
Matthias Jüngel

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16EEHeinrich Mellmann, Matthias Jüngel, Michael Spranger: Using reference objects to improve vision-based bearing measurements. IROS 2008: 3939-3945
15EEMatthias Jüngel, Heinrich Mellmann: Memory-Based State-Estimation. Fundam. Inform. 85(1-4): 297-311 (2008)
14EEMatthias Jüngel: Self-localization based on a short-term memory of bearings and odometry. IROS 2007: 2494-2499
13EEMatthias Jüngel, Max Risler: Self-localization Using Odometry and Horizontal Bearings to Landmarks. RoboCup 2007: 393-400
12EEMatthias Jüngel, Heinrich Mellmann, Michael Spranger: Improving Vision-Based Distance Measurements Using Reference Objects. RoboCup 2007: 89-100
11 Jan Hoffmann, Michael Spranger, Daniel Göhring, Matthias Jüngel, Hans-Dieter Burkhard: Further Studies on the Use of Negative Information in Mobile Robot Localization. ICRA 2006: 62-67
10EEMartin Lötzsch, Max Risler, Matthias Jüngel: XABSL - A Pragmatic Approach to Behavior Engineering. IROS 2006: 5124-5129
9EEHans-Dieter Burkhard, Ubbo Visser, Matthias Jüngel, Ansgar Bredenfeld, Thomas Christaller: Herausforderung für KI und Robotik. KI 20(2): 5-11 (2006)
8EEJan Hoffmann, Michael Spranger, Daniel Göhring, Matthias Jüngel: Exploiting the Unexpected: Negative Evidence Modeling and Proprioceptive Motion Modeling for Improved Markov Localization. RoboCup 2005: 24-35
7EEMatthias Jüngel: Using Layered Color Precision for a Self-Calibrating Vision System. RobuCup 2004: 209-220
6EEJan Hoffmann, Matthias Jüngel, Martin Lötzsch: A Vision Based System for Goal-Directed Obstacle Avoidance. RobuCup 2004: 418-425
5 Thomas Röfer, Matthias Jüngel: Vision-based fast and reactive monte-carlo localization. ICRA 2003: 856-861
4EEMartin Lötzsch, Joscha Bach, Hans-Dieter Burkhard, Matthias Jüngel: Designing Agent Behavior with the Extensible Agent Behavior Specification Language XABSL. RoboCup 2003: 114-124
3EEMatthias Jüngel, Jan Hoffmann, Martin Lötzsch: A Real-Time Auto-Adjusting Vision System for Robotic Soccer. RoboCup 2003: 214-225
2EEThomas Röfer, Matthias Jüngel: Fast and Robust Edge-Based Localization in the Sony Four-Legged Robot League. RoboCup 2003: 262-273
1EERonnie Brunn, Uwe Düffert, Matthias Jüngel, Tim Laue, Martin Lötzsch, Sebastian Petters, Max Risler, Thomas Röfer, Kai Spiess, Andreas Sztybryc: GermanTeam 2001. RoboCup 2001: 705-708

Coauthor Index

1Joscha Bach [4]
2Ansgar Bredenfeld [9]
3Ronnie Brunn [1]
4Hans-Dieter Burkhard [4] [9] [11]
5Thomas Christaller [9]
6Uwe Düffert [1]
7Daniel Göhring [8] [11]
8Jan Hoffmann [3] [6] [8] [11]
9Tim Laue [1]
10Martin Lötzsch [1] [3] [4] [6] [10]
11Heinrich Mellmann [12] [15] [16]
12Sebastian Petters [1]
13Max Risler [1] [10] [13]
14Thomas Röfer [1] [2] [5]
15Kai Spiess [1]
16Michael Spranger [8] [11] [12] [16]
17Andreas Sztybryc [1]
18Ubbo Visser [9]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)