Tehrani [10] [13]
7René V. Mayorga [3]
8G. K. H. Pang [1]
9Borys Shchokin [9] [11]
10William J. Wilson [1] [2] [5] [6] [7] [8]
11A. K. C. Wong [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)